Sentences with phrase «as patterns of»

Together, we explore such issues as patterns of attachment and relating, internal self talk, cognitive structures, unresolved traumas and one's personal life narrative.
By adjusting the viewpoint of problems as patterns of behaviors that need adjusting, and improving communication skills, families can strengthen and resolve conflict in a more peaceful way.
«Systemic [racism] can be described as patterns of behaviour, policies or practices that are part of the structures of an organization, and which create or perpetuate disadvantage for racialized persons.»
It's a mode of natural variation in the tropical eastern Pacific ocean which is indicated by sea surface temperature in that region, as well as patterns of atmospheric pressure, surface winds over the ocean, even precipitation over a much larger region.
This is one of the reasons that the study of past climates is so particularly important, as patterns of relationships between all the interacting forcings and feedbacks can be seen.
In this condition, as hot as it would be and as much as the patterns of precipitation and other processes have been altered, large additional rises are unstoppable.
The abstract tendencies of Jacklin are present in his figurative works, as his crowded city landscapes often appear as patterns of light and dark, making them simultaneously remote and familiar.
She often explores diverse materials utilizing a visual vocabulary that addresses social issues, perceptions of safety as well as patterns of mass consumption.
In 2000 a mock - up of the mobile version was prepared as an initiative of one of the Polish technology incubators, but we realized that WAP and mobile technologies available, as well as patterns of mobile phones usage, were too limited to make this project successful those days.
May your holidays be as diverse as the patterns of this dress, your (family) gatherings as warm as this dress and may your mirror talk bring lots of positivity for you and your loved ones in the New Year.
Chronic stress (even the so - called «normal» everyday type) as well as patterns of anger, hostility, sadness, anxiety result in perpetually elevated stress hormones, which can ultimately result in organ damage and failure.
They show patterns of gene mutation and gene repair, as well as patterns of natural selection.
How does information about our visual surroundings, projected into our eyes as patterns of light, enter our brain to create our internal representation of the world?
And that made it possible for the researchers via Hubble and VLT to study in detail the distribution of stars in the galaxy as well as the patterns of stellar rotation, says Sune Toft: «Thanks to the natural lens we were able to to gaze into the core of this galaxy, which would otherwise have appeared not much larger than a star to our telescopes.
Eyes Genes involved in eye development might help the butterflies detect fine changes in the sun's position, as well as patterns of polarized light.
He has methodically analyzed about 650 khipus, documenting every cord and knot, as well as more subtle details such as patterns of spacing and color, ply (the direction a cord twists) and knot orientation (S - knots cross the string left to right; Z - knots cross right to left).
Nevertheless, he conveys a mysterious and redeeming truth that God does allows us to perceive his common grace as the patterns of life are suffused with divine radiance.
We characterized congregations (about whom these three types of questions guide «understanding») as sets of practices; and we characterized «practices» as patterns of intentional bodied action.
As patterns of global trade have shifted, the US has gone from being primarily a manufacturer of industrial and consumer goods to a centre of innovation and provider of services.
A senior official from one G7 nation said ministers were deeply worried about what the group saw as a pattern of Russia misbehavior going back years.
The Temptation, in particular, will renarrate Israel's experience as a pattern of the church's struggle in an alien environment called the wilderness.
After trying so long to think of events as simply the product of matter in motion, it is time to think of matter as a pattern of events.
He must set the Good Shepherd before him as the pattern of his calling, caring for the people committed to his charge, and joining with them in a common witness to the world.
Tilden Edwards, an Episcopal priest who has explored this practice in real life as well as in a book, urges contemporary Christians to be flexible, embracing not a renewed Sabbatarianism as much as a pattern of «Sabbath time.»
It implies, rather, that they repeat what has become ingrained, almost second - nature, as a pattern of thought and language.
Christ as the pattern of God's love, then, is our historic authority.
God is revealed in the cosmic disclosure which may occur at some stage as the pattern of models is developed without end, just as there may dawn on us that to which an infinite convergent series points, as its terms are endlessly developed.22
Jesus» inner wrestling can be seen as a pattern of our own.
Less is recorded from the lips of Jesus than the pen of Paul about sex relations, but it is unlikely that our Lord ever expected celibacy to be exalted as the pattern of life for the «religious,» as is the practice of the Roman Catholic Church.
«A kind of northing is what I wish to accomplish, a single - minded trek toward that place where any shutter left open to the zenith at night will record the wheeling of all the sky's stars as a pattern of perfect, concentric circles.
Recently, health experts have been digging into the roots of the traditional Latin American diet, as this pattern of eating has been associated with lower rates of chronic disease and higher life expectancy.
As far as your pattern of starting a season strong and then fading, I think it's been more that we play well at a period in the season, maybe pre-Christmas but maybe post-Christmas.
Emotional abuse of a child is commonly defined as a pattern of behavior by parents or caregivers that has negative mental impact on the child.
Hostile Aggressive Parenting is defined as a pattern of behaviors or actions on the part of one parent or guardian that interferes with or creates difficulties in the relationship between a child or children and their other parent or guardian or another person involved in the raising of the child.
She defined it as a pattern of coercive behavior rooted in the need to maintain power or control.
The Republican chairman sees it as a pattern of Democrats taking money from sexual harassers, like former Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, and being reluctant to give it back after exposure.
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines binge drinking as a pattern of drinking that brings a person's blood alcohol concentration to 0.08 or above.
But Pendry realized that when light hits a small object, the impacting radiation triggers a subtle effect that manifests itself as a pattern of local waves.
The finding is remarkable, as this pattern of stellar rotation in a dead galaxy strongly contradicts prevalent astrophysical theory regarding the formation of elliptical - shaped galaxies shortly after the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago.
This memory speeds up recognition of sounds in the learner's native language and can be detected as a pattern of brain waves, even in a sleeping baby.
When hooked up to an electronic sensor, the pad converts signals from the sensor into small pulses of electric current across the grid, which the tongue «reads» as a pattern of tingles.
But they also bear modern features, such as the pattern of cusps on the lower molars.
Abstract Any type of neurons can be easily identified based on its electrophysiological activity, such as its pattern of spontaneous activity, the shape of its action potential, its dendritic integration, etc..
Dating Abuse is defined as a pattern of coercive behavior in which one person attempts to control another through threats or actual use of physical violence, sexual assault, and verbal or psychological abuse.
As the teacher helps the needy student, he or she 1) loses control of the class in 10 seconds, as students begin to chit - chat, and 2) offers massive social reinforcement for help - seeking, which soon becomes ingrained as a pattern of learned helplessness (the same students every day).
«As the pattern of a society changes, we might therefore expect to see those changes reflected in the structure of the content of the curriculum.»
Community members argued closing the school would only further what they saw as a pattern of underinvestment in black schools and neighborhoods.
Kotak TradeSmart Trends is a service that helps you spot bullish or bearish trends, as well as the pattern of events in the stock market and their fallout.
Black on the coat is a fault, as are «three - color» dogs, such as orange / white with chestnut spottings above the eyes, on the muzzle and legs, such as the pattern of a Doberman or Rottweiler.
The plane was then subjected to simulated wind and turbulence, and a still from the animation was chosen as the pattern of the sewn nylon flag.
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