Sentences with phrase «as the agent of»

Stoyanova helps cultivate the largest creative community on the planet, produces her podcast The Work We Do, hosts impromptu poetry jams, and bridges industries and borders as an agent of change.
«In other words, in this setting at least, female supervisors did not appear to act as agents of change.»
Yet the measured and thoughtful Lechem is unequivocal about his organization's status as an agent of change.
Act Like a Corporate Officer When the corporation's owner signs her name to checks, contracts, or correspondence for the corporation, she must always indicate that she is the president to show that she is not acting on her own but as an agent of the corporation.
Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Carter Page, Jared Kushner, and Roger Stone were among those being looked at by federal investigators, reports said, amid the FBI and congressional probes into whether any Trump associates acted as agents of the Kremlin, wittingly or not.
I answered the door and was surprised to meet a well - dressed man and woman who introduced themselves as agents of a well - known American federal agency that investigates terrorism, counterintelligence, cybercrime, public corruption, civil rights, organised crime, white - collar crime, violent crime and weapons of mass destruction (and which shall remain unnamed here).
So rather than talking about the benefits and features of what you offer, next time think of yourself or your sales team as agents of change and prepare your pitch from that perspective.
Founded by former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 1997, the organization trains and mentors women leaders as agents of transformative change in economic development, human rights and political participation.
According to the FBI, that warrant was based on information from a variety of sources that showed they had probable cause Page may have been acting as an agent of the Russian government.
I'm a dedicated champion of Community (with a capital «C») as both an agent of social change and a driver of business goals.
How classical economists hoped to modernize banks as agents of industrial capitalism Britain was the home of the Industrial Revolution, but there was little long - term lending to finance investment in factories or other means of production.
Because they see themselves as agents of reconciliation and unity, the revisionists have difficulty seeing that their position is in effect exclusionary.
In Jesus death and resurrection as first born of New Creation, we have each been given a new identity as Resurrection people who are to live as agents of reconciliation.
(4) Serious ecumenical theological dialogue is impossible with men who are acting in the world as agents of Russian state power.
His brother - in - law, Hans von Dohnanyi, had recruited him for the resistance as an agent of the Military Intelligence.
It requires ordained ministers to renounce their long - established role as agents of the state with the legal power to sign marriage certificates.
The author has to work as the agent of the masses.
Revolutionary feminists employ a variation of the Marxist use of history as an agent of change in the revolution; they assert that history is a means for transformation of the feminine self - image, so that women may increase their self - esteem and actualize themselves fully rather than be suppressed as during patriarchal history.
Whereas the biological connection identifies birth parents as the agents of creating, or those sowing the seed, the adoptive connection is dependent on external agency.
But even the people who downplay his significance as an agent of historical change acknowledge the pathbreaking character of his writings, and just about everyone grants that he was the founder of modern Jewish philosophy.
(In much the same way, religious groups acted as agents of voluntary totalistic reform within the multicultural world of the Roman Empire.)
Suffice it to say, «it» is that element which functions as the agent of communication between incompossibles, as the immanent operator of disjunctive synthesis.
Although treated by international media as a typical papal tour, the event strengthened the potential of the Croat Catholic hierarchy in Bosnia to serve as agents of peace and reconciliation.
On the contrary they held that God had created the Logos first, before creating the world, both as the agent of creation and as the agent of redemption.
These attacks are the act of people following Satan not God and those claiming responsibility for the attacks need to be recognized as agents of Satan — God did not cause these attacks — he judges each according to his merits — anyone that ridicules God or his prophets will be dealt with by him not humans — these attacks are the works of the followers of Satan.
Catholic authorities justify the right of the State to inflict capital punishment on the ground that the State does not act on its own authority but as the agent of God, who is supreme lord of life and death.
Once we begin to understand how the gospel creates peace, mocks our vain claims to self - importance, and teaches us to live as agents of joy and delight in the world, how will these truths begin to create unity among the bickering factions of Christianity?
We are perhaps not as awed as the first audience of the Book of Job might have been by God's invocation of Leviathan and Behemoth — we can see such creatures in the zoo — but this picture of God as the agent of pure destruction, as the divine arsonist, is surely unsettling.
They are made to act — and should want to act — as agents of the public fisc who can not rightfully use the tax funds paid under duress of law by all the people — of many faiths and no faith — for the imposition of the religious beliefs or for the institutional advantage or aggrandizement of the sponsoring church.
They also enabled her to see women as more than survivors, as agents of liberation.
This conception of war also has as its villains the states who engage in it, so that states, instead of being potential sources of human good, are recast as the agents of massive evil.
Frank suggests» and he is far from alone in this» that the party's success depends on reaffirming its traditional identity as the agent of «equality and economic security.»
Government, as an agent of justice must therefore move beyond protection and deterrent functions to the» active and creative promotion of human rights.
It was clear that God's purpose for His children was for them to partner with Him as agents of the grace and change we long to see materialize in the world.
Writes Yoder: The answer of the pre-Constantinian church was negative; the Christian as an agent of God for reconciliation has other things to do than to be in police service....
But those who take opposing views also count themselves as agents of liberation.
Hey Bill Deacon, US citizens acting as agents of a foreign government are required to register as such.
This requirement is an extension of the principle that the airwaves belong to the people and that stations are acting as the agents of the people.
In cases such as these, we must learn to view the friend as an agent of testing, a gift in the form of an obstacle, a revealer of our darker side whose challenge makes possible great growth — but never without struggle.
In the US, pastors who perform weddings act as an agent of the government.
As John Snow, a professor of pastoral theology, points out, the Christian family was seen in the New Testament as an agent of the coming community of love and justice, a new kind of «kingdom»: «Its goal was not to make a house a home for a family but to make the world a home for humankind.»
During the nineteenth century, the spiritual power attributed to parents — especially mothers — gradually undermined the priestly role of the Protestant pastor as an agent of God's grace.
Perhaps we're called to new way of living — to be engaged as agents of God's redemption, trading in our masks of self - proctection, and putting on the armor that equips us to engage in God's mission and love and reach out to others?
As the (scarred) hands and (pierced) feet of Jesus on this earth with villains aplenty, we can serve as agents of healing, change, life, renewal and hope.
All it does is act as an agent of selection.
He still could affirm that the Chaldean conqueror was acting under Yahweh's commission as the agent of divine retribution.
«I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Creator.
The final conclusion of the argument, then, depends upon appealing not only to the moral implications of faith in any situation, but also to the understanding of ourselves and of our fellow human beings as the agents of history that is pervasive of our situation today.
What is God challenging us to do as agents of racial justice and reconciliation?
If we had a Christian President, with strong morals who understood his role as a leader of the nation and not as an agent of «the lord», that would be the best of both worlds.
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