Sentences with phrase «as prattle»

The gentleman behind the counter at Carnitas Lonja cut me off as I prattled through an order.
A menacingly good evening, with Zoë Wanamaker sublime as the prattling, over-motherly boarding landlady.
I only half listened as she prattled about Papaver somniferum and lancing the pods so sticky flower milk oozed out.

Not exact matches

I boldly went into a chat room once prattling on about stiff as a board light as a feather, ouijahs, and the thing under the bed.
I might as well have burst into a boardroom and prattled on about bigfoot.
Essentially he is paid to prattle on for hours a day so the drones who listen to him can repeat his inane ideas as though they were their own.
However, Mr Prescott dismissed the claims as «press prattle on a political agenda», telling BBC One's Politics Show: «Yes of course I am satisfied with it [the inquiry], as much as I know about it.
It also helps that the prattle of Murphy as Donkey is kept to a minimum.
In truth he prattles about Chekhov, Gauguin, Hamlet and above all the plays of O'Neill («they're dark») as if profundity can be acquired through the medium of namedropping.
Similarly, when Buscemi's character tweaks Stormare's as a «smart guy,» the roles have been reversed post-Miller's Crossing, with the prattling Buscemi filling in for Tom Reagan and Stormare inheriting the lethal mantle of the Dane.
Graphics aren't nearly as important as the gameplay, so I won't prattle on forever... but the graphics go a long way in helping to sell this tale of a «world that's been divided».
These lamentations by Rubinstein and Schjeldahl — and there are many examples by other writers I could have given — about painting's fallen status, its descent from Olympian greatness, remind me of people who preface everything with, «back in the good old days» or prattle on about how «you can't paint like Rubens» anymore, as if that is what the world needed most.
As to what is said, for somebody who prattles on about the importance of different ways of knowing, and the need to include humanities within the ambit of the IPCC, Mike Hulme is pretty clueless.
Yet he prattles on as if he thinks he has an understanding of climate science.
You get fine well on with fools as evidenced with the prattle that you post.
TreeHugger prattles on and on about eating local food: it doesn't have to go as far, so it can be picked and arrive at your table fresher, and doesn't cause an excess of greenhouse gases to be spewed into our atmosphere as a result of shipping, and that makes it better.
He listened patiently as the prospect prattled on, but he was easily distracted when he spotted a fly.
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