Sentences with phrase «as telomeres»

An unusual enzyme called telomerase acts on parts of chromosomes known as telomeres.
The study «Telomere length is longer in women with late maternal age,» used data from LLFS to show that certain factors associated with the rate of aging and longevity, such as telomere length, are also associated with later maternal age at the birth of the last child.
The blue nodes represent meditation signature genes (2.4-fold enriched; FET P = 6.5 e − 5) and the orange nodes represent genes annotated as telomere genes (1.7-fold enriched; FET P = 0.045).
However, this treatment would require long treatment periods, as telomeres shorten by small steps over several cell divisions.
Since genetics remain unchanged even as telomeres physically shorten, this measurement allowed for unbiased comparisons to cancer risk.
illustration depicting the enzyme telomerase This figure depicts the enzyme telomerase as well as telomeres relative to a chromosome.
This was a key finding, as telomeres serve important functions in cell division and protecting mammalian chromosomes.
While it is questionable whether it would increase cancer, one way to get rid of senescent cells would be a substance that restores telomeres (as telomere restoration has restored senescent cells to a more youthful behavior in the lab.).
In an associated press release author Dr Mark Iles summarised the research, «Telomeres have been described as being like the plastic tips on shoelaces that protect the shoelace from fraying, just as telomeres protect chromosomes from degrading or fusing to one another.
Linkage on cp26 of a gene such as ospC, which is needed only during a brief phase of the infectious cycle, with a gene encoding a presumably essential housekeeping function, such as telomere resolution, assures retention of a critical trait during extended periods in which it confers no selective advantage.
When Szostak heard about Blackburn's Tetrahymena repeat sequences, he proposed testing whether they would function as telomeres in his yeast system.
As your telomeres get longer, your life gets longer.
Forty - four - year - old Elizabeth Parrish claims to have received several unproven treatments, including muscle mass enhancement and therapy to lengthen protective DNA caps known as telomeres, a process associated with longer life spans in mice.
The scientists did not, however, test molecular markers, such as telomere length or epigenetic changes.
First a chromosome is catastrophically shattered when it loses the caps on its ends, known as telomeres, that hold it together.
Izpisua Belmonte added that more extensive studies will be needed to fully understand the role of heterochromatin disorganization in aging, including how it interacts with other cellular processes implicated in aging, such as shortening of the end of chromosomes, known as telomeres.
Of course, these stem cells would eventually peter out too, as their telomeres were worn down — but this is just the same situation that we face with all aging damage.
Researchers also determined that these mutations cause excessive shortening of the ends of chromosomes, known as telomeres.
Scientists discovered that a particular class of normal breast precursor cells have extremely short chromosome ends (known as telomeres).
Longer protective caps on chromosomes, known as telomeres (yellow), are associated with healthier aging.
Two independent groups of scientists have now linked some of these cases to mutations in genes encoding telomerase, an enzyme that protects the fragile ends of chromosomes, known as telomeres.
The laboratory of Emmanuel Skordalakes studies the complex protein assemblies that participate in the replication and maintenance of chromosome ends, known as telomeres.
Anti-aging research has long focused on DNA structures known as telomeres, which have been directly linked to cell longevity.
The laboratory of Emmanuel Skordalakes, Ph.D., studies the complex protein assemblies that participate in the replication and maintenance of chromosome ends, known as telomeres.
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