Sentences with phrase «as teaching examples»

This list only contains short picture book titles because it would likely take too long to read aloud a longer book to your students to use as a teaching example.
On a teachable moment opportunity: I often used Internet defamation as a teaching example in teaching students how to effectively search the Index to Canadian Legal Literature (ICLL) online (the example also works well in searching a library catalogue using Library of Congress Subject Headings).

Not exact matches

If you currently are taking advantage of such programs (for example, by teaching in low - income areas or working in nonprofits or fields such as nursing or law enforcement), consolidating your loans could affect the terms of that forgiveness.
Although the T. Rowe Price survey found that 69 percent of parents are very or extremely concerned about setting a good financial example for their kids, 40 percent are relying on a «do as I say, not as I do» attitude for teaching their kids about money.
Here are three great examples of millionaire entrepreneurs, as well as the lessons they can teach us:
Richard Branson, for example, names his Uncle Jim as the person who taught him it's OK to make unexpected choices — a principle Branson continues to apply to his business decisions.
Those who take part in simulated surgical training, for example, retain as much as 80 % of what they learned a year later, compared to 20 % among people who are taught in traditional ways.
There was something going on in comics where there was just a lot of raping going on... And I thought there was a much more complex and dangerous road to go down that doesn't have that in it, and as a male creator, do that: teach by example.
This is such a bad decision, for so many reasons, that I think it's destined to be taught as an example of «what not to do when rebranding» for years to come.
But look at risk as an example of the entrepreneurship - management divide: Many business schools and programs teach tactics for managing and mitigating risk.
thanks for the gbp usd example nial, i traded the eur jpy on a 50 % retrace from the previous day bar ny close as you suggest and i got a terrific trade purely from what you teach also entry was in the value area i won't say more because it's in the course i purchased from you.
Salafi teaching upholds the first three generations of Muslim history (salaf) as sacrosanct alongside the prophetic example.
A number of the major religions have even accepted this as you're not actually worshiping Buddha, just following his examples and teachings as to how to be a better person in life.
The Eastern Orthodox Church, for example and certainly not exclusively, endorses the teachings of pioneering Christian monastics known as the Desert Fathers, who placed great emphasis on living in continual «remembrance of death.»
For example, advocates of autonomy might defend euthanasia as death with dignity, while most Christian teaching judges euthanasia and physician - assisted suicide to be actions beneath and against human dignity.
But Catholic teaching typically explains a hierarchy of public issues, prioritizing marriage and sanctity of life, for example, which are intrinsic to Christian faith, over important but less theologically binding issues of prudential judgment, such as federal entitlement programs or immigration.
Blind faith is used as a caution By one that knows when teaching the ignorant about such things as fire for example, when the student comprehends feeling heat, they learn without burning themselves.
I do this as a Christian, trying to follow the teachings and example of Jesus.
I, too, have known many progressive Christians who know Jesus as a guru through his teaching and moral example, but not with the same intimacy as one knows a Divine Parent or Spouse.
That text you shared, is it teaching about slavery or is slavery used as an example?
As for the theologans you list, many of their teachings and opinions are no longer considered relevant — for example, Calvin's misogyny and Luther's anti-semitism.
I try to follow the teachings and example of Jesus as best as I can.
John Piper and John MacArthur for example are doing some incredible things as are other Calvinists and though I no longer teach Calvinism I still acknowledge their enormous contribution to the church community.
Moreover, it was specifically affirmed on behalf of the drafters of Pastor aeternus that the phrases ex cathedra does not extend to any and every example of public teaching by the pope (this was to exclude St Robert Bellarmine's exaggerated notion that the pope is always infallible except when speaking as a private doctor).
For example, it humbles us before the unbeliever, it teaches us empathy for the unbeliever for we know the unbeliever's dismay, since it is our dismay as well.
Obama went on to frame decisions as disparate as ending tax breaks for the wealthy and defending foreign aid as examples of biblical principles in action, quoting Jesus» teaching that «for unto whom much is given, much shall be required» and invoking the «biblical call to care for the least of these.»
And when Evangelical leaders regard an emphasis on the ordinary means of grace as jeopardizing the Christian faith while going easy on, for example, serious deviations from Nicene teaching on the Trinity, they have traveled a long way from the concerns of the Reformers.
