Sentences with phrase «as sleep medications»

I'm going to be brief on this point, and mostly sidestep it, because I think the debate is about as exciting as sleep medication, and really, it's not all that useful to you.

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Certain pharmaceuticals, including barbiturates (sleep medications), as well as alcohol, repress REM sleep.
They may sleep in the early days for many reasons such as elevated bilirubin, or maternal medications.
Our findings reveal how specific traits (such as extraversion or an analytical orientation) correlate with certain techniques to achieve sleep — from meditation to medication.
While it's true that sleep - inducing foods are not as powerful as prescription medications, they are free of side effects and require no prescription.
According to the Mother - Baby Sleep Laboratory at the University of Notre Dame, you can create a safe co-sleeping environment by adhering to guidelines such as putting the baby along side the adult bed on a separate surface and not taking any medication that makes you unresponsive while sleeping.
Medication, such as nasal decongestants, often «wires the babies up and then you have a snotty awake baby instead of a snotty sleeping one,» adds Dr. Brown.
Should your child fall into this category, you will be given tips on establishing a sound sleep routine, creating a positive sleep environment and whether your child needs medication or supplements such as melatonin to help the child sleep at night.
All infants born at Women & Infants Hospital who have been exposed to illicit drugs, psychotropic medication, or who have neurobehavioral concerns such as excessive irritability or poor sleep should be referred for NNNS consult.
My postpartum depression actually manifests more as anxiety and what I found, my medication has not been sufficient in helping with that sleep is key and everyone will tell you that and it kind of feel validated sometimes when I tell other moms, yeah I just really need to sleep like «oh, honey everyone does» and you'll get used to functioning on you know little sleep.
When you're taking medication, be sure to watch your baby for any unusual signs or symptoms — such as a change in eating or sleeping habits, fussiness, or a rash.
Typically, we use medications to treat symptoms such as headaches, difficulty sleeping and depression.
A good night's sleep is as important as any medication for you to feel relaxed and healthy.
As in the case of Marilyn Lemak, police officials are suggesting a deteriorating marriage drove 36 - year - old Chun Anderson, who has been charged with attempted first - degree murder for allegedly tricking her daughter into overdosing on sleeping medication Thursday before taking the medication herself.
The lumping together of various categories of sleep - related deaths is cause for further research, as it includes such examples as infants who have rolled off their sleeping surfaces into a pile of clothing or plastic; parents who have ingested alcohol or medications that impair sleep cycles; pets or siblings in the same bed at the infant; or grandparents who fall asleep with a newborn in their arms.
Do not sleep in the same bed as your baby if you or your partner has been drinking alcohol or taking medication which makes you drowsy.
It is also the main component in many sleep aids, including «nighttime» versions of cold medications, as well as motion sickness pills.
People with all three symptoms of insomnia were 2.8 times more likely to die from a fatal injury than those with no insomnia symptoms, even after adjusting for potential confounders such as alcohol consumption and daily use of sleep medication.
The results were similar after researchers adjusted for other factors that could affect dementia risk or sleep, such as heart disease factors, depression symptoms and medication use.
He puts his faith in technology, envisioning that in lieu of human attendants, medical devices in highly wired households will keep an eye on seniors, reminding them about their medications and monitoring their vital signs, even as they sleep.
Regardless of age, the main therapeutic classes of AI medications used in the population were cardiovascular agents such as blood pressure medications, central nervous system agents such as sleeping pills, pain medications, and muscle relaxers, metabolic agents such as medications for diabetes and cholesterol, and psychotherapeutic agents such as antidepressants and antipsychotics.»
Children were assessed for asthma symptoms — including but not limited to cough without a cold, inability to speak full sentences due to asthma and disrupted sleep — asthma - related health care use (acute care visits, emergency room visits or hospitalizations in three months prior to each assessment), asthma medication use and maximal symptoms days, defined as the highest number of days that the child had three different types of asthma symptoms in the two weeks prior to the visit or phone call.
Hormone changes, stress, a poor diet, a lack of sleep and even certain medications can also add to the problem as well.
Your sleep disturbances may be caused by factors that affect many women beginning at midlife, such as sleep - disordered breathing (known as sleep apnea), restless legs syndrome, stress, anxiety, depression, painful chronic illnesses, and even some medications.
And, Gray said in an institute news release, «Older adults should be aware that many medications — including some available without a prescription, such as over-the-counter sleep aids — have strong anticholinergic effects.
The authors weren't as supportive of using medications, such as hypnotics, sedatives, stimulants, and benzodiazepines, for sleep - wake disorders.
Talk to your doctor about sleep hygiene, medication, or therapy, if you're not sleeping as well as you should be.
If you take a sleep aid, play it safe by letting your doctor know about any other prescription and over-the-counter medications (as well as herbal remedies) you're using.
An after - dinner drink Initially, alcohol acts as a sedative and will put you to sleep — one of the reasons it's in nighttime cough and cold medications.
