Sentences with phrase «as reading buddies»

The dogs also provide therapy to many more during their training as reading buddies and visitors to local schools, senior homes and area organizations.
For the past few years, I have volunteered as a reading buddy with the Early Morning Readers program at a local elementary school.
For the past few years, I have volunteered as a reading buddy with the Early Morning Readers program at a local elementary schoolRead more

Not exact matches

Gaming is about to break down the barriers between the real world and fantasy, thanks to devices that will read your thoughts, gestures, and expressions; project gaming action onto the streets around you; and populate these quasi-real worlds not only with your distant gaming buddies but with characters that seem as real and wily as Ben from Lost.
As you all know, if you have ever read my blog, my favorite snack is muddy buddies.
You and a few buddies strap on your Positron Accellerator and attached Ion Rifle (otherwise known as a PROTON PACK), grab a few Portable Ectoplasmic Containment devices (read «Traps»), hop in your refurbished 1967 Medical Examiner's wagon, cruise on over to the place, kick in the goddamn front door, and start unleashing some major fucking DEVASTATION on the poor undead bastards inside.
Jay and Seth are old buddies (also in real life as well) and... Continue reading 6 FaceFuck movies!
Burbank, CA, May 31 — Oscar ® winners Morgan Freeman («Million Dollar Baby»), Michael Caine («The Cider House Rules,» «Hannah and Her Sisters») and Alan Arkin («Little Miss Sunshine») team up as lifelong buddies Willie, Joe and Al, who deci... [Read More]
Disguised as a buddy, road movie, Mississippi Grind is an intense and intimate story of addiction that reveals the gritty details of a lifetime gambler when he's paired up with one Read More →
Well, I don't know if that's the role Chris Evans will be reading, but what I do know is that Scarlett Johansson is gathering her Avengers buddies, as well as some other celebrity friends, for a staged reading of Our Town, which will benefit Puerto Rico's disaster relief effort.
His line readings as comically off - centre as ever (told to put his hands up, he replies, «No, I don't want to»), Walken saunters through the gathering carnage as if in some softly spoken altered state, while Rockwell, playing Farrell's best buddy, obsesses about chlamydia and gets to play Mercutio to the Irishman's equivalent Romeo (the Shakespearean comparison came from McDonagh at the post-screening talk: make of it what you will.)
Kids can buddy up online, read about «survival tips,» or visit forums such as the Plot Hospital and Word Wars.
And so reading with a buddy progressed to independent reading, with the club meeting as a reward in mind.
Provide opportunities for ELL students to participate in Book Buddies experiences as a way to let students practice their new language in a gratifying, low - pressure setting (e.g., ELL students still get the honor of being a role model and mentor, feeling less pressure since they are reading primary picture books).
Reading researchers at the University of Virginia (UVA), in conjunction with the local school district, developed Book Buddies as one part of the district's goal to meet the needs of the growing number of children requiring supplemental literacy instruction (Invernizzi, Juel, & Rosemary, 1996; Invernizzi et al., 1997).
Also, pairing upper grade students with lower grade students, such as having a fourth grade class buddy up with a first grade class, provides reading practice for all students and can be fun and motivating for both groups.
I've read your book (taking copious notes as I go) and have recommended it to all my writer buddies.
, As I read the book, I thought it was sweet little story but did not feel it worth a recommendation for my book buddies.
In this group there will be a series of read - a-thons that you can do as a group or with a buddy.
There is at least one reading challenge within the group per month as well as quarterly reading challenges, buddy reads, book of the month group discu
Just as the title suggests, this is a buddy reading club.
She lives for reading books in the new adult genre, coffee, messaging with her buddy and sometimes co-author Vi Keeland as well as hanging out with her friends and family on weekends.
The Book Buddies program provides children a place to come read to animals at the shelter and a Happily Ever After program highlights fairytale stories and shares with children how the pets at the shelter can find their «happily ever after» as well.
They were there as part of the Shelter Buddies Reading Program, a program designed to help the dogs become more adoptable (with a side benefit of helping kids become more confident readers).
He's athletic and strong, so makes the perfect hiking buddy as he loves to get out and exercise, but he also loves... Read More
Indeed, the mutts took center stage along with their purebred buddies this past Saturday, February 8th, as the Mixed Breed category is especially significant, bringing non-purebred dogs to a Westminster event for the first time since the very earliest days... [Read more...]
But, as noted by the Bleacher Report blog, and as confirmed by a «source» of mine (read: college buddy) who happens to be a high school football official in the great state of Washington, there don't appear to be any rules dictating the color of whistles that must be used during games.
I read your OP and didn't, given the context, interpret the word «partner» as a technical term, but rather as a «buddy» or «fellow stakeholder».
I've been blessed to work from home as a full time blogger for the past 8 years -LCB- you can read more about my blogging story here -RCB-, meeting new creative blog buddies, sharing awesome before & afters and DIY home improvement and decorating.
You and I have been bloggy buddies for some time now and we have had many email conversations about this very topic and I was overjoyed when I read this statement...» Authentic living isn't necessarily being frugal in every way or living simply, as some people do, it is living on purpose and with purpose according to what I have been given.»
(But, as my gym buddies pointed out, they didn't need to ask, they'd read it all on my blog.)
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