Sentences with phrase «as soul crushing»

We've all wasted money on a bad game here and there, but few are as soul crushing as Slaughter Sport.
As soul crushing as it was when they finally confirmed the AS, it made me scour every text I could get my hands on concerning the disease.

Not exact matches

The quote «It's not personal, it's just business» is more than a cliché - it serves as a cautionary warning to a soul - crushing reality.
The business, known as The Boring Company, was inspired by the soul - crushing traffic congestion Musk experienced in Los Angeles.
Soul crushing as that is, you can't even pre-order one yet, either.
As pitching coach Rob Friedman pointed out on Twitter, used together, Ohtani's fastball and splitter are absolutely soul - crushing.
So that in line with, and gradually replacing, the thrust from behind or below, we see the appearance of a force of attraction coming from above which shows itself to be organically indispensable for the continuance of the sequence, indispensable for the maintenance of the evolutionary impetus, and also indispensable for the creation of an atmosphere enveloping Mankind in the process of totalization, of psychic warmth and kindness without which Man's economic - technological grip upon the World can only crush souls together, without causing them to fuse and unite... The «pull» after the «push», as the English would say.
The Israelites had been enslaved for more than two centuries; their backs broken by whips and their souls crushed under the weight of Pharaoh's mercilessness; their identity as the children of Abraham — God's chosen people — shadowed by their new title as slaves.
But please don't confirm those false and vicious stereotypes of Catholic moral teaching as soul - crushing and freedom - denying, a manual of nay - saying for killjoys.
Then I had the soul crushing realization that I could never make a gluten free version of it that would look or taste as good!
Buying wine isn't as soul - crushing as buying new jeans, but it's still pretty stressful.
I worked a mundane, soul - crushing job every week, and partied harder and harder each weekend as a coping method, as a way to have some agency, chasing immediate pleasures to avoid the nagging thought that there must be more to a person's existence.
After the defeat he took to Twitter when it looked as though he was saying farewell to the national side writing that his «soul had been crushed».
10 × 5 back squats at 70 % - They literally wrote this as «Soul Crushing Back Squats» They must have known Saturday is my birthday and wanted to give me a nice present.
The mistakes you've made in your dating life can be seen as life - destroying, soul - crushing experiences, or they can be seen as opportunities to learn, grow and become a better relationship partner.
WHAT: After agreeing to serve as the temporary Director of Medicine in the Extended Care Unit at Mount Palms Hospital, Dr. Jenna James (Laurie Metcalf) is disheartened when the assignment is made permanent, relegated to work in the soul - crushing facility alongside new supervising nurse Patsy De La Serda (Mel Rodriguez), head nurse Dawn Forchette (Alex Borstein) and rookie nurse Denise «DiDi» Ortley (Niecy Nash).
There is, however, little doubt that Coming to America loses some momentum as it progresses into its flabby midsection, as Landis offers up a handful of padded - out subplots (eg Akeem's crush on a beautiful coworker) and flat - out needless sequences (eg it's difficult to justify or derive much entertainment out of Murphy's turn as a terrible soul singer).
Unlike Moonlight, it boasts one performance that overshadows the others: that of newcomer Lily Gladstone, who gently bares her soul as a lonely cowgirl crushing hard on Kristen Stewart's commuting law instructor.
When I asked her what Bill had to endure as a kid in order to become so comically gruff, she asked me to construct the worst possible setting for a child to grow up in, then bury it under enough soul - crushing events — missed birthdays, disappointing Christmases, dead family pets, etc. — to bring that child right to the edge, just short of creating another Michael Myers.
As it is, The Dead Girl segues from one turgidly - paced, soul - crushing sequence to another with very little reason to continue watching.
Dark Souls brought that question to bear with difficulty so crushing, it could turn the most seasoned gamer into a blubbering mess as visions of the Capra Demon dancing over their head.
A greater social repercussion from «Fight Club» would be a trend where American males ceased spending money and began hoarding every dime as if they were collecting names on a petition to embargo our snotty soul - crushing corporate run government.
He remains invested in each one, whether it's the disgruntled miner hoping to hold village officials responsible for community welfare, the young woman defending her honor to herself as well as her unwelcome suitors, the transient who enjoys his freedom and his handgun, or the adolescent thrashing desperately against a lifelong outlook of meager wages and soul - crushing employers.
I grew up as the daughter of a struggling science fiction writer; having witnessed my father's thankless, soul - crushing experiences with the publishing industry, I never wanted to go through the process myself.
The emotional tenor remains as soul - crushing and painfully insightful as any of Ware's work, but it's really insufficient to talk about what happens in anything he does.
And the guilt will slowly poison their souls, as the weight of obligation crushes their spirits and creates yet more misery in their otherwise likely empty and meaningless existences.
It read as follows: I will write as directed by my soul and I will self publish as directed by my need to crush status quo.
My friend Ellie used her savings account to sustain her after she quit a soul - crushing job working as a telephone customer service operator.
Demon's Souls was the foundation for the mechanics that we now think of as the souls - like genre — abstract multiplayer, maddeningly opaque lore, and soul - crushing difficSouls was the foundation for the mechanics that we now think of as the souls - like genre — abstract multiplayer, maddeningly opaque lore, and soul - crushing difficsouls - like genre — abstract multiplayer, maddeningly opaque lore, and soul - crushing difficulty.
As hardware matured and it became easier to make games longer, retaining that same level of soul - crushing difficulty no longer made sense if designers wanted games to be fun.
At first, it's not easy, as the game doesn't really ease you into the kill or be killed gameplay and immediately has players facing four deadly foes that will crush the player in seconds, not unlike the Souls series.
I say this, not just as an avid fan of your other franchises, but mostly because of the soul - crushing regret known as Resident Evil 6.
The result will most likely be poor as well as the whole experience being more or less soul - crushing
I was expecting to have my soul crushed, as usual, under the brutalist heaviness of the architecture.
Slater reminds us of the soul - crushing nature of 3,000 - hour years of drudgery and characterizes the layoffs as a needed kick - in - the - pants to liberate lawyers from work that they hated.
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