Sentences with phrase «as synergists muscle»

Quadriceps serve as synergists muscle if knees are bent slightly during stretch.

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The target is the quads, having as synergists (a muscle that assists another muscle to accomplish a movement) the glutes, inner thigh and calves.
Just focusing on the obvious task — lifting weight up and down — prime movers and synergist muscles engage, while fixators do not resist the weight properly (due to not focusing on them as they don't lift the weight directly).
Given its overall length and attachment points, it is likely that the muscle functions during spinal extension and rotation, as well as functioning as a synergist to provide mechanical stability to the spine.
Force produced by the prime mover muscles is greater, because they are working to co-contract with the antagonist and synergist or stabilizer muscles in order to hold the body and / or the weights in place, as well as move them through space.
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