Sentences with phrase «as scratching became»

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As Mark Dunkerley sees it, Hawaiian Airlines is just scratching the surface of what it could become.
But the further one scratches beneath the service, the more it becomes apparent that GDP is at best an educated guess as to what's going on in the economy, as opposed to a hard - and - fast signal of how it's actually faring.
But as timeless as the song has become, there's one line that may still leave some modern audiences scratching their heads.
Over time it became evident that the programme was scratching where many Christians were itching, as listening to the dialogues gave them the tools to engage their faith critically and the confidence to share it.
Early - adopter Miele embraced the technology at its plant in Warendorf, Germany, to prevent high - gloss, thermoplastic bezel for washing machines from becoming scratched as they make their way through the fully automated assembly line to retail and, ultimately, to the end - user's home.
The pressure cooker drastically shortens the cooking times of healthful vegan staples such as dried beans and ancient grains: suddenly hummus from scratch and braised artichokes become weeknight fare.
Getting an active child to sit down for a meal of any kind, much less a well - balanced, made - from - scratch meal with the entire family, as he rushes off to or home from school, sports practices or games, or other activities that cram virtually every nook and cranny of a child's day, has become virtually impossible for many families, especially those headed by single parents.
Depending on whether you have to roll it over carpet or floor, you'll need to make sure you have the right type, as the floors can become scratched if you aren't careful.
But when you become a SAHD, failure to research certain information — e.g. finding out info on kids food, potential allergies, education, having fun with crafts & games to play (etc)-- well, you might as well scratch your balls off a grater.
They are laid about thickly, with the bird - lime side upward, in the track of a tiger, and as surely as the animal puts his paw upon one of the treacherous leaves, he becomes a victim; for, finding it stuck to his foot, he shakes it, and while scratching and rubbing himself to get free, some of the bird - lime poison gets into his eyes and blinds him.
When he went on to become the only member of the original cast to appear in the 2008 reboot — this time as Titan, and in even better shape — it made you scratch your head even more.
Hot spots are known as moist dermatitis or moist eczema and involve an area of skin which is oozing and has become inflamed and often infected due to scratching.
The movie's atmosphere of head - scratching complexity is exacerbated by LaBeouf's rather bland turn as Moore, with the one - dimensional nature of the character preventing the viewer from becoming wholeheartedly wrapped up in his ongoing efforts and exploits.
Most of the romance and humor stops as the film reaches its more serious climax (becoming a Silence of the Lambs homage with John Wayne Gacy allusions), with Ronnie poking around in the Turner residence in order to scratch up some evidence, while Kale's mother, who has befriended the intense bachelor, also heads inside, while Kale can only watch in despair.
The actor stars as Davis Mitchell, a successful New York investment banker who's become so emotionally numb that he doesn't know how to react when his wife Julia (Heather Lind) dies in a car accident — one that he escaped with barely a scratch.
Should ESSA eventually become law, as most predict it will, the main reasons will be not because it was conceived from scratch by the best possible thinking but mostly because it is a response to seven years of failed leadership by the Obama administration and its outgoing Secretary of Education Arne Duncan.
The effect on schools at the start of the 2014 - 15 school year had some lawmakers scratching their heads as they considered the possibility of the draft bill becoming law during the short session that begins this May.
For instance, youth - supportive content creation communities, such as Scratch, have become increasing critiqued for agnostic design, while commercial content creation platforms that have traditionally operated from content agnostic positions have become increasingly leveraged for formal and informal education.
Not much else is known about the screen such as whether it will come with any protection from scratches and scrapes, in the form of Corning Gorilla glass which is fast - becoming an industry standard.
I don't want to start a genre debate, since those can easily and quickly become tedious, but I'm hoping that the two shojo titles (manga for girls) Viz announced with a mature rating come close enough to josei (manga for women) as to scratch that itch.
As a result of boredom, lack of mental and physical stimulation and unseen stress from a less that favorable household situation cats can become obese, develop behavioral problems such as scratching, litterbox issues, aggression and medical conditions including obsessive disorders, skin problems, gastrointestinal problems and urinary tract diseasAs a result of boredom, lack of mental and physical stimulation and unseen stress from a less that favorable household situation cats can become obese, develop behavioral problems such as scratching, litterbox issues, aggression and medical conditions including obsessive disorders, skin problems, gastrointestinal problems and urinary tract diseasas scratching, litterbox issues, aggression and medical conditions including obsessive disorders, skin problems, gastrointestinal problems and urinary tract disease.
You must be careful playing with young kittens as they can become a little aggressive and act like little tigers sometimes scratching and biting you.
Use it to rough house with your kitten and she won't become accustomed to using you as her scratching toy!
A cat may resort to more frequent scratching if it is emotionally stressed, such as when it feels threatened by environmental changes or if a new pet (or even a new child) has recently become part of the household.
