Sentences with phrase «as quarrel»

Male cats are almost twice as likely to acquire feline immunodeficiency virus, reflecting their propensity to roam as well as quarrel with other cats.
Aside from a few rare TV and film appearances, Ann Todd disappeared from the screen, whereas character actor John Kitzmiller would gain a bit of immortality as Quarrel in the first James Bond film, Dr. No, and in his final role as Uncle Tom in the 1965 German production, Onkel Toms Hütte.
There was constant bickering about spiritual gifts and their proper use, as well as quarrels about money, leaders, and who baptized whom.

Not exact matches

The religious disputes turn legal as members quarrel over farmland, construction contracts, and other land ownership issues, security courses said.
There was one problem: a last - minute quarrel threatened to derail the deal when Iraq became a problem (just as we warned would happen in September).
The partisan quarrel comes as the Commons international trade committee is poised to meet Friday to consider a joint Conservative - NDP request for an emergency summer meeting to grill key ministers on Canada's approach to the NAFTA negotiations.
If Trump succeeds in getting more favourable terms of trade from his trading partners, along with perhaps relief on his defence budget, he will emerge as the winner in the noisiest trade quarrel the world has seen in the last couple of decades.
Trump's being cunning — not dumb — over China, says trade expert ING analyst: U.S. president could «emerge as the winner in the noisiest trade quarrel» in two decadesU.S.
Recognizing this fact, the National Atheist Party has no quarrel with those that would like to see the «cross» as a part of such a memorial, with the caveat that other faiths, including none at all, should also be represented.
The Anabaptist rejection of oaths was not merely an interpretative quarrel, but was understood more deeply as a part of the Anabaptist rejection of Christian involvement in political and military affairs.
The quarrel about the end of art is otiose so long as this end is not understood dialectically.
My one quarrel with the book is that Thatcher does not pay much attention to the influential Calvinist view of marriage as a «covenant.»
Salaam's original complaint, known as a first information report, had been lodged five days after the women's quarrel.
The Epistle reading in I Timothy 2:1 - 8 speaks of the cessation of anger and quarreling as marks of the godly life.
The Epistle reading in I Timothy 2:1 - 8 speaks of the cessation of anger and quarreling as marks of...
But just as Bradley affected to quarrel with arithmetic, so we should expect that some will dislike the attempt to arithmetize theology.
In our family of eight, plus a cook and a so - called (and well - called) mother's helper, quarrels were almost unknown and, as brother Richard recently put it, none lasted overnight.
This appears in such vividly told stories as the separation of Abraham and Lot because their herdsmen quarreled, Jacob's journey eastward to Haran to get a wife from among his mother's people and his long service in tending the flocks of his uncle Laban, the famine that sent Jacob's other sons to Egypt for food when Joseph had become Pharaoh's overlord.
The reform of canon law is still far away... in short, there is nothing like a new Pentecost to be noticed, but rather quarrels and alienation among Catholics themselves, new unsolved questions in theology as well as in Christian living on which we had seemed to be agreed before the Council, the continuing silent apostasy of the masses, the rejection of faith, Christian morality and conviction in public life.
It offers many dividends: The opportunity to meet And chat with old and new - found friends; The amiable atmosphere; The comfortable cushioned seat; The promise of two hours clear Of irritating chores, restraints, Dilemmas, quarrels, and complaints; The vespertine impressive hall That grants equality to all And cover for a nap to some; The stirring burst of warm applause When the conductor comes in view And talkers instantly grow dumb; The pleasantly suspenseful pause As the ensemble waits its cue.
The quarrels and the defections of first generation disciples, the sins of disciples in our own generation, and the defects and delinquencies of the race at large are grave indeed but not so grave as to engulf us all.
This remains a strong implication of the story of the quarrel between Lot (the father of the nations Moab and Ammon) and Abraham, and Lot's free choice of the land to the east and south of Canaan proper (13) The same motive partially underlies the repeated promise of the land to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the pointed denial of the claims of others, for example Ishmael (the Ishmaelites) and Esau (the Edomites) as well as Moab and Ammon.
With whatever quarrels he might have with certain aspects of liberation theology, it is unthinkable that he would have repudiated it, as some of his self - styled followers are doing today in his name.
Mark Edmundson is a professor of literature who has said some interesting things about the quarrel between philosophy and poetry, as well as the larger cultural implications of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies.
We may not quarrel with the fact; but the whole development, beginning with a concentration upon the idea of Jesus» own person as of central importance for religious faith, certainly represents a shift in emphasis from Jesus» own teaching.
