Sentences with phrase «as the exclusion of»

Second, restrictions on practice that the current CABC indicators have implemented such as the exclusion of breech and multiples, has driven many birth centers to incorporate homebirth into their practice model so they can extend care to these clients outside the birth center setting.
In case of not doing so and behaving irresponsible, the company will take the necessary measures, prior notification, such as the exclusion of the courses.
An over-reliance on carried - over characters from Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 hindered the roster as much as the exclusion of the X-Men, especially when brand new characters were already announced as DLC.
The IPCC only considers short - term factors, as their exclusion of the Milankovitch Effect in their analysis and computer models underscore.
Before applying for cashless benefit for hospitalization check your policy documents and understand the coverage as well as the exclusion of your health insurance plan.
Do check out the inclusions as well as exclusions of your travel plan.
One could always ask for more — expandable storage, removable batteries, etc — but the device ultimately redeemed the poor decisions the company made throughout 2015 (such as the exclusion of NFC) while still upping the value of the product.

Not exact matches

That's already a major barrier to people seeking treatment in the first place (as is a dearth of affordable treatment options); but it can be magnified by a conviction and incarceration, which exacerbate a vicious cycle of lackluster employment opportunities, social exclusion, and continued crime and addiction.
For example, as the result of a web content audit of your site, you might notice that you've been focusing too heavily on industry news to the exclusion of the detailed product information your customers need to make buying decisions.
«New York State strongly opposes the Department of the Interior's National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program as it poses an unacceptable threat to New York's ocean resources, to our economy and to the future of our children,» Cuomo said in announcing the exclusion request.
As in, yes you can buy into a private plan at age 60 for example, but it will be very expensive and you'd better pray they don't come up with an exclusion if a disease of age catches up with you.
The People's Liberation Army Daily on Wednesday published its list of attendees for the upcoming 19th party congress in Beijing on October 18, with two notable exclusions: Fang Fenghui, who was recently replaced as the chief at the Joint Staff Department in China's military and is currently under investigation for corruption, and General Zhang Yang, the director of the political work department, who also sits on the military commission.
And not all forms of harassment or exclusion are necessarily immediately noticed as such, especially in a bro culture.
The most direct jab at Trumpism, which doubled as a reference to Mormonism, was Romney's declaration, «Utah welcomes legal immigrants from around the world [while] Washington sends immigrants a message of exclusion
But homeowners may exclude from taxable income up to $ 250,000 ($ 500,000 for joint filers) of capital gains on the sale of their home if they satisfy certain criteria: they must have maintained the home as their principal residence in two out of the preceding five years, and they generally may not have claimed the capital gains exclusion for the sale of another home during the previous two years.
Tax expenditures are special provisions of the tax code such as exclusions, deductions, deferrals, credits, and tax rates that benefit specific activities or groups of taxpayers.
The Congressional Budget Act of 1974 defines tax expenditures as «revenue losses attributable to provisions of the Federal tax laws which allow a special exclusion, exemption, or deduction from gross income or which provide a special credit, a preferential rate of tax, or a deferral of tax liability.»
Obtaining a business loan through an alternative lender, such as BFS, enables you to skip some of the questions, bypass a portion of the lengthy paperwork, and / or meet a lower bar, giving you the opportunity to obtain the capital you need for your restaurant without having so many limitations or exclusions in place.
Rule 14a - 8 (i)(7) is intended to permit exclusion of a proposal that «seeks to «micro-manage» the company by probing too deeply into matters of a complex nature upon which shareholders, as a group, would not be in a position to make an informed judgment.»
Borrowers of qualified education loans may deduct up to $ 2,500 in interest on their federal income tax returns as an above - the - line exclusion from income.
When you regulate in response to incumbents, as opposed to in response to user needs, you have all sorts of issues, like, Are you, in fact, just reinforcing the position of incumbents to the exclusion of competitors?
Unscheduled means exclusion of scheduled news releases such as earnings and dividend announcements.
For example, Facebook defines hate speech as a direct attack — dehumanizing speech, statements of inferiority or calls for exclusion or segregation — on people from protected groups.
As I've indicated before, I think that the short window in which this 100 % exclusion is actually available makes it sort of a gimmick.
Capital gains and dividends are taxed as ordinary income with a 40 percent exclusion, leading to effective rates of 6, 15, and 21 percent before counting the 3.8 surtax currently in place.
Consequences of these reforms: increased length of employment required to qualify for EI, reduced duration of benefits as well as the amount of paid benefits and the complete exclusion from the program of people who resign or are dismissed for misconduct (see table 1).
Japan is asking for the Fukushima nuclear exclusion zone to be classified as a no - go area for Pokémon after the discovery of at least one of the game's characters on a power station's site.
