Sentences with phrase «as sidelined spectators»

Travelers are welcome to join in on the craziness, not as sidelined spectators but as costumed participants, parading with mas bands such as Fantasy and Tribe.

Not exact matches

1989 was the same summer that Spike Lee's race - relations film, DO THE RIGHT THING came out, I had just read Malcolm X's Autobiography for a class, my IVCF chapter was more and more seeking to explore the implications of «multi-ethnicity» for campus ministry, and as a college radio DJ I had been exposed to more of the best rap than most white suburbanites — that is, a number of threads came together for me at that time to allow me to be a right - on - the - sidelines spectator of the rap youth culture phenomenon.
In Amazon's bid to cement its reputation as the premier eReader authority, Jeff Bezos and his cohorts may have just hit the kind of home run that turns noncommittal sideline spectators into bona fide devotees.
The game is intent on taking control away from the player and relegating them to the sidelines as a spectator
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