They quarreled with modernity without supposing they could act as if modernity had not occurred.
But for us the «quarrel» begins when Plato banishes the poets from his ideal commonwealth» and the quarrel, as Martha Nussbaum often laments, continues even today.
For the historian, as for the philosopher, the quarrel between the Ancients and the Moderns is being superseded by a quarrel between the Moderns and the Postmoderns.
My quarrel with the guardians of the establishment is not that these things are bad, but rather that the establishment leaders use artificial barriers, such as race and religion and ethnic origin, to exclude certain segments of the population from ever having the opportunity to enjoy these fruits of the good life.
He sees his quarrel with Sharon and the Israelis who overwhelmingly elected him as a fight for the «soul, fate and well - being of Israel and all its citizens, Jews and Arabs.»
Once a quarrel arose among the Rishis as to which of the three great gods, Brahma, Vishnu or Shiva, was most deserving of worship.
Ever since the quarrel over artificial birth control in the 1960s, wayward Catholic theologians have led the way in dismissing Catholic sexual morality as mere «physicalism», this [dismissal] being an attitude which ignores the dual character of human nature as a union of body and soul.
I see near my door Geneva on fire with quarrels over nothing, and I laugh again; and, thank God, I can look upon the world as a farce even when it becomes as tragic as it sometimes does.
In an earlier, individualistic time evangelical Christians raised the question of their salvation one by one, and we can not quarrel with them; they realized the nature of their problem as it appeared to them in their own day.
It's not to do with human nature per se; it's to do with sin: envy, jealousy, possessiveness, quarrelling, a lack of willingness to forgive and forget, infidelity, manipulation, the desire to control and dominate, lack of consideration in matters to do with running a home as well as in the bedroom (sex can be one of the highest expressions of love between a man and a woman; it can also be incredibly selfish); hearts that are consistently closed to new life.
One can imagine the quarreling over setting the quotas, what counts as earning credits (planting trees?
Your quarrel is not with me but it is with The Lord... as crazy and imaginary as He may seem to you and others.
is a mere logicker, fastening on a word as the sole expression and exact equivalent of truth, to go on spinning deductions out of the form of the word (which yet having nothing to do with the idea), then he becomes a one - word professor, quarreling, as for truth itself, with all who chance to go out of his word; and, since words are given not to imprison souls but to express them, the variations continually indulged in by others are sure to render him as miserable in his anxieties, as he is meager in his contents, and busy in his quarrels.
At best, we are a symphony; but the second violins have quarreled with the wind section, and as we age these quarrels increase.
When the sinner despairs of the forgiveness of sins it is almost as if he were directly picking a quarrel with God, it sounds in fact like a rejoinder when he says, «No, there is not any forgiveness of sins, it is an impossibility»; this looks like a hand - to - hand scuffle.
A man must be as far as possible removed from God for that «No» to be heard, while yet in a way he wants to pick a quarrel with God.
(Actually, it is all too easy to quarrel even given exactly this assumption, as bitter conflict within a single religion shows.)
In this regard, they were encouraged by the words of Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI: «Our quarreling ancestors were in reality much closer to each other when in all their disputes they still knew that they could only be servants of one truth which must be acknowledged as being as great and as pure as it has been intended for us by God.»
Before he became pope, Benedict wrote that «our quarrelling ancestors were in reality much closer to each other when in all their disputes they still knew that they could only be servants of one truth which must be acknowledged as being as great and as pure as it has been intended for us by God.»
Nor are the rulers, who so often quarreled with churchmen to be regarded as the sons of Belial.
From 255, over the course of two years, Cyprian was engaged in a bitter quarrel with Stephen I concerning the rebaptism of heretics and schematics; Stephen accepted the baptism of heretics and schematics as valid.
As long as that ain't a problem I have no quarrel with RamseAs long as that ain't a problem I have no quarrel with Ramseas that ain't a problem I have no quarrel with Ramsey.
Being wrong makes me happy just as being right, have no quarrel with it.
Peter Müller, 22, the wildly uncontrolled Swiss racer who won the downhill World Cup last year, is known as an odd and lonesome fellow, given to quarreling with his roommates, yet he loves to collect mushrooms and wants nothing more than to be a gardener when he quits skiing.
arsenalman365 we are both ARSENAL fans so no quarrel and let's settle as our Manager does, I am not talking CL nor even EPL trophies (for now) I am talking about being able to beat Chelski, Manure and regain our self respect... it cant go on that every time we play these teams is like walking to the slaughterhouse and be content that we lost for just 2 goals an improvement of the last beating
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