Sentences with phrase «as qualitative study»

This teacher research was designed as a qualitative study.
When you take a topic for writing dissertation, it may require field investigation as well as qualitative study.
Quantitative as well as qualitative studies based on the FFCWS reinforce earlier findings and document other factors affecting fathers» involvement.43 Unwed fathers who participated at the time of the birth in parenting and providing financial support were more likely to remain involved with their children.
Parents who have attended one of the many programmes on offer in Oxford and have found them helpful, as qualitative studies suggest they do, 11 are likely to have recommended the programmes to others and generated further interest.

Not exact matches

With the advent of powerful computers, databases, and stock screeners it has become increasingly easy for investors to implement Graham's quantitative strategies, while the qualitative study of companies remains nearly as time consuming and research intensive as it was in 1934.
As I moved on to a pastorate in Tottenham, north London, I studied for a masters» degree in cross-cultural mission at All Nations Christian College and then returned to Spurgeon's to do a qualitative research project on multicultural church under their Doctor of Ministry programme.
The arts merit a central role in liberal studies insofar as they are conceived not as occasions for self - exhibition, studied opacity, and calculated freakishness, but as opportunities for the disciplined attainment of qualitative excellence in the form of singular perceptual constructions.
The American Egg Board graciously shared all qualitative and quantitative findings from that study as well as the presentation that was given at the meeting.
• One small scale qualitative study (Herbert & Carpenter, 1994) showed mothers» perceiving fathers» reactions to the birth as being quite different from their own; these mothers also often commented on the fathers» inability to discuss the child with them.
A qualitative study of childbirth as spoken about in midwives» ante - and postnatal consultations.
As shown in both quantitative and qualitative studies, the perception of breasts as sexual objects may lead women to feel uncomfortable about breastfeeding in publiAs shown in both quantitative and qualitative studies, the perception of breasts as sexual objects may lead women to feel uncomfortable about breastfeeding in publias sexual objects may lead women to feel uncomfortable about breastfeeding in public.
Expressed breast milk as «conection» and its influence on the construction of «motherhood» for mothers of preterm infants: a qualitative study.
Finally, in a qualitative study of fathers from the FFCWS, Garfield and Chung39 found that about half of the fathers they interviewed considered discipline as 1 of their key roles, even in infancy.
A descriptive qualitative study design was chosen as the most appropriate design to address the research aim. will be hungry for case studies, particularly ones with outcomes measured in hard numbers (though we'll welcome qualitative analysis as well).
Qualitative studies have suggested that economically disadvantaged couples strongly value marriage, but they struggle to meet what they see as the high economic standard required to marry.
This Childhood Stress study, led by Chilton with several Drexel graduates in the School of Public Health, used both quantitative and qualitative methods to gather information about 31 Philadelphia mothers» experience with deprivation, abuse, violence and neglect, as well as their experiences with hunger, education and employment and more.
A qualitative synthesis of these studies found that SBML improved outcomes in four areas: the educational laboratory, patient care practices, patient outcomes and collateral effects such as reduced healthcare costs.
Additionally, feedback from the participants themselves has also been published in the journal BMC Psychiatry, as «The effects and determinants of exercise in first - episode psychosis: a qualitative study»
Smollan's case study of a New Zealand healthcare authority undergoing major restructuring represents a quite unique qualitative examination of the stresses of work life as those involved are caught up in the tumultuous processes of organizational change.
As more research is conducted in more regions and countries, amongst a wider array of cultures and amongst those who are and those who are not religious, using a meaningful qualitative approach combined with quantitative studies will help the field become increasingly nuanced and rich.
Resources provide opportunities to: - explore how adverts play on our fears and dreams - explore persuasive language in advertising - explore presentational features - analyse adverts across 3 mediums (TV, radio and web)- explore synergy - study advertising across a range of mediums - plan own advertising campaign - conduct risk assessments and planning document as would be the case in the industry - give a pitch for the campaign created - explore legal and ethical - investigate the ASA (advertising standards agency)- consider budgets - conduct primary and secondary research - gather qualitative and quantitative data A work book is also included for students to complete as they study the course.
This study will be qualitative in nature, using interviews and focus groups as the primary research methods.
The course will be conducted as a seminar with class work organized around prescribed readings on a particular issue as well as data and other materials from researchers» and students» qualitative studies.
As stated in the study, qualitative results are robust to dropping any individual country, as well as to dropping obvious groups of countrieAs stated in the study, qualitative results are robust to dropping any individual country, as well as to dropping obvious groups of countrieas well as to dropping obvious groups of countrieas to dropping obvious groups of countries.
