Sentences with phrase «as syphilis»

Rates of infidelity in «monogamous» relationships are also alarmingly high, hovering between 20 - 55 %, depending on what time frame you ask people about (e.g., having ever cheated versus cheated in the last 5 years).3 Sadly, when cheaters cheat, they typically do not take protective measures to reduce sexually transmitted infections 100 % of the time.1 Then, when they have sex with their primary partner, they rarely use barrier protection (e.g., condoms); this puts all partners at risk for diseases such as syphilis and HIV.
Dental dams serve as a barrier against most STDs, since many sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis, human papillomavirus (HPV), and herpes, can be passed simply by skin - to - skin contact.
Add a cold period and malnutrition results in early death as well as syphilis, TB, that killed huge amounts of Londoners and young people and children.
Be aware of sexual transmitted diseases such as syphilis.
Other conditions such as syphilis, irritation, scarlet fever, vitamin deficiency (especially vitamin B complex), traumatic fibroma, and squamous papilloma have been associated with this problem.
«We found compelling evidence for impact of several interventions on preventing stillbirths, especially emergency obstetric care; screening and treatment for maternal infections such as syphilis, and prevention and treatment of malaria,» said Gary Darmstadt, MD, MS, co-author and co-editor of the study and former director of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health's International Center for Advancing Neonatal Health.
The name of Alexander Fleming became famous all over the world and will remain in history as the man who discovered the cure for diseases such as syphilis, pneumonia and meningitis.
From a human perspective, these activities are not as dramatic as syphilis or food poisoning, but the whole web of life, including our own, depends on them.
«Hitler was not insane or deranged, or suffering from drug - induced delusions,» he writes, «or laboring under the effects of some chronic disease such as syphilis, or acting in an unresolved hypnotic trance: on the contrary, he was sane according to any reasonable definition of the term, and fully responsible for his actions.»

