Sentences with phrase «as the civil rights movement»

Of course, in business, your big picture is not going to be something as life - changing as the civil rights movement.
As the civil rights movement of the 1960s and «70s understood, singing is a way to keep your nerve.
Time, in short, to say that this is a moral issue every bit as compelling as the civil rights movement of a generation ago, and every bit as demanding of our commitment and our sacrifice.
So many of our social and economic problems still resemble quicksand, but if something can be framed as a civil rights movement, then that familiar, solid ground beckons.
The American separation of church and state, despite its flaws, both supports and encourages democratic, religiously inflected efforts — such as the civil rights movement — to advance this process.
We need to keep the story of missionary heroism alive, just as the civil rights movement keeps alive the story of Martin Luther King, Jr., and American democracy keeps alive the story of Lincoln's birth in a log cabin.
As the civil rights movement pressed with vigor for its goals, it ran afoul of the resurgence of the anti-Communist hysteria of the early 1950's.
The loyalties of generations of church - going Americans were called into question as the civil rights movement became an anti-war movement and then a war on poverty.
The crisis we face is at least as morally urgent as the civil rights movement — maybe even more so, since this is a ruthlessly timed test.
The new school is housed at Compton's Church of the Redeemer, whose pastor, Kerry Allison, sees education reform as the civil rights movement of this century.
Many students became more activist - oriented as the civil rights movement raised the nation's consciousness to inequalities in the American education system.
So were events such as civil rights movement, the Kennedy presidency and the American college experience.
He draws inspiration from American history and engages subjects as diverse as the civil rights movement, southern rock music, and modernism.
Much of his work relates to abstract expressionism and minimalist painting, remixing formal characteristics to highlight the cultural and social histories of the time, such as the civil rights movement.
Having engaged subjects as diverse as the civil rights movement, southern rock music and modernist architecture, my work reproduces familiar visual signs, arranging them into new conceptually layered pieces.
Engaging subjects as diverse as the civil rights movement, southern rock music, and modernism, Durant's work is thought - provoking, focusing our attention on the challenges facing contemporary society.
Often referencing American history, his work explores the varying relationships between culture and politics, engaging subjects as diverse as the civil rights movement, southern rock music, and modernism.
Such formalist aspirations existed in the same moment and the same country as the civil rights movement, and Edwards, who had become increasingly active in the fight for equality, immediately understood the limits of an art devoid of content.
Much of his work relates to abstract cxpressionism and minimalist painting, remixing formal characteristics to highlight the cultural and social histories of the time, such as the civil rights movement.
Deeply involved in the legacy of Post-War American art, «Glenn Ligon» highlights the cultural and social histories of the time, such as the civil rights movement and features many major figures such as Willem de Kooning, Jackson Pollock and Chris Ofili.
Exploring art's relationship to the concerns of African - American, Latinx, U.S., and global artistic communities, the artists» sources are as varied as the civil rights movement, recent events, and speculative fiction, a literary genre with futuristic or otherworldly elements and settings.

