Sentences with phrase «as supernovae cause»

Catastrophic events such as supernovae cause gravitational waves, rather as a falling stone causes ripples on the surface of a pond.

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As it floats in an area of the LMC racked by the explosions of numerous supernovae in recent cosmic history, one theory was that the pattern might be caused by a set of localised ripples created when clumps of debris from an ancient supernova were hit by a blast wave from a relatively recent one.
It is the energy released in this collision that causes the rapid brightening we see as a supernova.
Known as 2014J, this was a Type la supernova caused by the explosion of a white dwarf star, the inner core of star once it has run out of nuclear fuel and ejected its outer layers.
«If you have many young stars all forming in the same place at the same time, they have tremendous stellar winds; some of them will blow up as supernovae — a lot of things can happen that heat gas and cause bubbles to expand,» Finkbeiner said.
As this Universe Today article explains, eventually something happens — a supernova explodes nearby, for instance, or a passing star exerts its gravity — to change the pressure inside the cloud, causing it to collapse into a disk.
One is that they are caused by a cataclysmic event, such as a neutron star collapsing into a black hole or supernova.
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