Sentences with phrase «as philosophy at»

Being a true Renaissance man, Graham also studied painting at the Academia di Belle Arti in Florence and the Rhode Island Institute of Design as well as philosophy at Cornell University.

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But then again, the father of classical economics, Adam Smith, wasn't an «economist» (as «economics» wasn't a distinct academic field in his times) but a professor of moral philosophy at Glasgow University.
I have been lucky enough to teach this curriculum in both a General Assembly class and as a mentor at the Kaplan / TechStars EdTech Accelerator, and now I am happy to share my startup metrics philosophy with the interwebs.
It's this career philosophy that has fueled her turnaround effort at Yahoo since she joined the company as CEO last year, at age 37, after more than a decade at Google.
As one of three principals at the helm of a design and communications consultancy, I often engage in debates about aesthetic philosophies.
Name: Payal Kadakia Company: ClassPass Work - life balance philosophy: I look at work - life balance as the ability to to carve out time for both your passions and your work.
As Vincent F. Hendricks, Professor of Formal Philosophy and Logic at the University of Copenhagen, cautions: «A good question is not necessarily one you can answer «yes» or «no» to.
«The only responses that have been provided thus far is the bank simply defending its compensation philosophy (with no attempt at compromise), as well as limiting who we can and can not email within the organization.
Social media now gives everyone a front row seat at the event, so the new philosophy helps get the items right into the hands of customers as soon as they want it.
Under ROWE, as the program has come to be known, a corporate philosophy that equated success at work with long hours at the office would be scrapped in favour of a more flexible workplace.
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Is that a philosophy, which you stand behind, could you do that from the ethic point of view, when the premium are extremely low, which is at the case... that the spreads are, as I said, between 15 and 20 basis points?
Aides do point to Carson's experience on corporate boards (which he says he will resign from now that he's running for president) and the business experience of members of his inner circle, such as Jeff Reeter, Carson's national finance chairman, a managing partner at Northwestern Mutual, as guideposts for his philosophy: the campaign's economic policy will be business - friendly.
Subsequent to graduation, he served as a military intelligence officer overseas and then pursued graduate studies in philosophy in the Ph.D program at The Johns Hopkins University.
At the time I was more interested in Eastern philosophy than Western as it seemed to point me towards more interesting ideas in mathematics, but I did read the Bible.
It could just as well be argued that those in the liberal arts become more adept at literature, music, or philosophy and are, therefore, «better educated».
There he was far more warmly received as a Wheaton College representative than he would be at any secular American philosophy conference, and he was given a chance, on television, to testify to his faith in Christ.
At one time the Catholic natural law philosophy of Thomas Aquinas and his followers dominated European thinking, but its metaphysical foundations were undermined as science replaced Aristotelian teleology and Catholic theology with a materialist worldview that considers only efficient causes.
After his conversion through prayer and the reading of Scripture, he aimed his quill at the foundations of modern philosophy and became, in many senses, the Johann Sebastian Bach of philosophy: «a true pan of harmony and discord, light and darkness, spiritualism and materialism» (as Schelling so perceptively called him).
Augros, a professor of philosophy at the Center for Higher Studies in Thornwood, New York, pointed to scientific studies that suggested the active drug in Plan B — levonorgestrel — could function not only as a contraceptive, but as an abortifacient.
The academic theorists of the cultural left - those who have been distracted by «mostly apocalyptic French and German philosophy» at the expense of political economy — must recognize that they now need as allies «what remains of the pre-sixties reformist left.»
Hence it is wholly consistent of Heidegger to propose as authentic interpretations of, say, Presocratic philosophy what seem at first to be wholly novel assertions.6 The seeming voluntarism, not to say willfulness of Heidegger's treatment of history may not commend his philosophy to our objectivist - empiricist temper, but it is clearly reflected in his analysis in principle of Dasein's authentic having - been - ness and makes a resounding contrast with Mason / Whitehead.
Dr. Peter Boghossian, professor of philosophy at Portland State University, in a great talk on faith - based epistemology: «I disagree with granting religious delusion as an exemption, and I want to mention there's a budding young scholar here at Portland State University, Renee Barnett [sp?]
The theology and philosophy of Edward Holloway stands alone as a contemporary synthesis which on the one hand rejects any dialectical tension at the heart of being and at the same time upholds the real distinction between matter and spirit.
But the Christians in the churches at Ephesus, Colossea, and Asia Minor who first heard these letters read aloud would instantly recognize Peter and Paul's version of the household codes as a sort of radical Christian remix of familiar Greco - Roman philosophy.
In this essay, I wish to briefly survey this harmonious relationship as perhaps the supreme example of reason at the service of revelation, or of philosophy as the handmaid to theology.
If we see Hegel's philosophy, at least in part, as an attempt to rethink the Aristotelian metaphysics in the light of the Kantian «Copernican Revolution,» the way in which the Kantian development enabled Hegel to resolve the Aristotelian difficulties emerges.
At any rate, Deleuze himself invites the comparison, referring to Process and Reality as «one of the greatest books of modern philosophy,» and linking his own use of «descriptive notions» to that deployment of «empirico - ideal notions [which] we find in Whitehead» (cf. D&R 284).
Ward and Loughlin are engaged in sophisticated cultural criticism, parody, irony, and a fluid combination of discourses from postmodern philosophy, Christian tradition and gender studies, and both their style and content seem ill at ease with confident programmatic statements and a preference for Augustine / Aquinas as the theological «default setting.»
As Richard Swinburne, philosophy professor at the University of Oxford, has demonstrated, on that basis the probability of this particular miracle becomes very strong.
