Sentences with phrase «as swimmers ear»

I only use colloidal silver for externally based infections such as swimmers ear.
Make sure to use no more than 3 drops of colloidal silver in the ear canal when using as a swimmers ear home remedy no more than once or twice a day.

Not exact matches

Once my husband had already gotten a bad case of swimmers ear, the measures we could use to avoid the infection weren't as effective and some stronger remedies were needed.
I've often used garlic for infections with great results (including for other types of ear infections), and thought it might be helpful for swimmers ear as well.
Swimmers ear, also called Otitis Externa, is an infection of the outer ear and is not the same as a middle ear infection, which is more common among children or during a cold or other illness.
Most ear cleaners include something to aid drying, especially those advertised as helping with «swimmer's ear,» or chronic ear infections.
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