Sentences with phrase «as part of the story»

This might of course be taken as part of the story of man's spiritual evolution.
I remember wandering into it, not as part of a story mission or anything, and being like..
You can show these abilities as part of the story in your resume's accomplishment statements.
She never had to kiss him or anything as a part of the story line.
It was fun to read about history as part of a story as opposed to dry facts.
· Create a real story: make the reader feel as a part of your story.
It's understandable to make us use the bike as part of the story.
There is one surprise in the current show: a man appears in the distance as part of the story unfolding beyond the window.
To connect with greatness, we have to value the growth, learning, experiences and struggles as the parts of our story that took us where we are now.
Todays book as part of the Story Book Advent is The Little Christmas Elf and brought to you by Best Toys for Toddlers.
A collection of African images which I have used as part of Stories from other Cultures and in Multi Cultural Week.
We don't know whether Sonic's addition will come as a part of a story pack, level pack, team pack or fun pack and we don't know what additional characters from the Sonic franchise will also be appearing.
We don't know whether Sonic's addition will come as a part of a story pack, level pack, team pack or fun pack and we don't know what additional characters from the Sonic franchise will also be appearing.
A photograph of a Lego robot that appeared on Page 35 of the April 24, 2002, issue of Education Week as part of a story on «microdevelopment» research («Research: Under the Microscope»), should have noted that the photo was published courtesy of professor Nira Granott of the University of Texas at Dallas, and was used in research she conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab.
serebii has since posted the actual photo of the pokemon, with a small bio, in which it reveals this pokemon will appear in the volcanion movie as part of the story..
# 382 Kyogre (L45)-- Alpha Sapphire's cover star is found in the Cave Of Origin as part of the story.
All characters can use magic, but Noctis must be there as part of the story setting.
Without the VIP pass code, Catwoman still appears in the game as part of the story, but her playable missions remain locked.
Of course the kerygma may be regarded as part of the story of man's spiritual evolution and used as a basis for a tenable Weltanschauung.
The world - vision which can receive, and within which we can respond to the new, and ourselves create and work for novelty, is some sort of «narrative vision,» in which we see ourselves in the world as part of a story.
Here again Jesus sees his own death not only as part of his story, but primarily as the decisive part of a story about God and what He is doing for men.
One of the Joy's of the season is bringing in our Christmas Tree and decorating it with the kids, today's story as part of the Story Book Advent...
The Albany Times - Union obtained the letter as part of a story reporting that SUNY is investigating Smith because he may have padded his pay without state authorization.
Other hormones get in on the act, including oxytocin, insulin, and ghrelin, but these are the main hormonal problems I see daily as part of the story of low libido.
- Fotolog As part of the stories of the year collection, this piece is being resurfaced along with others in the coming days as ESPN Digital and Print Media closes
I also hated that I had to pay an extra $ 10 to get the Prothean as a part of the story - something that should have been included in the game, not day 1 DLC.
Environments that players traverse through in the open world are routinely present in Destiny 2's lengthy campaign and features a fine mixture of open - world encounters, platforming puzzles, and of course, the obligatory vehicle segment as part of the story's climax.
Three of the last four films to win Best Picture, «The Artist,» «Argo» and «Birdman,» have all had Hollywood or show business as a part of their story.
As part of the story sequences there'll be reference to a special dress that his wife Eliza owns, and when this reference takes place this mission will pop as completed.
It must have been months with, what seemed to me, every day some kind of a fitting — and if there wasn't, we shot a fitting as part of the story.
True, the whole romance angle isn't there, but it's kind of added in later by the Preminger / Wallach versions, both of whom have a romantic subplot as part of their stories.
The island is revealed to be part of an archipelago consisting of smaller islands known collectively as the DK Isles, several of which are accessible as a part of the story.
Destiny: House of Wolves character Brother Vance, who previously organised the Trials of Osiris tournament, will also return as part of the story.
This resource helps learners use decision making as part of story telling.
Ivana Taylor talks, in a recent blog post with the title «8 Creative Ways To Profile Ideal Customers», about putting them together as part of a story.
Sad Café often appears as part of a story collection, which gives you a chance to sample more of McCullers» special brand of atmosphere, moral complexity and weirdness.
Founded by former Google CIO, Douglas Merrill, it appears to be an attempt at short - term consumer lending with a Google - like «don't be evil» approach and markets itself as an alternative to payday loans.The venture caught my eye when mentioned in the New York Times this weekend as part of a story about Gil Ebaz's work of adding value to different services by providing better, more reliable data.
The realistic nature of the story (much like many of the Icelandic Sagas) uses the landscape as part of the story.
NGC had Metal Gear Soild Twin Snake (Kojima wanted Snake in Melee, but he asked to late to including Snake and 3DS had Metal Gear 3D Snake Eater), 3DS had Super Street Fighter 4 3D (We maybe would have got Ultra Street Fighter 4 if the Wii U had sold more) and GBA had Kingdom Heart Chain of Memory with Cloud as part of the story.
In the interest of spoilers, I'll leave out the details as part of the story's majesty is the way it's pieced together into a surprisingly pragmatic narrative, meshed brilliantly into a bizarre game world.
In the case of Skylanders versus Disney Infinity I feel there is a lot more fun to be had here then in Skylanders and it was always good to know that my characters were actually relevant and felt like they had a purpose whether as part of their story or just for running around my own world.
«We made the map and battles function as part of the story, so that players get the same feeling as the characters.
Bungie has included Strikes as part of the story since the first DLC in Destiny 1.
Rail gliding, loop - de-loop segments, and scripted action sequences are placed in the team's way, but the game makes sure to change up how they look as part of the story's «global scale.»
There are five vehicle shells that you can find out in the wasteland in addition to the one you will get for free as part of the story missions.
According to its description, Detention makes use of folklore, mythology, and cultural references as a part of its story.
«The Ultra Wormhole is a new feature that you can go into and explore,» Mr Ohmori says, «as part of that you can go into the worlds where the Ultra Beasts are from, so as part of the story within the game itself this mystery of the Ultra Beasts really comes to the forefront.»
Take a look below at screenshots of her fighting Perfect Susano'o Kakashi as part of a story mode boss battle and against Six Paths Sage Mode Naruto and Rinne Sharingan Sasuke!
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