Not exact matches

GrammarNazi said «I am not validating these criminal activities, but some idiot catching syphilis is not as bad as an innocent neighborhood getting any of a number of deadly and painful health problems.»
Or maybe brought on as a consequence of catching syphilis.
... The list of diseases found with extraordinary frequency among male homosexual practitioners as a result of anal intercourse is alarming: anal cancer, chlamydia trachomatis, cryptosporidium, giardia lamblia, herpes simplex virus, human immunodeficiency virus, human papilloma virus, isospora belli, microsporidia, gonorrhea, viral hepatitis type B & C, syphilis.
As to your ending comment about gay men and syphilis, we must take many things into account when looking at a statistic like that.
One policeman and a protestor are injured in the melee.On that same page, the book tells us that, The Centers for Disease Control estimate that gay or bise men account for as much as one - third of the cases of syphilis
Sexually transmitted diseases have reached epidemic levels as young people have contracted chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis.
A number of rare diseases such as congenital syphilis, histiocytosis X, zinc deficiency, Wiscott - Aldrich syndrome, acrodermatitis enteropathica, or Jacquet's dermatitis all cause characteristic diaper rashes.
It's recommended that screening blood tests for HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis should happen as early as possible in pregnancy.
Infections such as gonorrhea, herpes, HIV, syphilis and other STDs can have dire consequences for the baby.
[4] Because there is some risk of passing infections and viruses to babies through breast milk, donors must undergo a medical screening and a blood test to rule out infectious diseases such as HIV - 1 and - 2, hepatitis B and C and syphilis (Arnold, 1997).
According to the La Leche League that a mom should be healthy, well - nourished, taking no medication, ideally she would have an infant about the same age as the one she's going to be cross-nursing, she should be screened for tuberculosis, syphilis, hepatitis, herpes, HIV and other infectious agents, she should not smoke, drink alcohol, consume large amounts of caffeinated beverages or artificially sweetened beverages, and her own infant should already be very healthy, gaining weight on a regular basis and free of all infections.
Leigh Anne O'Connor, leader of La Leche League International — an organization that provides support to breast - feeding mothers — warned parents that the milk their children gets from another woman should be screened for diseases, such as tuberculosis, syphilis, HIV and hepatitis - associated anitigens.
«Since the syphilis bacterium can not be cultured in the lab, our results show that data derived from studying the Lyme disease bacterium is highly informative about the syphilis bacterium and can be used as a «surrogate» for it,» says Dr. Wolgemuth.
But syphilis is a major problem because the spirochetes stay hidden as round bodies and become part of the person's very chemistry, which they commandeer to reproduce themselves.
Researchers from Emory University in Atlanta report in the online journal PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases that they used phylogenetics — the study of the evolutionary link between organisms — to study 26 geographically scattered strains of a family of bacteria known as Treponemes, which are behind the sexually transmitted disease syphilis as well as related nonvenereal infections such as yaws.
Their survival strategy, evolutionary biologists now realize, differs from that of a disease like syphilis but works just as well.
Freud's sexually perplexed protégé Fritz Wittels wrote, «As Sancho Panza rides behind Don Quixote, so syphilis behind Christianity.»
Other notorious bacteria have been tied to depression, such as those behind syphilis and the cattle - related brucellosis, and not just because ill people feel sad, Dinan says.
Based on official records, documents released after the fall of the U.S.S.R., memoirs from Lenin's physicians, and other evidence, three Israeli doctors concluded in January that the Soviet leader was treated for syphilis as early as 1895.
Abrikosov didn't mention the disease in his autopsy, yet the blood - vessel damage he cited, as well as the paralysis and other incapacities acknowledged in official records, are typical of syphilis.
Untreated HIV infection can cause dementia, as can the uncontrolled replication of the microbe that causes syphilis.
To begin to answer the question, they mapped syphilis rates across time and place and examined whether possible explanatory variables such as geographical location, health care spending, or relative wealth, showed a correlation with the observed patterns.
He adds that Lenin's doctors used potassium iodine together with salvarsan, as was the custom in treating syphilis at the time.
Strikingly, thin bones were always present in both ears, suggesting that the weakness may be a birth defect or inherited trait rather than an infection, such as meningitis or syphilis, which might affect the ears differently.
To update its 2004 recommendation on screening for syphilis infection in nonpregnant adults, the USPSTF reviewed the evidence on screening for syphilis infection in asymptomatic, nonpregnant adults and adolescents, including patients coinfected with other sexually transmitted infections (such as HIV).
Amazingly, a century after scientists knew otherwise, most creationists still believe that Neandertals were merely modern humans, deformed by diseases such as rickets, arthritis or syphilis.
Ironically enough, one of the best refutations of the idea that Neandertalism is caused by diseases such as rickets, syphilis or arthritis, is by a creationist author, Jack Cuozzo (1998, pp.275 - 279).
Depending on your sexual activity, the infection rates in your community, and your level of concern, you may want to be tested for syphilis as well.
If you're a man who has sex with men Testing for HIV and syphilis is especially important in this group because there are high rates of both infections among the men you're likely to have as partners.
By Amanda MacMillan WEDNESDAY, March 25, 2009 ( Men who are circumcised are less likely to get sexually transmitted infections such as genital herpes and human papillomavirus (HPV), but not syphilis, according to a study of adult African men published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Men who are circumcised are less likely to get sexually transmitted infections such as genital herpes and human papillomavirus (HPV), but not syphilis, according to a study of adult African men published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Fissures can also develop when a person has syphilis, tuberculosis, a weak immune system, anal cancer, and inflammatory bowel conditions, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.
Social media blamed for Alberta's gonorrhea and syphilis «outbreak levels» Tinder, Grindr lash back at being named in STD awareness campaign Tinder hook - ups just as likely to want a relationship, survey finds Tinder goes on Twitter...
The diagnoses are displayed openly on user profiles, and include short - term infections, like gonorrhea and syphilis, as well as long - term conditions, like herpes and HIV.
BUNCOMBE COUNTY, N.C. — Online dating could be to blame for a rise in reported... of Health and Human Services has projected 14 early diagnosed syphilis cases in Buncombe County for 2015, which is the same as the year...
Last June, U.K. health officials reported more than 50 cases of syphilis across South Wales in the first half of the year, a rate that was nearly as much as all of Wales in 2013.
Basically she was married, contracted syphilis, found music to be her ultimate passion and as a consequence was determined to take opera singing lessons.
The runners - up prize goes to Hugh Grant, wrongly leaked as the winner of best actor (comedy or musical), who describes the plot of Florence Foster Jenkins as, accurately enough, about «a woman slowly dying of syphilis».
The symptoms of syphilis are well - known, as are the side effects of the time period's medications like arsenic and mercury.
Jenkins actually was an accomplished pianist as a child who performed at the White House, but contracted syphilis from her first husband at a time before penicillin was around to stop the infection from ruining her central nervous system.
A Pictorial Tour of The Boleyn Inheritance: By the time The Boleyn Inheritance opens Henry VIII is about 50 years old, in poor health, probably suffering from gout, possibly syphilis, and has an open festering wound in his leg that won't heal (he hadn't always been old, fat and smelly - in his youth he'd been considered quite dashing and a lot slimmer, as can be seen by the armor he wore in his early twenties).
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