Bartlett (2002; in press) conducted a qualitative study with the same students as in the present study.
The qualitative case study presented in this article used Indigenous Postcolonial Theory as a lens to explore the process and outcomes of a partnership between Indigenous community members and a teacher preparation program.
The study used qualitative methods as well as quantitative methods to collect data.
Inductive qualitative techniques were incorporated to determine which online learning spaces study participants had experienced as well as their perceptions of each.
As part of a team evaluating a Teacher Incentive Fund, Cara led the design and analysis of teacher and administrator surveys, oversaw collection of qualitative data at one of three case study sites, and analyzed fiscal data.
As shown in Figure 1, the LS - TPACK process produces qualitative data that are assembled into a case study database (Yin, 2003).
Her works have appeared in journals such as Qualitative Inquiry, Cultural Studies < = > Critical Methodologies, Education Policy Analysis Archives, and Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, among others.
Auerbach's qualitative study of four urban «exemplar» school administrators who actively pursued family and community engagement as part of their commitment to socially just leadership details practices used to build bridges to disenfranchised Latino communities.
To determine the effectiveness of the resources and approach to developing preservice teachers» knowledge of students and content as well as their habits of mind in using the resources, the study included quantitative and qualitative data.
In this qualitative study, drawing from social - ecological and critical theories, multiple factors, such as the ability - level and gender of the child, school policies, and the prevalent stigma surrounding disability are examined to understand how they interact to shape educators» attitudes and responses to violence.
An understanding of the qualitative research principles, the dynamics associated with diversity and change and the need to study problems that are relevant in real settings while systematically inquiring, making hypotheses and testing these hypotheses; use as a vehicle for empowering teachers and learners.
Educator Joe Nathan, for example, supports a pair of charter schools in the Twin Cities that educate mostly Somali and Oromo students, because the schools provide a space where children can retain their home language and knowledge of their home culture.59 Likewise, Letitia Basford's qualitative study of Somali youth concluded that «attending a culturally specific charter school promotes positive intercultural competence in which students are able to build a good self - concept and find comfort in who they are as East African immigrants, as Muslims, and as American citizens.»
Previously, Tse was a coauthor and analyst for the U.S. Department of Education PPSS (Policy and Program Studies Services) Task 6, Preparing At - Risk Students for Postsecondary Success, and a lead qualitative analyst for the study of Reclassifying and Not Reclassifying English Learners as Fluent English Proficient: Access and Achievement.
This presentation explores the tripartite elements of practical theory, reflective practice and weblogs as examined through a qualitative research study conducted in a secondary MAT program at a large southeastern university.
This approach, as discussed by Onwuegbuzie and Leech (2006), is advantageous when both quantitative and qualitative data a + re used in a single study.
Qualitative research, such as case studies, has generally found that most successful efforts work fast; they demonstrate tangible results within a matter of months and show stakeholders that things are changing for the better (Public Impact, 2007).
Further, E3 Alliance kicked off a unique qualitative study to identify replicable practices in schools identified as providing the highest academic growth for ELL students.
This involves an analysis of the qualitative as well as the quantitative aspects of the study done.
There were a few studies that suggested ways of narrowing down the field by eliminating funds that had certain characteristics such as the highest fees, or only including funds that had certain qualitative features such as a large personal stake in the fund by the manager, but no single factor worked consistently.
Also referred to as synthetic scenarios (IPCC, 1994), they are commonly applied to study the sensitivity of an exposure unit to a wide range of variations in climate, often according to a qualitative interpretation of projections of future regional climate from climate model simulations (guided sensitivity analysis, see IPCC - TGCIA, 1999).
Researchers might conduct correlational studies of existing cases, as Long and Christenson did in their study of readability and success on appeal241 or as Moss did in his mixed - methods study of employment discrimination summary judgment motions.242 Or they might conduct an experiment asking participants to simulated cases, as in the proposed modification of Chestek's study of preferences for narrative elements in briefs.243 Alternatively, researchers could conduct qualitative studies of decision - makers believe that legal writing influences their decisions.
Edison Research, a company that focuses on both quantitative and qualitative research, conducted a study that highlights the explosive growth of podcasting as a digital marketing medium.
These and other characteristics of the German legislation were subject to a qualitative study which was conducted as part of a comparative research project commissioned by the Dutch Research and Documentation Centre (WODC).
Parent alienation strategies: A qualitative study of adults who experienced parental alienation as a child.
Experience of using qualitative and quantitative research skills, as well as communication skills, e.g. through your degree studies, could be beneficial.
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