The exclusion of health services, as well as a number of other services provided by the public sector, largely explains the relatively modest increase in the market goods and services excluding volatile items measure of underlying inflation over the past year.
That's because doctors engage in a process of elimination to reach what is known as a «diagnosis of exclusion
The government, the Supreme Court actually, you know, the one made up of christians and jews but no atheists, said one religion could not be taught to the exclusion of others, and they said ID is not science, just religious creationism in disguise, so can not be taught as science.
«In Rabbi Jesus: An Intimate Biography (2000), Professor Bruce Chilton develops the idea of Jesus as a mamzer; someone whose irregular birth circumstances result in their exclusion from full participation in the life of the community.
* I love the irony of that verse being in a letter to and from the same people as the main proof text used for exclusion of females.
I know you are pretty much supporting my comment, and I don't mean to be rude, but I think Baden's exclusion of the Islamic approach is much more egregious than his non-mention of the Christian approach — seeing as half of the conflict he is discussing is driven mainly by Islamic people and Islamically - oriented ideology.
If we think of the occasion as a whole, we may distinguish between the totality of causal influences inherited from the past actual world and its causa sui which is finally expressed in the way it has completely integrated these causal influences (by inclusion and / or exclusion) in the satisfaction.
Look a bit closer and it might be easy to write him off as a damaged lot, some deep male nightmare of rage and exclusion, unformed and raw, blinking in the light, Grendel licking his chops.»
As I have always said, the worse side of religion is its hold on the taboo switch — its ability to turn on guilt using sanctimonious triggers with threats of exclusion, death and hell.
There can be no doubt that God makes decisions a propos of the disjunctive multiplicity of eternal objects; the difficulty is to establish in precisely what sense these divine decisions are distinguishable from the choices and calculations made by the Leibnizian deity Whitehead's dilemma seems to be this: on the one hand, the principle of classification is to be challenged by positing the primordiality of a world of eternal objects that knows «no exclusions, expressive in logical terms»; on the other hand, positing pure potentiality as a «boundless and unstructured infinity» (IWM 252) lacking all logical order would seem to be precisely that conceptual move which renders it «inefficacious» or «irrelevant.»
In Rabbi Jesus: An Intimate Biography (2000), Chilton develops the idea of Jesus as a ma - mzer; someone whose irregular birth cir - c - umstances result in their exclusion from full participation in the life of the community.
Secondly, as Wesley Kort summarizes, our present conceptual system «is a system based on the ruthless exclusion of the personal, a systematic skepticism which renders the «I» an eye measuring mathematically the relations to one another of phenomena in the objective world.
* worship God, who has never been, at any time for any reason, a capricious God of death, war, murder, destruction, violence, abuse, vengeance, hate, fear, lies, slavery, systemic injustice, oppression, conditional acceptance, exclusion, segregation, discrimination, shunning, ostracism, eternal condemnation, eternal punishment, retribution, sacrifices, patriarchy, matriarchy, empire, nationalism, only one culture, only one race or portion of the population, parochialism, sectarianism, dogma, creeds, pledges, oaths or censorship — and who has never behaved as a Greco - Roman or narcissistic deity.
But if, as Deleuze insists, that factor he calls «difference in itself» creates the requisite conditions for novelty, then the disjunction involved will be a genuinely affirmative synthesis within which «divergence is no longer a principle of exclusion, and disjunction no longer a means of separation.
And this exclusion is required not only by the decision of God as recorded in the Scriptures, but also and to a greater degree, by the fact that the Christian can never consider violence the ultima ratio.
However, we can not escape the exclusive nature of the Gospel as well: it does require that accept it, to the exclusion of false gospels, whether it be a false gospel of legalism, or a false gospel of freedom apart from life in the Spirit.
There has been a presentation in which a biblical symbol has been pushed to the exclusion of the rest, so that the resultant picture is not adequate to the richness of the biblical witness as it has been developed and modified through centuries of Jewish history.
Not belief itself, but one belief to the exclusion of all others and the cult of belief (as in lifestyle) to that of society at large.
Jon Sobrino has written that as long as there is suffering, poverty, exclusion and premature death on an immense scale — which is ever more the case in Latin America — there will be need for a theology (whatever its name) that poses the kinds of questions posed by liberation theology.
In a context like this we as Christians are morally obligated to unconditionally intervene and combat the forces of globalization that create poverty and exclusion whether corporate globalization or finance globalization or global - capitalism undergirds the development of capitalism in the last five hundred years.
Initially, Whitehead might seem to identify actual occasions as res vera to the exclusion of persons; however, careful thought, along with the addition of other Whiteheadian ideas, such as organic unities, casts doubt on the suspicion that for Whitehead only actual occasions are res vera.
Evolution is not a fact, it is a presupposition that the scientific community dictates as fact to the exclusion of all else.
As one who has written so poignantly about the horrors of exclusion in religious communities in our own day, Volf is surely not maintaining that local congregations can somehow become hermetically sealed off from their immediate cultural influences or ideological contexts.
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