Sentences with phrase «as risk factors for»

Prevention and Early Intervention: Individual Differences as Risk Factors for the Menial Health of Children
Our first hypothesis that negative transgenerational influences and pre - and perinatal adversities would act as risk factors for the diagnostic groups was supported by our findings, since we found that parental ADHD acted as a relatively major risk factor within our models, showing the highest explained deviance for both diagnostic groups relative to the control group.
We also found support for our second hypothesis of postnatal adversities acting as risk factors for ADHD + ODD rather than for ADHD - only.
The discussion focuses on the status of depressogenic personality and attachment as risk factors for depression.
Exploring socio - demographics, mobility, and living arrangement as risk factors for academic performance among children experiencing homelessness.
Temperament, childhood environment and psychopathology as risk factors for avoidant and borderline personality disorders
Greater amounts of gaming, lower social competence, and greater impulsivity seemed to act as risk factors for becoming pathological gamers, whereas depression, anxiety, social phobias, and lower school performance seemed to act as outcomes of pathological gaming.
Parental maltreatment and emotional dysregulation as risk factors for bullying and victimization in middle childhood
The results found in the present study are consistent with previous research on problematic peer experiences as risk factors for the development of depression in childhood and adolescence (Birmaher et al. 1996; Boivin et al. 1994, 1995; Brendgen et al. 2005; Ge et al. 1994; Ladd and Troop - Gordon 2003; La Greca and Moore Harrison 2005; Nangle et al. 2003; Pedersen et al. 2007).
Support for internalizing variables as risk factors for being victimized was weak.
Using a short - term longitudinal design, internalizing and externalizing emotions were examined as risk factors for being victimized by peers in early childhood.
Future studies could further test this potential transactionality by not only regarding peer problems as risk factors for the escalation of depressive symptoms, but also as consequences of internalizing problems.
Identify the indicators of typical social and emotional development as well as risk factors for potential problems in social and emotional development in young children ages twelve to thirty - six months.
The analysis has shown that a range of socio - economic and socio - demographic characteristics, early development issues and parenting experiences act as risk factors for, or protective factors against, the development of social, emotional and behavioural difficulties at primary school entry.
At the individual... level being a boy and low responsibility were identified as risk factors for higher bullying scores.
Loneliness and social isolation as risk factors for mortality: A meta - analytic review.
[jounal] Chapman, D. P. / 2007 / Adverse childhood events as risk factors for negative mental health outcomes / Psychiatric Annals 37: 359 ~ 364
Similar to findings from SASH, childhood sexual abuse emerged as a particularly robust risk factor for suicide attempts in younger participants in the WMHS cross-national analysis, with a 10.9 times higher OR of suicide attempts in children, a 6.1 times higher likelihood in adolescents and a 2.9-fold risk in young adults who were exposed.20 This is in keeping with the Enns hypothesis that sexual abuse results in suicidal behaviour at a younger age.21 Consistent with other studies, childhood physical and sexual abuse, in particular, emerged as risk factors for the emergence and persistence of suicidal behaviour, especially in adolescence.
Additionally, both domestic violence and substance use disorders are recognized as risk factors for child maltreatment.
Maternal depression and low maternal intelligence as risk factors for malnutrition in children: a community based case - control study from South India
Personality traits and cognitive styles as risk factors for serious suicide attempts among young people
The associations between sedentary behaviour and BMI, WC as well as risk factors for obesity were studied by calculating Spearman's correlation coefficients by sex (tables 2 and 3).
To assess adverse childhood experiences as risk factors for suicide attempts during different life stages, we examined the association between the ACE score and suicide attempts separately for childhood / adolescence and adulthood.
Multicentre observational cohort study of NSAIDs as risk factors for postoperative adverse events in gastrointestinal surgery
Mendell, M. J., 2007: Indoor residential chemical emissions as risk factors for respiratory and allergic effects in children: A review.
Theyse LFH, Van De Brom WE, Van Sluijs FJ, et al - Small size food particles and age as risk factors for gastric dilatation volvulus in Great Danes.
Small size of food particles and age as risk factors for gastric dilatation volvulus in Great Danes.
The ideal ratio for any individual will vary depending on current conditions as well as risk factors for deficiency.
Although our primary exposures of interest were GI and glycemic load as risk factors for depression, we also investigated other measures of carbohydrate consumption computed from average daily intakes of foods and beverages reported on the WHI FFQ, including dietary added sugar, total sugars, specific types of sugars (glucose, sucrose, lactose, fructose), starch, and total carbohydrate.
She questioned the endpoints for determining nutritional adequacy, noting that poor vitamin or mineral status have not been ruled out as risk factors for age - related disorders that greatly impair the quality of life for many older people, including sarcopenia, impaired muscle strength, falls, dementia, delirium, depression, hearing and visual disorders, and impaired immune function.
Decreased levels of zinc, calcium, iron and selenium have been reported as risk factors for postpartum depression.39
They argue that enough evidence exists to consider these chemicals that promote metabolic dysfunction as risk factors for type 2 diabetes development and other diseases related to insulin resistance (which may include gestational diabetes as well).
5 Leetun, D., T. et al., «Core Stability Measures as Risk Factors for Lower Extremity Injury in Athletes», Medicine and Science in Sports and... continue The cadence helps to set the rhythm of your stride, while foot placement and body awareness help to keep you mentally and physically sharp.
Skipping breakfast, alcohol consumption and physical inactivity as risk factors for overweight and obesity in adolescents: results of the E-MOVO project
CYP450 polymorphisms as risk factors for early - onset lung cancer: gender - specific differences.
Liu J - H, Jones SJ, Sun H, Probst JC, Merchant AT, Cavicchia P. Diet, physical activity, and sedentary behaviors as risk factors for childhood obesity: an urban and rural comparison.
Butwick said these associations shouldn't be considered as risk factors for depression.
The scientific knowledge gleaned by the researchers may eventually help clinicians to better prevent gastric cancer among diverse world populations by using the ancestry of both an individual and the strain of H. pylori as risk factors for the development of the disease.
For example, emotionally turbulent families and stressful life events have been linked as risk factors for schizophrenia as well as for for relapses or triggers for episodes of schizophrenia.
Along with air pollution, smoking, low vitamin D levels, growing up in an urban environment and eating a lot of meats and sugars have all been implicated as risk factors for bowel diseases.
While more than 20 genes have been identified as risk factors for AD in Caucasians, fewer than five have been identified for African Americans.
New research presented today at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) identifies nicotine dependence, obesity, alcohol abuse and depressive disorders as risk factors for low back pain, a common condition causing disability, missed work, high medical costs and diminished life quality.
Previous studies have looked mainly at genes causing atherosclerosis and genes affecting the function of platelets and clotting processes as risk factors for ischemic stroke (clot obstructing blood flow to the brain).
The worldwide epidemics of both T2D and GDM are increasing in parallel, as risk factors for both conditions (unhealthy diet, obesity, lack of physical activity) increase in almost all countries of the world.
These findings elucidate previous research indicating sleep abnormalities as risk factors for diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Caffeine and alcohol as risk factors for sudden infant death syndrome.
Head trauma and participation in contact sports as risk factors for Alzheimer's disease.
Headache disorders as risk factors for sleep disturbances in school aged children.
Leading health organisations, such as the World Health Organization, cite smoking, overweight and obesity, unhealthy diets and physical inactivity as risk factors for heart disease and stroke.
• A substantial study in New Zealand identified father's smoking as a risk factor for breastfeeding cessation at four months postpartum, independently of mother's smoking and other factors (McLeod et al, 2002).
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