Parasites, such as Sarcoptes, Notoedres, and Cheyletiella species and harvest mites, can cause pruritus and inflammation on or near the pinnae, which can lead to head shaking and scratching and secondary otitis externa.12 Otodectes cynotis (ear mites) are seen in up to 50 % of otitis cases in cats and in 5 % to 10 % of cases in dogs.1 Chronic cases of Otodectes infestation may become secondarily infected with bacteria or yeast.
Preventing your pet from becoming infested with fleas, ticks, heartworms and intestinal parasites can avoid the expense of treatment later on, as well as problems such as diarrhea, vomiting, itching, scratching, anemia and heart disease in your pet.
When you cat scratch objects, they often do so to become sovereigns of that object and give information such as gender to other cats through the pheromones that are spread through their paws from their scent gland which is found between your cat's toes.
Also, be sure to thoroughly clean all bites and scratches and consult your physician, as cat scratches and bites can easily become infected (see our handouts: «When the Behavior Helpline Can't Help» and «Understanding Cat Aggression Towards People.»)
After they are bitten, pets will usually scratch or bite themselves around those areas, which become red and inflamed as a result.
As bacteria are introduced into the skin, swelling and discomfort usually follow, causing the pet to become more aggressive in their scratching and biting - thus making the original problem worse.
As your cat ages and becomes a furry fixture in your home, you get to know her every move, from her favorite spot of sunlight to her designated scratching cushion.
As a cat scratches at the rope, its fibers become dislodged and are sharp.
Pollen and dust granules are inhaled by dogs just as they are by dog owners, but instead of producing sinus congestion and a sore throat, they cause the skin to itch, the hair to fall out, and, with prolonged scratching, the eruption of pustules that often become infected.
Specific treatment approaches can resolve an underlying cause, but some supportive measures as the use of natural remedies such as Ear Dr. can not only resolve symptoms such scratching by soothing the ear, but can also help to maintain the health of ear; preventing any possibility of recurrence as most of ear problems are caused by a compromised immune system that becomes weakened, allowing a population of microorganisms to take route and grow more then would occur in a healthy dog.
Secondary complications develop after scratching and as the infestation becomes more generalized (spread over the body).
Hot spots typically start out as slight skin tenderness, but when your cat starts licking, biting, rubbing, or scratching the area, it becomes irritated.
As dogs scratch the skin they inadvertently cause small skin wounds that may become infected with bacteria.
Mats are the result of loose hair that gets twisted into the coat (as with poodles and poodle mixes), debris like burrs that become imbedded into the coat causing pets to scratch themselves or knots that have become wet and meshed in with the surrounding hair.
I also did my beginners PADI scuba dive and had one of the highlights of my travels as the realization that I have only scratched the surface when it comes to traveling became further apparent.
I also made many wrong decisions, and I'm sure you all know we even had to start from scratch at one point (the canned version later became known as Resident Evil 1.5).
As has continued to produce more online games, are there aspects of game development that the studio has become better at or is each new game almost like starting from scratch?
For all the things Dark Souls keeps as a secret, whether the main story, or the quest items, or where you should go next, or what to do now since you've hit a dead end with two bird like demons trying to scratch your back, it is your becoming.
When its your turn to step into the spotlight, the controller allows you to perform actions such as crossfading, scratching, and special effects, all of which you'll have to learn in order to become a master of the decks.
While initially, gamers were left scratching their at Deep Down's Assassin's Creed meets Dark Souls premise, Capcom's intent behind this decision, as well as how it will effect gameplay is slowly becoming much clearer.
«Asked whether his works serve as a metaphor for the relation between the individual and the crowd, Gonzalez - Torres responds: «Perhaps between public and private, between personal and social, between fear of loss and the joy of loving, of growing, changing, of always becoming more, of losing oneself slowly and then being replenished all over again from scratch.
Mr. Tàpies (pronounced TAH - pee - ess) came to prominence in the late 1940s with richly symbolic paintings strongly influenced by Surrealist painters like Miró and Klee, a style he abandoned by the mid-1950s as he turned to what became his signature work: the heavily built - up surfaces that were often scratched, pitted and gouged and incised with letters, numbers and signs.
The late filmmaker Derek Jarman became an underground hero for such visually ravishing movies as his 1986 Caravaggio, and throughout his life he was also a committed painter himself, scratching out large, raw, confessional canvases that brimmed with emotion.
So, as a part of trying to build the business for my last employer, I was trying to become more involved in the business community, getting to know folks and small business owners, and I was involved in some networking groups and things, and I was just finding, I was super-impressed with folks who could just take nothing and build something, folks who could kind of start from scratch, put together a business plan, have a dream, have a vision and create this viable business that supports them, their family, employees and give something to the community.
If you do get a deadly diagnosis after you've been approved for an insurance plan, you may be able to take early advantage of the future payout to help with ongoing healthcare related costs, such as in - home nursing care, or for you to scratch some items off your «bucket list» before you become too ill to do so.
Built from scratch to avoid the same pitfalls as other bitcoin forks that become nothing more than «just another altcoin», NEM's future may have promise.
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