Sentences with phrase «as philosopher charles»

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There were also the Hussite Wars from 1419 to circa 1434 in which the Roman Catholic Church went to war against followers of Jan Hus, a priest, philosopher, and master at Charles University in Prague who had tried to reform the Church, condemning its sale of indulgences, which were the equivalent of a «get out of jail» card in the game of Monopoly in that the Church sold them as a means for believers to get out of Purgatory.
As a result, religious voices like those of philosophers Alastair MacIntyre, Charles Taylor, Paul Ricoeur, and John Milbank are closer to the heart of academic debate than they have been for several generations.
The Canadian thinker Charles Taylor, in any case, is gaining status as the world's premier philosopher of modernity, the most judicious, the one who makes the most apt and discerning distinctions, the one who best sees both modernity's grandeur and its misery.
Process philosophers in the tradition of Charles Hartshorne propose an account of God as changing from moment to moment, and therefore as internally complex, internally affected by events in the world, and essentially dependent on other nondivine realities.
Charles Morris, not long before he died, told me that he regarded me as «the greatest living idealistic philosopher
One of the creative process philosophers, Charles Hartshorne, states in the beginning of Man's Vision of God his conviction that «a magnificent intellectual content — far surpassing that of such systems as Thomism, Spinozism, German idealism, positivism (old or new) is implicit in the religious faith most briefly expressed in the three words, God is love».1 If this be true what is needed is not the discarding of metaphysics but the exploration of this new possibility in the doctrine of God's being.
Jonathan Edwards «Freedom of the Will» (of which Princeton ethics professor Charles Ramsey said: «This book alone is sufficient to establish its author as the greatest philosopher - theologian yet to grace the American scene.»)
Anglican and Nonconformist theologians, philosophers, and writers (Thomas Carlyle, John Ruskin, Frederic Dennis Maurice, Charles Kingsley), especially the Christian Socialists, were interested in the normative aspect of the problems of religion and society.15 In the younger generation several of these trends are blended: William Temple, John MacMurray, Maurice B. Rickett, Vigo A. Demant.16 Max Weber's influence in England never reached as deep as in France or the United States; it remained limited to his theories on economics.
If a process theologian is one who has been influenced by philosophers such as Alfred North Whitehead and Charles Hartshorne, then obviously you are right.
I Process philosophers in the tradition of Charles Hartshorne propose an account of God as changing from moment to moment, and therefore as internally complex, internally affected by events in the world, and essentially dependent on other nondivine realities.
He has influenced the pragmatic liberalism of many prominent Americans, some of whom saw him as a practical strategist and theoretical interpreter of politics (Walter Lippmann, George Kennan, James Reston, and Hans Morgenthau) while others are convinced that he was chiefly a philosopher of history (Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Will Herberg, and Charles Frankel).
Notable exceptions have been process theologians and philosophers such as John Cobb, Charles Hartshorne, David Griffin, and Jay McDaniel.
Initially he thought that — he was simply explicating what Whitehead should have said or perhaps even wanted to say (The Divine Relativity: A Social Conception of God [New Haven, CN: Yale University Press -LCB- 1948; 1974 -RCB--RSB-, 30 - 31; Charles Hartshorne and William Reese, Philosophers Speak of God [Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1953; 1965], 274; henceforth cited as PSG).
Be that as it may, the process philosopher who has most fully developed what we are calling the rationalist standpoint, and who has argued most vigorously for its importance, is Charles Hartshorne.
Guiding spirits The communitarian philosopher Charles Taylor; figures of the «culturalist» new left such as Raymond Williams; and ethical socialists such as R H Tawney.
In fact, the protagonist of the story is not Charles Darwin as one might expect, but the English philosopher Herbert Spencer, the most famous and influential proponent of what came to be called Social Darwinism.
Nearly a century and a half ago, philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce defined index as a sign that is caused by that which it refers to.
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