Sentences with phrase «as philosophers»

If, as some philosophers would tell us, it's about the journey and not about the arrival, we have a problem, Huston.
Unfortunately, even though such an insulator would be as desirable as the Philosophers Stone, its existence is just as mythical.
An omnivorous reader, influenced by the poet Rimbaud, as well as philosophers like Kierkegaard and Schopenhauer, and with a love of music but little formal training in fine art, Nolan turned to painting at the age of 21, following in the footsteps of abstract painters like Paul Klee and Laszlo Moholy - Nagy.
I do like many artists as well as philosophers and thinkers and there are many I'd like to work or wanted to work with.
Among Descartes» many contributions (he was a brilliant mathematician and scientist as well), the «cogito» (as philosophers call it) remains his most significant contribution to the history of ideas.
Previous Next Winner As philosophers and businessmen are fond of saying, it's hard to argue with success.
In addition to the authors named above, others whom both Millers identify within this orientation include Krishnamurti, Maria Montessori, Rudolf Steiner, and Joseph Chilton Pearce, as well as philosophers such as Emerson and Whitehead.
The professors see themselves as philosophers and evangelists, not as master craftsmen sharing tradecraft with apprentices and journeymen.
Socrates and Aristotle were not described as mathematicians or writers but as philosophers.
In 1918, a supergroup known as The Philosophers was born in the fallout of World War I, assembling the wealthiest and most powerful people on the planet together in a way Nick Fury could only dream.
But in any case, he was not only an economist, as philosophers and political theorists have rediscovered in the last 30 years or so.
This is not to say, as some philosophers do, that thinking itself is worship of God; an element of worship is present, to be sure, in all objective thinking but the worship may be that of an idol or the sort of self - worship which desecrates the object of thought by making it a means to the end of self - glorification.
Moreover, scientists are generally as incompetent at philosophy as philosophers are at science.
None of them, as philosophers, merely provide an abstract philosophical conceptuality which theologians are then able to use.
If all determination is negation, as the philosophers say, it might well prove that the loss of some of the particular determinations which the brain imposes would not appear a matter for such absolute regret.
Most of these lectures aim at bringing the insights of Hinduism and Buddhism closer to Indian and Western Christians as well as philosophers, to deepen their understanding of faith and expand it to other forms of belief.43 His anthology «The Vedic Experience» which has been accepted and respected by many Hindus, tries to present texts from the Veda and the Upanishads in such a way that they become open towards other beliefs and transparent for the depth of faith.44 An important aspect of his literary production, already central at the beginning, but gaining prominence again lately, has been to address a Western public that faces the challenge of having to seek its religious identity and not being able to take it for granted.
This becomes particularly clear when one takes account of certain basic presuppositions that are now widely shared by theologians as well as philosophers.
as the philosophers of the western enlightenment say: why not believe in God?
For it is not true, as the philosophers explain, that necessity is a unity of possibility and actuality; no, actuality is a unity of possibility and necessity.
As philosophers and in noetic terms these Americans seized the opportunity to seek the divine in a «freedom» that exists from the psyche of being to the horizon of Divine mystery.
There is, of course, an astounding paradox to the human being which the word unique records, and unsophisticated folk as well as philosophers know that the paradox is real — that is, ontological.
His ideas swept away the prejudices of dogmatic philosophical tradition and demanded an accounting of the inner conscious life and the universe itself, as we find it, not as philosophers have believed it ought to be or must be.
If concrescence is in fact temporal as some philosophers maintain, its temporality must involve both the A-series and the B - series characteristics; genetic time can not be A-series time without entailing events ordered or orderable in terms of B - series time.
As philosophers repeatedly insist, we have no possibility of achieving a «God's eye view» or a «view from nowhere.»
He certainly is aware of it, as the philosophers themselves testify.
Insofar as philosophers now attempt to reach final conclusions, they characteristically abandon the traditional questions of philosophy and limit themselves to much more specialized ones.
We do not choose the members of our judiciary because of their eminence as philosophers or their insight as moralists.
How did this teenage skate obsessive end up with a career as a philosopher?
Aurelius was one of the great emperors of Rome, known to many as the Philosopher King.
My philosophy department dismissed me as a futurist and the economists dismissed me as a philosopher (A little vindication: I have since had a few individuals contact me and apologize for dismissing me and in review they have found my premises and argumentation sound even if they still do not necessarily agree with my conclusions).
As philosopher Jason Brennan points out, even libertarians — and libertarians are, shall we say, fond of property rights — do not regard property rights as absolute.
As a philosopher he lacks the hard clinicality of English philosophers of his generation.»
For just this reason Marx saw Bentham as a philosopher with the mind of a small shopkeeper.»
As the philosopher Krishnamurti suggested, «There are no distractions.»
As the philosopher Roger Scruton puts it, «A society based on agape [selfless love] alone is all very well, but it will not reproduce itself: nor will it produce the crucial relation — that between parent and child — which is the basis on which we can begin to understand our relation to God.
Part of Maritain's appeal as a philosopher of art stems from his intimate contact with the creative atmosphere of early - twentieth - century France.
When it was first said that the sun stood still and the world turned round, the common sense of mankind declared the doctrine false; but the old saying of Vox populi, vox Dei, as every philosopher knows, can not be trusted in science.
Gadamer was telling us about the ever - present communication of Being» and he was doing it as a philosopher, for he was neither a theologian nor even a Christian.
«It has always been my practice,» says Schweitzer, «not to say anything when speaking as a philosopher that goes beyond the absolutely logical exercise of thought.
However, as a philosopher of science his ideas bear a remarkable resemblance to those expounded by Fr Holloway.
Apart from the problems with the idea of «fixed probabilities», one might think that Papineau's readiness to surrender to the physicists the last word on human thinking imperils his employment as a philosopher.
As the philosopher John Stuart Mills put it:
For example, only we are moral beings: As the philosopher Hans Jonas put it, «an «ought to» can issue only from man and is alien to everything outside him.»
It apparently does not mean that theology must begin with a theory of the essence of God as a philosopher would.
They are not stated systematically or in a developing logical sequence, as a philosopher might state them, but over and over again they appear — in aphorism, parable, simile, striking hyperbole, in words of commendation or rebuke or in Jesus» own recorded deeds.
It was this quest for factual certainty that prompted Aristotle in the fourth century before Christ to become, for his day, a great scientist as well as philosopher.
Brightman was as intellectually honest as any philosopher I know of, and the following expression of his uncertainty seems to suggest that he knows Hartshorne has raised issues his philosophy can not handle:
As a philosopher, St. Thomas Aquinas is both overvalued and undervalued.
All the better that I felt similarly about another task which I was given (again without asking), in the same year (1925 - 26) to help A. N. Whitehead grade papers, hence listen to him lecture, and read what he wrote as a philosopher, rather than just a logician, mathematician, and physicist.
So Wojtyla, as a philosopher and a theologian, takes upon himself, in his guidebook to the Council, the task of thematizing the inside of being a Christian.
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