As an initial step, try at - home remedies such as an ice pack or warm compress, over-the-counter pain medications, stress reduction techniques (Dr. Syrop is a big proponent of meditation to relax the jaw muscles), and, if teeth grinding is to blame, a bite plate or mouth guard to separate the top and bottom teeth while you sleeAs an initial step, try at - home remedies such as an ice pack or warm compress, over-the-counter pain medications, stress reduction techniques (Dr. Syrop is a big proponent of meditation to relax the jaw muscles), and, if teeth grinding is to blame, a bite plate or mouth guard to separate the top and bottom teeth while you sleeas an ice pack or warm compress, over-the-counter pain medications, stress reduction techniques (Dr. Syrop is a big proponent of meditation to relax the jaw muscles), and, if teeth grinding is to blame, a bite plate or mouth guard to separate the top and bottom teeth while you sleep.
The importance of other therapies Since medication is not universally successful and because the causes of fibromyalgia are so poorly understood, Dr. Argoff cautions that «medication alone is not the solution» and recommends that it be combined with lifestyle changes such as good sleep hygiene and moderate aerobic exercise as well as complementary therapies, such as cognitive behavioral training, to manage pain.
When taking prescription sleep medications, its best to take them only as directed by your doctor, for a short period of time at the lowest - effective dose.
External factors, such as poor sleep, stress, and medications, can affect your progress and lead to weight gain.
While central sleep apnea may be triggered by medical conditions (such as heart disorders) and certain medications (such as opioids), obstructive sleep apnea often affects people who are overweight.
Because clinical studies of Rozerem have found little evidence for abuse and tolerance (it was tested in patients with a history of drug abuse), it's the only prescription sleep medication not classified as a controlled substance by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency.
Seek treatment for both sleep and pain problems Instead of simply referring patients back to their doctors for pain management, sleep specialists now treat them for insomnia just as they would anyone else — with sleep medication, cognitive - behavioral therapy, or both.
Factors that aggravate RLS Sleep deprivation can make subtle RLS symptoms much worse, so sleep specialists often find that when a separate cause of sleep loss is treated — insomnia with medication, or sleep apnea with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy — patients report that their RLS improves as Sleep deprivation can make subtle RLS symptoms much worse, so sleep specialists often find that when a separate cause of sleep loss is treated — insomnia with medication, or sleep apnea with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy — patients report that their RLS improves as sleep specialists often find that when a separate cause of sleep loss is treated — insomnia with medication, or sleep apnea with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy — patients report that their RLS improves as sleep loss is treated — insomnia with medication, or sleep apnea with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy — patients report that their RLS improves as sleep apnea with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy — patients report that their RLS improves as well.
And yet 60 million Americans suffer from some kind of sleep disorder and as many as 1 in 6 of those use prescription sleep medications, many of which are addictive and have side effects.
You certainly do not need to go to medical school to understand that using drugs to help kids sleep is not their best option, as it in no way, shape or form addresses the underlying cause of poor sleep patterns and instead exposes kids to potentially serious medication side effects.
A number of factors can contribute to obesity, including a lack of physical activity, a lack of sleep, genetics and certain medications that slow calorie burn, increase appetite or cause water retention, such as corticosteroids, antidepressants or some seizure medications.
Research shows honey works as well as dextromethorphan, a common ingredient in over the counter cough medications, to soothe cough and related sleeping difficulties due to upper respiratory tract infections in children.6
At first i didn't notice anything wrong as I was getting really good results, but around 2014 I started having problems with my sleep which I correlated to overtraining (as my doctor would only give me some medication to sleep without really tring to solve my problem, I had to do most of the research by myself).
Others may take medications such as sleeping pills, anti-depressants or rely habitually on paracetamol (acetaminophen) for tension headaches that may be caused by stress.
-LSB-...] drugs, the same precautions and risks accompany allergy medication as sleeping drugs.
Medications for sleep, depression or muscle spasm are sometimes used, as well.
Various conditions and medications can lead to secondary hypertension, including: Kidney problems; Adrenal gland tumors; Thyroid problems; Certain defects in blood vessels you're born with (congenital); Certain medications, such as birth control pills, cold remedies, decongestants, over-the-counter pain relievers and some prescription drugs; Illegal drugs, such as cocaine and amphetamines; Alcohol abuse or chronic alcohol use; Obstructive sleep apnea.
As a general rule of thumb, if you are on pharmaceutical medications for sleep and / or mood disorders and you don't plan on seeing your doctor, don't mix them with natural sleep aids.
The sleep medications such as Ambien, Lunesta, Sonata, and many others work off a powerful inhibitory neurotransmitter (NT) called GABA, to help you relax and get to sleep.
Others may take medications such as sleeping pills, anti-depressants or rely habitually on paracetamol for tension headaches which may be caused by stress.
The end result of just one meeting with Craig is that I developed a healthier diet that allowed me to stop taking both the over the counter sleep medication and the prescription antacid as well.
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