The Catholic Church does not teach passive, fatalistic acceptance of suffering or misfortune, or consider those who suffer to be disfavored by God, as do many other religions (Islam for one example).
Heres another example, when you teach a child to survive without morality, the child will grow up as such unless the parent or the guardian is remove from its duties.
This may be one example but it seems to indicate that propaganda methods are working as planned and we may expect one - day for orthodox Christian teaching to be regarded on a par with the policies of the BNP.
A specific example of their own teaching is found in Titus 1:12, where Paul quotes one of these Cretan Judaizers as saying that «Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.»
As a teacher, for example, I am presently enjoying the opportunity to teach a seminar on a topic on which I am also writing a book.
We look to Jesus — his life, teachings, death, resurrection, and eventual return — as our example, as together we seek to live in authentic, loving community with one another and those around us.
Why do we have to accommodate this» healing» How about they build a memorial in their country and teach their children that what they did was wrong as an example, lead by example.
We can say such things, for example, as that he was born in Palestine during the reign of Herod the Great; that he was brought up in Nazareth; that he lived the normal life of a Jew of his period and locale; that he was baptized by John, a proclaimer of the early coming of God's judgment; that he spent a year or more in teaching, somewhat in the manner of contemporary rabbis, groups of his fellow countrymen in various parts of Palestine, mostly in Galilee, and in more intimate association with some chosen friends and disciples; that he incurred the hostility of some of his compatriots and the suspicion of the Roman authorities; that he was put to death in Jerusalem by these same authorities during the procuratorship of Pilate.
Take, for example, 1 John 2:27 «As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you.
We are likewise learning more about first century religion in Palestine — as, for example, about the place of synagogue, Torah, temple and sacrifice; the meaning of the terms «Pharisee,» «Essene,» «Sadducee,» «apocalyptist»; the nature of Judaism and of rabbinic teaching.
Most of what Jesus allegedly taught for example, were taught by the Buddha 400 years before Jesus... as but one example.
Not all Christians will follow the lead of the new monastics to create intentional communities in abandoned places of empire, but those that do, such as the folks at Camden House in New Jersey, can teach the rest of us a lot — for example, about environmental racism.
Or was it only an event in the lives of the disciples — a change in their outlook as they came to realize through further reflection upon their dead and buried Teacher, that his influence still lived on, that his teaching had been true, that his life must be their example and his character a pattern for themselves to follow, that although he was dead he must still be revered in their memory as their Lord whose spirit could still be recreated in themselves in so far as they dedicated themselves to the aim of following in his footsteps?
It would be quite in keeping with the Lukan practice to prefer a version of a saying he found in another source to that of Mark, as, for example, he prefers the Q version of the teaching about divorce (Luke 16.18 / / Matt.
No unambiguous definition of «liturgy» has been attempted, and because of this it is not clear why episcopally instituted and controlled devotions (or, for example, the rite of the Corpus Christi procession) are not to be regarded as liturgy, as this text presupposes rather than teaches or states explicitly.
Gustav Aulen's contention, for example, that the New Testament teaching on Christ's death is teaching simply about his conquest of the devil — the «classic motif» falls into this category as does Karl Barth's understanding of evil conveyed in his term das Nichtige or Karl Rahner's «supernatural existential.»
Many Christians today cite Old testament teachings as examples of how Christians are to behave and believe yet violate them daily.
Cahill correctly points, for example, to Luke's understanding of Christian poverty, friendship, communal living, and care for the stranger or enemy as based on the teaching and example of Jesus and carried on within the early Christian communities.
If Jesus did not rise from the dead, as you point out, following Jesus» teaching and example is still the best way to live.
We can not convert people... we can only teach by example and pray that all non-believers will find Jesus someday and open up their hearts... should they live their lives as if there is no God, it is their choice.
As to what is being preached and taught: Consider the example of one of the early «church fathers», Origen, who was a Gentile Christian from Alexandria.
In Carl Jung's teaching, for example, the integrated soul «dispenses with the conscience as the court which distinguishes and decides between right and wrong.
For example, a teacher of physics necessarily teaches logic and rhetoric, while one who teaches logic or rhetoric as a special discipline does not necessarily teach physics.
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