That I was not aware, while working out my philosophy of religion, how much I was repeating some aspects of the paternal train of thought was partly a consequence of the facts that, from the age of fourteen on, I was much away from home at boarding school or college, in the army, studying in Europe, as instructor or research Fellow at Harvard, or otherwise occupied, all of which meant that I was seldom exposed to Father's sermons.
When I realize that the particular conclusions generated by the serious reflection that arises from such assumptions have only the authority of those assumptions, then I feel free to turn to another philosophy that includes among its data human persons and their interactions; for my perception of reality is such that these seem to me at least as real and ultimate as sense data and mechanical relations.
It will be useful at the outset to distinguish two matters that the very title of this response tends confusingly to run together, viz., (1) «Hermeneutics,» in particular hermeneutics as shaped by commitments to the conceptuality and doctrines of process philosophy, and (2) the use of Scripture - as - interpreted in the course of doing theology.
The group is called the «Philosophy of Living Group,» and all patients currently at the Day Center are required to come, as they are to all other group meetings.
If the nature of horseness is a static constant, as it seems to befor St Thomas and Aristotle, the question arises: can this philosophy really give an adequate account of the continuum of development in life forms that lies at the heart of the theory of evolution?
The mission philosophy recognizes correctly that therapy for the low - bottom alcoholic must aim at returning him to society, must minister to his physical as well as his spiritual needs, and must involve some personality reorientation.
After joining the faculty in philosophy at Harvard University in 1925, where he began editing the collected papers of C. S. Peirce, Charles Hartshorne also served as an assistant to Alfred North Whitehead.
At the very time that Roentgen and Becquerel were bringing to a close the Newtonian era in science, Henri Bergson and William James were introducing, into philosophy and psychology respectively, the notion of relations as being internal and experienceable; and this was to alter radically the terms of philosophy laid down by Descartes, Kant, and Hegel.
Existentialist philosophy may push the revolution to its limit as in Sartre's doctrine that man creates himself out of nothing, and this «nothing» is at the heart of man's freedom.36 There are more balanced views, but we can not escape the fact that our sense of time and becoming has created a new understanding of what it means to be.
science is not everything, the problem is when the critical and objective philosophy of science is accepted as absolute in reality.God is beyond logic at this point of our consciousness, The process of gods will manfistation is evolution which accepts all variables in the process, the input could be not what scienctists wants.Thats why faith or religion is part of reality.
The word «nihilism» has a complex history in modern philosophy, but I use it in a sense largely determined by Nietzsche and Heidegger, both of whom not only diagnosed modernity as nihilism, but saw Christianity as complicit in its genesis; both it seems to me were penetratingly correct in some respects, if disastrously wrong in most, and both raised questions that we Christians ignore at our peril.
everything in the universe evolves, not only life forms but also memes, Religion is a meme so it also change in conformity to its era or time of its conception as faith.Because in pre scientific times thousands of years ago, the scientific method of approach or philosophy has not existed yet, myth or merely story telling is considered facts, The first religion called animism more than 10,000 years ago believed that spirits or god exists in trees, rivers, mountains, boulders or in any places people at that time considered holy.hundreds of them, then when the Greeks and Romans came, it was reduced to 12, they called it polytheism, when the Jews arrived, it was further reduced to 1, monotheism.its derivatives, Christianity And Islam and later hundreds of denominations that includes Mormonism and Protestants flourished up to today.So in short this religions evolved in accordance to the scientific knowledge of the age or era they existed.If you graph the growth of knowledge, it shows a sharp increase in the last 500 years, forcing the dominant religions at that time to reinterprete their dogmas, today this traditional religions are becoming obsolete and has to evolve to survive.But first they have to unify against the dialectical process of change, Theism in one hand and the opposing force atheism in the other, will resolve into a result or synthesis.The process shall be highlighted in the internet in the near future.
At Oxford, where he studied with R. M. Hare, and then as a professor at Melbourne's Monash University, Singer slightly modified his philosophy into what he calls preference utilitarianisAt Oxford, where he studied with R. M. Hare, and then as a professor at Melbourne's Monash University, Singer slightly modified his philosophy into what he calls preference utilitarianisat Melbourne's Monash University, Singer slightly modified his philosophy into what he calls preference utilitarianism.
The philosophy of natural rights is by its nature optimistic — as even Prof. Smolin concedes at one point in his review, contradicting himself.
Absorbed as he was in his New Testament studies, Bultmann took time off to listen to his colleague Martin Heidegger, who was professor of philosophy at Marburg from 1923 to «28.
It is Polanyi's theory of tacit knowing, therefore, I believe, which can start us on the right path, coalescing as it does with the existential - phenomenological approach of Merleau - Ponty, and it may be, in large part at least, something not unlike the philosophy of Process and Reality that will emerge.2
Pixley charges Whitehead's thought with three things: (1) that it is «at the very least... open to appropriation for counterrevolutionary purposes;» (2) that «Justice shines by its absence» from Whitehead's list of five cultural aims as the measure of civilized life; and (3) that Whitehead's philosophy contains within it latent counterrevolutionary tendencies.»
The statement, read at the closing session of the annual meeting by the FGCK secretary general, Rev Simon Kariuki, added that the church supported the Nyayo Philosophy of peace, love and unity as expounded by the president.
After studying at the City College of New York and Columbia University, he had a distinguished career as a professor of philosophy at several colleges in New York and at the University of Houston, a post he retired from in 2002.
Whitehead, another mathematician - physicist - philosopher, had a similar view Thus our theological scheme is no longer as seriously at odds with science or the philosophy of science as it was in the days of classical or Newtonian physics.
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