Not exact matches

As a student, he was active in the Civil Rights movement and served as an usher at the funeral of Martin Luther King, JrAs a student, he was active in the Civil Rights movement and served as an usher at the funeral of Martin Luther King, Jras an usher at the funeral of Martin Luther King, Jr..
The loss of that clause, which liberals had seen as a crowning achievement of the Civil Rights movement, makes it easier for states to adopt voting laws that can have an adverse impact on minority voters.
Her act served as a symbol for the civil rights movement and springboard for the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
As Harvard Business School professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter has pointed out, prior to the speech, King had established his bona fides as a leader of the civil rights movemenAs Harvard Business School professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter has pointed out, prior to the speech, King had established his bona fides as a leader of the civil rights movemenas a leader of the civil rights movement.
Where as (following the suffrage and civil rights movements) they have taken Biblical references regarding women and slavery and rightly applied cultural context to them, they have not done the same regarding gays and lesbians.
The people who resisted the Civil Rights movement in the south, many of whom used religious arguments, people who classified Blacks as animals, were degraded and debased by their own actions: turning fire hoses on children, setting dogs on peaceful marchers, lynching, firebombing churches...
That you would describe such filth as «culture» of any kind is a slap in the face to Dr. King and the rest of the civil rights movement.
This profound alienation of the ghetto poor from mainstream American life has continued to grow worse in the years since the triumphs of the civil rights movement, even as the success of that movement has provided the basis for an impressive expansion of economic and political power for the black middle class.
Then there was a thing called «the movement» (often capitalized as The Movement), which was a frequently confused mix of agitations coming out of the civil rights movement, joining up with opposition to the war in Vietnam, and linking hands with a «counterculture» that embraced everything from pharmaceutical ecstasies to flirting with revolutionary violence.
Before the 1970s, evangelicals voted as often for Democrats as for Republicans, but in the wake of the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s, a Supreme Court decision ending prayer in public schools, and the legalisation of abortion in 1973, the Republican Party recognised an opportunity to build a new coalition of Christian conservatives upset with the cultural changes sweeping the country.
I'm certain that had he lived to see a gay rights movement he would have been marching right alongside them as he did for minorities, the poor and oppressed, because it would have been a civil rights matter for him; a matter of justice for, as he said, ALL of God's people.
Although he sympathized with the civil rights movement and actively opposed the Vietnam War» he was (with Richard John Neuhaus) a member of the steering committee of Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam» he felt increasingly alarmed at the radicalism of the Movement, which reminded him of the street violence he had witnessed as a child in Nazi Germany.
The fact is that before the civil rights movement the republicans in the south were recieving plenty of aid, and as soon as the social programs for blacks began kicking in suddenly no one wanted to pay taxes anymore.
What had begun as mainline Protestant support for the classic civil - rights movement quickly morphed into liberal Protestant support for black militancy, the most strident forms of anti-Vietnam protest, the most extreme elements of the women's movement and the environmental movement, the nuclear - freeze and similar agitations, and, latterly, the gay - liberation movement.
To many he is known as one of the most courageous opponents of the bloody war in Indo - China, to others he is known as a leader in the civil - rights movement, yet to others he is known as a popular writer and speaker, and to yet others he is an enterprising young politician who will someday hold political office.
Marsh's research on the religious roots and inspiration of the civil rights movement enlivens his account of Bonhoeffer's turn «from the phraseological to the real,» an awakening in social conscience that occurred during his year as a post-doctoral resident at Union Theological Seminary in New York in 1930 — 1931.
Call upon the educated, artistic, and creative members of our societies, as well as organizations of civil society, to establish a broad movement for the just treatment of religious minorites in Muslim countries and to raise awareness as to their rights, and to work together to ensure the success of these efforts.
He viewed the civil rights movement as a microcosm of the beloved community.
Clergy were scarcely perceived as nondirective listeners as they joined the movements for civil rights and peace, or the war on poverty.
Seligman considers whether, in a time of atomized anomie, new social movements such as feminism or gay rights might provide an incipient civil society for their adherents.
Remember, morals change in society; look at the abolitionist, women's suffrage, and civil rights movement, all of them originally didn't have «morality» on their side, but as society changed, the morals changed.
In an interview with The Politico, University of Virginia theologian Charles Marsh, author of Wayward Christian Soldiers and the son of a Southern Baptist minister, stated: [68] «As someone who grew up in Mississippi and Alabama during the civil rights movement,... my reading is that the conservative Christian movement never was able to distinguish itself from the segregationist movement, and that is one of the reasons I find so much of the rhetoric familiar — and unsettling.
In «Our First, Most Cherished Liberty» there is talk of religious liberty as the «first freedom» and a tip of the cap to the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights movement.
Modern civil rights and liberation movements thus can be understood as struggles against patriarchal deformations of democracy.
Perhaps a desire to renew this validation accounts for the religious left's determination to frame issues as new civil rights movements.
«It was those kinds of things, but as more options opened some of that was diffused in some places,» she said, noting the increase in choices came after the civil rights movement of the 1960s.
Southern writers whose assessments of the Civil War defamed the North and idealized the South, share in the blame, as do radicals in the civil rights movement who promoted the notion that American principles are raCivil War defamed the North and idealized the South, share in the blame, as do radicals in the civil rights movement who promoted the notion that American principles are racivil rights movement who promoted the notion that American principles are racist.
Although the political context was shifting in Australia, in the shadow of the civil rights movement, the racist status quo was as embedded culturally as it was in the United State and South Africa.
The «bounds of possible thought» about nuclear weapons may be set by the prevailing «nukespeak,» as Paul Chilton has pointed out (in Nukespeak [Comedia Publishing, 1982]-RRB- But through persistent «peacespeak» they can also be expanded, much as the bounds of possible thought about race were expanded by the civil rights movement — under the image - sensitive leadership of Christian ministers.
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