Sentences with phrase «as rebelling against»

By choosing to be called Victoria, she was taking a big step along the path to independence, as well as rebelling against her mother and Conroy.
Often the new grandees portray themselves as rebels against the old notion that law is not a business.
He believed that Jesus was executed as a rebel against the Roman occupation of Judaea.
The logline: «A Bad Moms Christmas follows our three under - appreciated and over-burdened women as they rebel against the challenges and expectations of the Super Bowl for moms: Christmas.
The logline: «A Bad Moms Christmas follows the under - appreciated and over-burdened young moms as they rebel against the challenges and expectations of the Super Bowl for moms: Christmas.
As the movie progresses, as you will know if you've seen the trailer, Morgan Freeman shows up, as a rebel against this supposedly clear new world order.
A Bad Mom's Christmas follows our three under - appreciated and over-burdened women as they rebel against the challenges and expectations of the Super Bowl for moms: Christmas.

Not exact matches

Assad has said he saw promise in Trump's statements emphasising the battle against Islamic State in Syria, where U.S. policy under President Barack Obama had backed some of the rebels fighting Assad and shunned him as an illegitimate leader.
Publicly embracing art — as well as crafts and fashion — was a way for her to rebel against what a tech executive was supposed to like, especially a female tech executive.
The problem is that God has finally gotten around to punishing the American colonies for rebelling against the King and country that he choose as the scribes for the only valid translation of his word.
Since Hell's purpose is to hold those who have rebelled against God - to separate them from God's Holy presence, it would follow that it would have been created only as a consequence of those rebellions.
To me it reads as if you think that being liberal is somehow inferior to being conservative, and because «rebelling against» anything is often associated with juveniles.
Analytic Thomism will need to grapple with Trapani's representation of Maritain, as will admirers of Hans Urs von Balthasar, the theologian who, rebelling against one kind of Thomism, developed an aesthetics that rivals Maritain's in scope and importance.
In 1841, defending African men on trial for rebelling against slavetraders who had abducted them, John Quincy Adams said: «In the Declaration of Independence, the Laws of Nature are announced and appealed to as identical with the laws of Nature's God» and as the foundation of all obligatory human laws.»
It is the religiosity from church growth books, membership duties, vain promises that our Savior rebelled against in His day as Son of God, Son of Man, Let scripture super exceed any of mans futile attempts to be purpose driven, or a «church Member»
Those who set themselves up as the true repositories of the «spirit of the Council» are not rebelling against theological incoherencies, and they won't be re-integrated if a more satisfactory system is proposed, since its presuppositions - if it is orthodox - are ultimately the same.
When the rebel blasphemes against the «old god» who sanctions the established order ruled over by death, it is to make God share «in the same humiliating adventure as mankind's» (Rb 24).
The dialectical materialist and sensitive spiritualist will rebel against this bitter scenario so as to midwife, through the pangs of birth, a new, just social order.
Such matters can not only be disrupting in themselves, but when rebelled against in self - pity as they often are, can upset one's entire psychophysical balance including the life of prayer.
23 Rebelling against God or disobeying him because you are proud is just as bad as worshiping idols or asking them for advice.
But because man has risen to the spiritual level where he has become aware of his creatureliness and knows he must die (and so far as we know he is unique in this respect), he has also rebelled against this prospect and sought to escape from it.
I'm guessing, as Willow implies, that you are subconsciously rebelling against an image of a threatening, fearsome, judgmental, vindictive and hurtful god, a false god; because you know somewhere deep inside that God is nothing but Love, and that you were created and born from that Love; no matter how painful the personal world may have been, may still be, into which you were born.
Process thinkers have rebelled against images of God that depict the divine as a despotic tyrant or as a cosmic puppeteer pulling the strings on the creaturely puppets.
«Man rebels against death and knows that as one who is fallen under it he is not in his authenticity».
One must remember that the Yahwist document comes to us out of the southern kingdom, which had the royal line of David as its dominant institution, while the Elohist version comes out of the north, where there never was an established royal line, and where the people were constantly rebelling against the southern tradition that wanted to impose the southern king upon the northern region.
It is part of the single vision against which classic American writers such as Melville and Whitman rebelled in the last century.
If they forget the source of their power, if they rebel against God, if they no longer act as God's deputies, if instead of rewarding good conduct and punishing evil conduct they do the reverse, they must be resisted.
There is a difference, Mary, between struggling against temptation and losing, and just rebelling against God's will, saying what God deemed wrong as right.
