Sentences with phrase «as sentient beings»

The Green Party of Canada will update Canada's criminal code as it pertains to animal welfare, moving crimes against animals from the property section, and recognizing animals as sentient beings.
Should robots capable of thought be accorded rights as sentient beings?
Rather than attempting to have animals classified as «persons,» which Professor Carlin says would «narrow the gap between humans and the lower animals,» the Christian animal rights movement wants them to be recognized as the sentient beings they are, demonstrably capable of physical and emotional suffering.
I may not be able to discard my perception of wind as sentient being just yet.
If «God» exists in any form or under any name which I'm not denying wouldn't he want us to improve ourselves as his creations and grow as sentient beings as any parent / creator would?
As Boom and Ben Ami argue, Codes and Acts regulating the kangaroo industry pay «insufficient regard to the ethical demands of kangaroos as sentient beings».
Shostak also brought up a less frightening but perhaps more existentially dreadful possibility about some future first contact: what if we finally hear from aliens broadcasting their presence as sentient beings, and the big announcement is their understanding of well - known mathematical phenomena such as the Fibonacci sequence.
Recent changes in European animal welfare legislation now class cephalopods as sentient beings, and animals used for experimental purposes need to be suitably anaesthetised beforehand.
Dogs are classified as sentient beings, which means they are thinking and feeling creatures, capable of decisions and love.
Our mission is to create a caring and socially responsible society where animals are treated as sentient beings and where the environment is preserved for future generations.
Limbo is best described as a sentient being itself, aware of your presence as it does everything and anything to stop you from getting to your destination.
Players embark on an existential journey as a sentient AI through humanity's greatest ruins.
Their works present various flowers, plants, and gardens as the recipients of human activity or as sentient beings capable of their own expressive powers.
Further still, the acknowledgment of our primate cousins as sentient beings could add some much - need impetus to global conservation efforts as a profound emotional toll on the animals themselves is counted among the tragedies resulting from poaching and habitat loss.
Questions like: Should robots be accorded rights as sentient beings?
I believe that we, as sentient beings, overvalue the importance of our existence.
Once those cease, thats when we as a sentient being, cease.
As sentient beings, we assign meaning to any idea.
If we can connect with them as sentient beings, it is not because of a shared history, not because of kinship, but because evolution built minds twice over.
Given the curious nature of us as sentient beings, I know most people would have asked them, referring to the conjugal matter, «How did you do it with the two sisters?»
The Whatcom Humane Society believes that all animals, as sentient beings, have value beyond economic measurements and are entitled to legal, moral, and ethical consideration and protection.
«Cats Protection welcomes today's announcement by the Government of its Animal Welfare Bill in which the Government recognises all animals, including cats, as sentient beings.
«For the Love of a Dog is a must - read for skeptics who still cling to outdated views of animal emotions as well as for those who embrace other animals as the sentient beings they really are.
Puppy mill dogs often infiltrate dog stores, and the stories of these types of animals are painful — it's very important to see animals as sentient beings.
There are those view animals as sentient beings and give their time and skills to help animals hurt or abused by others.
Other games depict them as sentient being with emotions, and some talk in the cartoons.
Just because we as sentient beings can understand abstract things does not means we are in control of them.
As sentient beings, animals are the intended beneficiaries of Oregon welfare laws, and are victims when the laws are violated, the suit says.
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