Sentences with phrase «as sheer possibility»

It matters little whether the nothing is taken as sheer possibility, or as the absence even of that.

Not exact matches

The notion of al - khalq, unlike al - haqq, had a polarity within it, namely, al - imkan al - mahd (sheer possibility [SP]-RRB- and al - «adam al - mahd (sheer non-existence [SN]-RRB-.36 SN was a mere conceptual category to refer to objects that might not exist in SP as fragments of thoughts or intentions of the divine to create or actualize.
And if he does not essentially develop with the years, nor yet sink into sheer triviality, that is to say, if he remains pretty much a young man, a youth, although he is mature, a father and gray - haired, retaining therefore something of the good traits of youth, then indeed he will be exposed also to the possibility of despairing as a youth over the earthly or over something earthly.
I should agree with Buri and I should say that the point of the Christian gospel is to «re-present», as Ogden puts it, that possibility; to «re-present» it in starkly human terms, under human conditions, in Jesus as what I like to style «the classic instance» of what God is always «up to», rather than the totally other or the sheer anomaly, as so many (including Bultmann, presumably) would wish to regard him.
For those fortunate enough to live in a competitive electoral context such as a swing state, the sheer size of the electorate renders the possibility of one voter being the deciding factor statistically infinitesimal.
There is the arrest of the emotional pattern round this sheer fact as a possibility, with the corresponding gain in distinctness of its relevance for the transcendent creativity — in the sense of its advance - from subject to subject — this particular possibility has been picked out, held up, and clothed with emotion.
Fine and delicate, this sheer tulle is a designer's dream as it provides infinite possibilities for a creative mind.
They have a knack for drawing out the dark and maudlin aspects of childhood, the loneliness and isolation, as well as the capacity for wonder and amazement, the sheer possibility of anything and everything.
The sheer randomness of mass gun violence in our society means that even if we are very unlikely to die from such violence, we can never really dismiss the possibility, and the unique position America occupies in the developed world as the undisputed capital of gun violence and mass shootings can not be dismissed either.
Marriott Rewards points aren't the most valuable, but with as many as you have the possibility of earning, the sheer number makes this worth it.
And the stretch of time I had available, insufferable as it could sometimes be, did allow me to immerse myself in this sheer possibility: exploring dialogue choices or narrative tangents, becoming entangled in side quests, wasting hours with reading material in virtual bookshelves, practicing augmented skills and character improvements, and piecing together the convoluted cyberpunk lore.
Sheffner expressed sheer disbelief at the possibility that an attorney who blogs as a hobby and has no official involvement in a matter could be liable for violating ethics rules by offering analysis in an ongoing matter.
With that said, the idea of Bixby as the possible new A.I. assistant replacing S Voice could be sheer speculation, but we would not rule out the possibility that it would materialize.
The sheer number of possibilities to become a medical assistant in California make it difficult to say exactly how long it may take before you can get a job as a medical assistant.
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