But these are not seen as gods, so we have difficulty understanding cultures that rebel against secularity and continue to maintain religious justification for their violence.
Just as Prometheus, having stolen fire from heaven, begins to build houses and to establish himself on earth, so philosophy, having embraced the whole world, should rebel against the world of phenomena.6
Therefore, AEC will take actions against those who for personal reasons and other ambitions contrary to the teachings of the Gospel of Peace of Jesus Christ, distort the essence of his existence and throw an infamous discredit on people of God, by identifying themselves as Anti-Balaka militia or Séléka rebels.
Process thinkers have rebelled against images of God that depict the divine as a despotic tyrant or as a cosmic puppeteer pulling the strings on creaturely puppets.
He loved the legalist in me as He loved the rebel who, honestly, didn't want to rebel against God, but against a disease - causing religious system with its spiritual abuse and against those who once abused me sexually.
He thus meets Camus» test of a true rebel as one who knows what he rebels on behalf of as well as what he rebels against.
Some would add also that sin roots in anxiety and the frustration of human finitude as the ego attempts to rebel against the limits set by our existence.2 Redemption is granted when one becomes aware of his presumption and self - righteousness, repents in humility and turns to Christ in faith.
I am not sure why Satan and his angels ever thought they could defeat God by rebelling against him, but we must believe that they know God at least as well — if not better — than we do, and so the lack of understanding must be ours.
Hence admiration and wonder at the inexhaustible life forces of nature is as wholly lacking as the typically modern horror of blind nature against which spiritual, personal life rebels in vain.
Religion, politics, and theology is completely useless without a deeper spiritual element and THAT is what we sensed as tenagers and rebelled against.
John had been preaching about fire coming to destroy those who rebelled against God, and many probably looked at King Herod as the epitome of wickedness in Israel.
Young adults return not as prodigals who rebelled against authority, but as persons with a message for those of us who never left.
Those women rebelled against being relegated to secondary roles as coffee - makers or typists while men «ran the revolution.»
As a Jesuit seminarian in the 1950s (he left the Society of Jesus well before ordination), he rebelled against the liberal editorials of the Jesuit opinion weekly America and soon began writing for William Buckley's flagship conservative periodical National Review and penned a fine study of G.K. Chesterton.
The problem is, men and women rebel against this verse because they see this as male domination and implying male superiority.
As the continued presence of active lawbreaking and unappeased rulers rebels against the concept of a perfected society, so the eternal presence of sin and an unappeased God rebels against the concept of a perfected cosmos.
The degree of its relevance as well as its transcendence is measured by the extent to which we rebel against it and flee from it and by the failure of our rebellion and our flight.
Among them were pantheism and the positions that human reason is the sole arbiter of truth and falsehood and good and evil; that Christian faith contradicts reason; that Christ is a myth; that philosophy must be treated without reference to supernatural revelation; that every man is free to embrace the religion which, guided by the light of reason, he believes to be true; that Protestantism is another form of the Christian religion in which it is possible to be as pleasing to God as in the Catholic Church; that the civil power can determine the limits within which the Catholic Church may exercise authority; that Roman Pontiffs and Ecumenical Councils have erred in defining matters of faith and morals; that the Church does not have direct or indirect temporal power or the right to invoke force; that in a conflict between Church and State the civil law should prevail; that the civil power has the right to appoint and depose bishops; that the entire direction of public schools in which the youth of Christian states are educated must be by the civil power; that the Church should be separated from the State and the State from the Church; that moral laws do not need divine sanction; that it is permissible to rebel against legitimate princes; that a civil contract may among Christians constitute true marriage; that the Catholic religion should no longer be the religion of the State to the exclusion of all other forms of worship; and «that the Roman Pontiff can and should reconcile himself to and agree with progress, liberalism and modern civilization.»
More dramatically, there is a time where states tried to exercise what they interpreted as, amongst other rights, second amendment rights to rebel against the United States.
Although man, using such freedom of will as he has been given, rebels against his Creator and aspires to arrogate to himself the power which characterizes his Creator, God seeks through His self - giving love, which man had forfeited and never had deserved or could deserve, to win him to Himself.
The term «internal consistency» is used advisedly in order to get away from popularly accepted genetic, causal theories, such as that Buddha rebelled against Brahmanism, therefore Buddhism rejects the caste system.
I've already rebelled against Martha Stewart by refusing the brine my 20 - pound turkey... I hope this has no karmic repercussions as I attempt her apple pie today!
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