Sentences with phrase «as protein synthesis»

The product increases the mass of lean muscle as well as protein synthesis and strength.
For the first time, researchers have shown that an essential biological process known as protein synthesis can be studied in adult stem cells — something scientists have long struggled to accomplish.
This means it stimulates bone and muscle growth through various means such as protein synthesis.
Finally, when a high dose of norepinephrine was administered in lieu of anisomycin, before training, the excess neurotransmitter levels caused amnesia (just as the protein synthesis inhibitor had).
The capability of post-training creatine intake to increase intramuscular creatine levels exactly 1 - 2 hours after lifting weights, improve the cells» hydration as well as protein synthesis in the muscles, has a direct effect on the ability to put on muscle mass more rapidly, taking into account the fact that lifting weights has a tendency to stimulate breakdown (catabolism) of muscle tissue for a prolonged period of time after exercising.
eFFECTOR is pioneering a new class of small molecule drugs that act by selectively regulating translation, also known as protein synthesis.
Ornithine has been shown to be associated the ability to induce the secretion of anabolic hormones such has growth hormone but new findings suggest it has a myriad of another functions such as protein synthesis, protein catabolism and reduction physical fatigue *.
So, as you can see, this insulin signaling cascade, at least on this arm, regulates a number of aspects of metabolism; both carbohydrate and synthesis carbohydrate metabolism, as well as protein synthesis and metabolism.
Under normal conditions, mTOR regulates essential cellular functions, such as protein synthesis and cell growth and proliferation.
This process is known as protein synthesis, which means that when you eat more protein, your body creates even more protein within itself, which means that your muscle growth potential is increased.
When this happens, fat burning slows down (or stops) as well as protein synthesis.
This feeding cycle stimulates the production of cellular factors such as Cyclic AMP or GMP, which stimulate hormone synthesis and fat burning during the day, as well as protein synthesis and growth during the night, respectively.
Since insulin plays a role in providing nutrients and stimulating the muscle building process (known as protein synthesis), reduced effectiveness of this key hormone can present issues for maximising muscle growth.
Interestingly, magnesium has also been shown to aid in the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) which increases muscle endurance, as well as protein synthesis, neuromuscular contraction, nerve transmission, and insulin metabolism (5).
This enzyme shuts down protein synthesis to conserve energy, as protein synthesis is a non-essential process to your basic survival.
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