Sentences with phrase «as the bubble expands»

As our bubble expands, they argued, the odds of an encounter with an outlying bubble keep going up.
But as the bubble expands, those that have invested in it find a wave of cash fighting against them, but it doesn't matter, because momentum investors are still buying.

Not exact matches

Born in the 1970s, Cai made his name and first fortune by investing in domain names during the internet bubble and expanded his investment portfolio over the next decade as an angel investor.
As the new millennium opened, the bubble stopped expanding — but it did not pop.
Well, the last time Americans had a president who was psychologically «programmed» to ignore facts that didn't agree with his beliefs, the USA ended up wasting $ 1T in an illegal war to «liberate» 100's of billions of barrels of Iraqi oil (as many as 1.2 M people died in the process due to violence, disease & starvation resulting from the conflict), nearly $ 5T was added to the U.S. federal debt, a man with experience as the Judges and Stewards Commissioner for the International Arabian Horse Association was put in charge of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the U.S. subprime credit «bubble» expanded hugely & then imploded, wiping out some $ 14T in global wealth & destroying millions of jobs, etc..
Space can expand or contract inside of a Warp Bubble This means Gravity behaves as a Magnetic Field only with higher Energies!
Her communication skills are expanding rapidly, too, as evidenced by her squeals, bubbling sounds, and operatic octave changes.
Otherwise, the reduced pressure would boil the fluids in the astronaut's body, causing them to expand as bubbles and vapors form under the skin, something even less pleasant than it sounds.
As the universe expands and cools, tiny bubbles of this new kind of vacuum might appear and spread at nearly the speed of light.
Each bang would correspond to the birth of a separate «pocket» universe, which might be pictured as an expanding bubble — one of countless bubbles floating around within the «multiverse,» as it's sometimes called.
Their work relies on a phenomenon known as acoustic cavitation, in which sound waves rattling through a fluid create tiny bubbles and then cause them to expand and collapse.
These neighbouring bubbles eventually merged to form a superbubble, and the short life spans of the stars at its heart meant that they exploded as supernovae at similar times, expanding the superbubble even further, to the point that it merged with other superbubbles, which is when the supershell was formed.
Only the tip of the balloon, called the bubble, is filled because the helium expands by a factor of 200 as it rises mushrooming into a 40 - million - cubic - foot sphere, slightly distorted by the weight at the bottom, at float height.
«If you have many young stars all forming in the same place at the same time, they have tremendous stellar winds; some of them will blow up as supernovae — a lot of things can happen that heat gas and cause bubbles to expand,» Finkbeiner said.
Two upgrades and 26 years later, Hubble can now capture the entirety of the bubble in stunning clarity as it expands into space at nearly 99,800 kilometers per hour.
The velocities measured within much of the Milky Way are strongly affected by local gas movements such as expanding bubbles and streaming within spiral arms and not just the rotation of the galaxy as a whole.
Imprinted on that light as it travels through the lobe is information about the velocity, composition, and temperature of the expanding gas inside the bubble, which only COS can provide.
Colored according to x-ray energy intensity, this supernova remnant's bluish shockwave bubble is twice as hot as the mottled gaseous debris expanding behind at 10 million degrees Celsius (more at Astronomy Picture of the Day and CXC).
When I made the original keto bun recipe as a load today (used baking soda plus cream of tartar), it expanded hugely in the oven but the top two - thirds of the loaf was a hollow bubble.
-- Expanded loot system including new weapon mods to discover, unlock, upgrade and mix - n - match such as the glass cannon, bloodlust, bubble shield, intravenous bombs, easy money, berserker and fly paper;
Bubbling opposition to the idea of a phased - in approach that entails co-locating charter schools within traditional public schools and allowing the charters to expand one grade at a time — a tactic that charter operators endorse as a way to gradually build community support and resources, but local school districts are reluctant to participate in.
Rust bubbling is noted in several areas around the windshield as detailed below, though it has reportedly not expanded since the seller first acquired the car in 2011.
His neglect of the core idea in value investing, margin of safety, allowed him to do well as the lending bubble expanded, and low quality companies prospered.
As the dot - com bubble expanded, what industry did the worst, and bounced back the hardest?
-- Expanded loot system including new weapon mods to discover, unlock, upgrade and mix - n - match such as the glass cannon, bloodlust, bubble shield, intravenous bombs, easy money, berserker and fly paper;
However, they also subvert the obvious by incorporating homoerotic and art historical references, allowing the subject to expand outside of its time - capsule - like boundaries and to exist in relation to current cultural and artistic ideals, as in A Soap Bubble, 1915 (1991) and The Last Supper, 1898 (1998).
«We can stay with business as usual and be the generation that presides over a global bubble economy that keeps expanding until it bursts, or we can be the generation that stabilizes population, eradicates poverty, and stabilizes climate.
Russian (Sergei Kirpotin) quoted by Pearce (2005a), along with a report that «the permafrost of western Siberia is turning into a mass of shallow lakes as the ground melts,» lakes were expanding on the North Slope of Alaska, Katey Walter had found methane hotspots in eastern Siberia where the bubbling gas kept the surface from freezing in winter, etc..
Newer and fresher cryptocurrency rivals have sprung up, catering quite well for those who feel they «missed the boat» as the Bitcoin bubble expanded beyond their spending power.
«Either this sharp price correction will act as a catalyst for expanding... institutional involvement in this market — or it will become a stage in the deflation of a remarkable and historic asset bubble,» El - Erian concluded.
«Either this sharp price correction will act as a catalyst for expanding what, until now, has been quite limited institutional involvement in this market — or it will become a stage in the deflation of a remarkable and historic asset bubble,» he said.
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