Sentences with phrase «as subsequent discoveries»

Over the last few decades, however, as subsequent discoveries pushed back the date for the earliest stone tools to 2.6 million years ago (Ma) and the earliest fossils attributable to early Homo to only 2.4 - 2.3 Ma, there has been increasing openness to the possibility of tool manufacture before 2.6 Ma and by hominins other than Homo.

Not exact matches

This assessment does not attempt to do justice to the enduring importance of several of Russell's own discoveries, such as the theories of descriptions and of logical types, which I shall take up in a subsequent section of this paper.
APPPAH educates professionals and the public worldwide, as shown through scientific discoveries and continually emerging evidence, that prenatal and perinatal experiences have a profound impact on the subsequent quality of health and human behavior and that life is a continuum which starts before conception, not after birth.
This discovery, and his subsequent research, has provided tools that clinicians use to help them make accurate diagnoses for hundreds of thousands of genetic tests every year on conditions such as autism, birth defects and cancer.
If I made an offering to Wong Tai Sin, «Mr. Wong» as my friend called him, the deity would assist in my healing and subsequent discovery of my soulmate.
Dauphine then described her subsequent interactions with AAHS and the police, as well as her discovery of the blog created by the defendant.
Showing off a bit of the game's lore, the trailer showcased the discovery of the big destiny ball (also known as the Traveler) on Mars, and the subsequent rise and fall of the human race to alien forces.
Phinthong's interest lies in the replica skull, whose status as a fake is revealed to visitors to the Lusaka National Museum by one of the museum's guides, who, as part of his tour of the collection, narrates the story of the original skull's discovery and its subsequent removal.
The supposed discovery and subsequent naming and cataloguing of plants disregarded and ultimately obliterated existing indigenous names and botanical knowledge as the Linnean system of classification with its particular European rationality was imposed.
The trustees» subsequent discovery of the unlawfulness of the transfers was treated by the judge — applying Bradstock Trustee Services Ltd v Nabarro Nathanson (a firm)[1995] 4 All ER 888 with the apparent assistance of a concession by the claimant's counsel — as the discovery that the facts which they already knew gave rise to a negligence claim and that, by virtue of LA 1980, s 14A (9), this is excluded from the definition of knowledge required for the occurrence of the starting date under LA 1980, s 14A.
It's a film meant to be viewed without the audience knowing a single thing about it — and while I'm sure that subsequent viewings will bring their own discoveries and surprises, the first time you see this movie should be with as clean a slate as possible.
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