Sentences with phrase «as tactics for»

They're presented from April 30 to May 21, starting during Gallery Weekend, as tactics for «making the mind stateless» in an autonomous zone that may as well be on an island but is actually just an art space.
Covers aspects of recall to embed poems in long term memory, as well as tactics for addressing all of the assessment objectives in planning.
Just as conservatives denounce the Westboro baptist church and their tactics, I hope that «liberals» everywhere denounce those who use hateful threats of violence, death, and damnation as tactics for furthering the liberal agenda (or ANY agenda at that)
He and Shellenberger see support for the industry as a tactic for attracting the Trump Administration's attention on climate policy.
Do you use Twitter as a tactic for your recruitment strategy?
Walshe also critically flags how — again, at the point of consent — Facebook's review process deploys examples of the social aspects of its platform (such as how it can use people's information to «suggest groups or other features or products») as a tactic for manipulating people to agree to share religious affiliation data, for example.
And, not that you've noticed, but print magazines as a tactic for content marketers have been steady for the past couple of years (according to our research).
Without a doubt, the best part of this description is the explicit acceptance of sabotage as a tactic for professional advancement in science.
As defense attorney Patti Nyholm, Plimpton uses her character's pregnancy and motherhood as a tactic for delaying hearings, being late, etc..
Terrorism works better as a tactic for dictatorships, or for would - be dictators, than for revolutionaries.
The game's development is peppered with surprises from its choice of engine (the Unreal variety as opposed to SE's usual White Engine (Crystal Tools)-RRB- to its simultaneous release schedule, a decision seen as a tactic for SE to break into the lucrative US market.
His work altogether remains defiantly irreverent, using humor and absurdity as a tactic for subversion.
It will feel a bit crowded and unsympathetic for those looking for an intimate experience, but it's superb as a tactic for defusing pre-Raphaelite melodrama.
Andrew Sullivan pulled together some thoughtful posts on geoengineering as a tactic for addressing excess CO2 in the atmosphere.
«Conservatives» attacked the proposal, characterizing it as a tactic for the administration to advocate for greenhouse gas emissions reductions as a response to human - induced climate change.

Not exact matches

As you begin to gather costs for the marketing tactics you outlined in the previous step, you may find you've exceeded your budget.
Some marketing tactics, such as many forms of advertising, public relations and direct marketing, are great for reaching cold prospects.
Here are a few tips to consider as you develop your tactics for 2018 and beyond:
As infinite distractions compete for our attention, companies are learning to master novel tactics to stay relevant in users» minds.
Participants were asked to not only guess what their partner's reservation price (the lowest price they would accept), but also questions that were designed to show how they perceived their partner — the study's authors were curious as to whether certain negotiation tactics might lead to a likability cost, even if they resulted in a few more dollars for the partner.
One reason: Taco Bell's success with social media and other millennial marketing tactics is serving as a blueprint for all Yum Brands chains in 2015.
As Fortune has previously reported, one virtual currency lawyer believes the IRS's request for all of the Coinbase accounts may just amount to a tactic.
As for Target, it is trying a new tactic to get customers to come back later in the holiday season and ease the shopping lull that frequently happens between Black Friday and Christmas Eve.
Trading one element for another — such as a lower price for a more relaxed schedule — is a common tactic.
You'll notice that Koss has positioned the Fitclips as a «headphones series for women by women,» but that's little more than a marketing tactic; they fit just fine on men's ears, too.
And insofar as the government is about to «change the rules,» taking the five - year prohibition on license transfer and extending it a further five years... as you change the rules you effect the marketplace, and disrupt the balance that government strives to offer, so I see a refund as a valid mechanism and a cunning tactic for both sides.
It's tempting to search for external tactics as a solution, but becoming mentally tough requires you to go inward.
While the show has successfully taken on a number of issues important to the left in recent years, such as help for Puerto Rico following the devastating hurricane last year and warning against the prospect of a President Trump, the tactics used to respond to the Apu controversy largely came across as tone deaf.
But the investigators allege that the investigation was actually an intimidation tactic against Shi launched for her suspected role as a whisteblower who spilled the beans about Glaxo's marketing tactics in China, and that they eventually became scapegoats who were arrested and imprisoned for their investigation of Shi.
Perhaps the relatively swift conclusion to the Goodyear standoff will show union leaders once and for all that hostage - taking doesn't work as a negotiating tactic.
(The government has been criticized for using talks as a stalling tactic.)
As a businessman, Pinault is known for his «predator» tactics, which include buying smaller firms for a fraction of the cost when the market crashes.
While the spot's execution makes for a powerful video, it seems to miss the mark as a marketing tactic.
Unless you've been sitting in front of a cathode - ray tube TV for the past few years, you've seen how important video has become as a marketing tactic.
Critics assume that classic social movement tactics such as rallies and demonstrations represent the only effective model for collectively pressing for change.
There, it's using some of the most advanced tactics around to manufacture its clothing: a machine that automatically cuts sheets of fabric so as to produce the least amount of waste possible; 3 - D body scanners that let it create customized clothing for top athletes.
If you're starting from the ground up with social selling as a sales tactic, prepare for the long haul.
Many times, when companies first start experimenting with content marketing tactics, they eagerly jump into many of the well - documented strategies such as creating a company blog or registering for each social channel, but don't see the immediate results that they were looking for — this can cause uncertainty in their marketing tactics and lead to an eventual failure.
Before you decide if this is the right tactic for you, examine variables such as reach, audience and the value of the publication's own brand.
But look at risk as an example of the entrepreneurship - management divide: Many business schools and programs teach tactics for managing and mitigating risk.
Companies should reflect what they know about Millennials in their customer - service strategy and in the tactics they use for addressing complaints and questions, such as the availability of service representatives, response times, and online or video chat.
This murky area of cyber warfare will become more of an issue in the coming months, as similar tactics are used not just to get people elected, but to make sure they don't get reelected, or even rehired for positions of importance.
Instead of relying on outdated tactics such as generalist eBooks or email courses, start to go the extra mile for your readers.
The group wrote in a recent assessment that the Coalition should «avoid, to the extent feasible, airstrikes as a primary tactic, and consider tactical alternatives — for example, properly trained SDF conducting more door - to - door clearing operations to minimize civilian harm.»
Executing a quick community poll is one way you can gain insight into the reasons for shifts that you observe, and there are many other tactics you can use, as well.
Some of these buyer personas will never visit the Web site, and as such aren't helpful for developing Web strategy and tactics.
Time after time he's impressed me with new, awesome link building content, such as his post on link building tactics in 2011 & 10 Big Brands that Google penalized for paid links.
Make the case for better user experience as a content marketing tactic.
Monitoring and revisiting those sources can provide an ongoing source of insight for iterative improvements as you implement tactics that are more thoughtful about consumer behaviors.
Because of Wikipedia's high rankings in search engines like Google and Yahoo, as well as the ability for almost anyone to edit or create content on the site, there undoubtedly are spam tactics in play for attempting to place links within its content.
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