Sentences with phrase «as placebo pills»

Some experts swear by them, while others feel that they're only as good as placebo pills.

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Medical professionals call this withdrawal bleeding, and it's what happens when the hormone levels in your blood drop as you take those placebo pills.
Experiments on five people who were given a caffeine pill or a placebo pill a few hours before their normal bedtime and then exposed to dim or bright light showed that caffeine's effects were about half as strong as exposure to bright lights — one of the best - studied ways to shift the body's clock.
Only one woman reported an episode of drowsiness from the sham acupuncture, whereas the placebo pill recipients reported eight adverse events such as headache, fatigue, dizziness and constipation.
But in the last five years or so, researchers have shown that dispensing pills that people know are placebos can still alleviate symptoms of IBS (as they did for Linda) and depression, as long as the researchers explain that dummy pills have worked for patients in the past.
Taking oral contraceptives that «skip» your period (as opposed to the three weeks of hormones pill, followed by one week of placebo) can provide a steady dose of estrogen, which helps keep the migraines at bay.
When medications are tested, it is usually tested against a placebo — a sugar pill dressed up as the medication.
Compared to the placebo group, who took a sugar pill, the probiotic takers scored significantly lower on the Ledien Index of Depression Sensitivity scale - meaning they ended up as happier (14)!
The data from the double - blind clinical trial showed that subjects who took ClariMem ® as directed for 12 weeks displayed a statistically significant improvement in overall cognitive ability compared to subjects who took a placebo (inactive sugar pill).
A placebo, also known as a sugar pill, is a treatment that is often given to study participants as a control to compare the effects of «nothing» to the effects of an actual treatment.
At the conclusion of the study the researchers reported that patients receiving Ginkgo showed a remarkable overall improvement in their condition, including a 300 percent increase in memory and attention as compared to those receiving the placebo pills.
I was no less enthusiastic than those standing on the podium as this was for me an opportunity to evaluate for the first time a school voucher initiative by means of a randomized field trial, the gold standard for evaluating the effectiveness of a program, the same design as the pill - placebo design used in medical research to ascertain whether pills are effective.
For the pharmacological interventions, the control condition is always a pill placebo, while the psychological control conditions are waiting - list (WL), treatment as usual (TAU), psychological placebo or attention placebo or no - treatment (NT).
Our study design diverged from the TDCRP in offering SP rather than pill placebo plus clinical management as its presumed least active treatment.
A placebo is a harmless substance (sugar pill) given as if it were medicine.
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