Sentences with phrase «as rhomboid»

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An inactive rhomboid protease, iRhom2, is normally a short - lived protein that controls a cascade of events involved in wound healing as well as tumor growth.
The dumbbell bench press targets the fronts and tops of the shoulders, the triceps and the chest muscles, while also engaging the rhomboids and the serratus anterior as secondary muscles that help execute the move.
«Muscles used in this exercise include the middle and lower traps, rhomboids, pecs, delts, biceps, lats, external obliques, as well as the smaller muscles in those general areas.
The flat dumbbell fly primarily works the chest and shoulders but also engages the rhomboids at the upper back and the biceps as stabilizing muscles.
The barbell row works the latissimus dorsi, known to most of us as «lats»; the trapezius, or «traps», the posterior deltoids, and the rhomboids.
In addition, it also engages the rhomboids and biceps as stabilizing muscles.
Besides strengthening your entire upper body, this rowing variant will do wonders for your posture by waking up your rhomboids and teaching them how to fire adequately, as well as improving the protracting and retracting functions of your shoulder blades.
Let's be real about this — building a back of comic book proportions can only be achieved through brutally heavy, exhausting workouts, over a long period of time, which is the exact reason why bodybuilders with massive, thick backs, huge traps and three - dimensional rhomboid muscles get instant respect as soon as they walk into a gym.
Using a technique known as supersets (when you perform two exercises back to back with no rest in between), The Biggest Loser trainer Jennifer Widerstrom pairs the Banded Triceps Extension with the Rhomboid Pulse to help you target the smaller muscle groups in your shoulders and arms.
If the small postural muscles are not strong enough to hold the spine in a good position, then the larger, global muscles (such as the Trapezius and Rhomboids) have to work harder to try to maintain a good position.
Targeting the entire back region including the rhomboids, lats as well as the arms, core and shoulders.
Which brings us to the lat pull - down, a highly effective exercise that primarily targets the latissiums dorsi, the large fan - shaped muscle that makes up a big portion of your back, the lower and middle trapezius, the rhomboids and the serratus, while also engaging the elbow flexors, biceps and brachialis as supporting muscles; and is therefore an invaluable tool when it comes to building your back to bigger and better proportions.
And saying the lats should be worked instead of the rhomboids to avoid downward rotation syndrome doesn't make sense in that the lats will also contribute to downward rotation syndrome if overworked and tight (as Tony mentions here —
Next, I determined that her mid-back and neck pain were stemming from rhomboid muscle inhibition (due to an under - functioning liver) as a result of her under - functioning thyroid.
As such, the muscle is an antagonist to the rhomboids.
The traps, scapular stabilizers, rhomboids, and shoulders all play a critical role in the receiving stages of the snatch (as well as throughout most weightlifting movements).
Singers must cultivate exceptional strength and coordination in the rhomboids, middle and lower trapezius, and other muscles involved in scapular retraction, as well as the external intercostals, in order to maintain an elevated sternum and an expanded rib cage while singing / exhaling.
Some of the main muscles are known as the lats, traps, and rhomboids.
There are also smaller muscles such as the teres major, rhomboid and infraspinatus.
When performing the Z press, throwers and other overhead athletes (as well as all athletes, regardless of sport) are forced to stabilize with the rhomboids and posterior shoulder to allow for smooth repetitions vertically.
When you are finished with this machine you worked out your lats however we need to work out our rhomboids and our shoulder blade muscles as well which is really good for you posture.
The issue is that many people who think that they are training their back muscles (such as lats, rhomboids, traps, etc) are failing to do so...
In addition to the well - known large muscles of the back, such as the trapezius, latissimus, and rhomboids, you have well over 200 intrinsic back muscles, and their primary function is to move or stabilize your spine and trunk.
Flaring Lats like a Cobra, Rhomboids as thick as concrete, Erector spinae running up your centre like two steel rods and...
Note: This is a fantastic exercise for emphasizing the large rhomboid back muscles so make sure you get a great pump and really squeeze those muscles as you row the bar into your abdomen.
There's plenty of rhomboid - y shapes and the keyboard is as familiar as ever.
The isolated rectangles featured in these paintings develop into irregular diamonds, rhomboids and triangles in the works of 1978 to «82, as Hoyland found himself increasingly drawn to the «dynamic of the diagonal».
White walls and brushed pine floorboards softly compliment works such as the seminal Untitled, July 6 (1964) in the artist's favorite cadmium red, a galvanised iron rhomboid which dominates the gallery floor, and the plywood Untitled (Ballantine 89 - 49)(1989).
It includes vertical stripe works and rhomboid paintings of the 1980 — 90s, curved paintings of the late 1990s as well as recent horizontal stripe paintings.
Slouched against him is the corpse of a black woman, and Harris appears to fondle her bare breasts as he drags her from the rhomboid silhouette that delineates her empty grave.
If they tried rhomboids, Cones, waving lines, ellipses — As, for example, the ellipse of the half - moon — Rationalists would wear sombreros.
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