Sentences with phrase «as the general population»

During her time as a student, she was able to start working with athletes of varying levels as well as the general population.
It is no defense that the rate of abuse by priests is the same as the general population.
They are five times more likely to visit healthcare providers and twice as likely to be seen in emergency rooms as the general population.
Because of this, these students were not expected to do the same algebra or perform at the same level as the general population.
Many families who have children and other dependents with special needs have the same income, assets, and homeownership dreams as the general population.
This is especially true of always - on millennials, who were three times as likely as the general population, PwC says, to name real - time social - media updates as a key benefit of wearables.
«As the general population becomes more diverse, we are seeing increasing diversity in the population with SCI,» said Trevor Dyson - Hudson, MD, director of SCI Research at Kessler Foundation, and co-director of the NNJSCIS, «and learning that many individuals from minority groups face disproportionately greater challenges.
The loose use of evangelicalalso results in frequent headlines declaring that evangelicals divorce, engage in extramarital sex and do other un-evangelical things at more or less the same rates as the general population.
The statement goes on to make the same criticisms as the general population: of Silvio's posturing, Milan's incredible wage bill and the sadness that the Coppa is now our only chance at glory.
But today's statistics bear out the impression gun and knife crime is most prevalent among young people, with 21 - to 29 - year - olds more than twice as likely to be murdered as the general population.
People called Nigel are roughly twice as likely to vote for UKIP as the general population, according to new research.
It went down for young people late in the 1990s and then went back up a little bit as a general population figure; so that you have a tremendously important contrast between steady rates of illegal drug use as measured by drug overdose death rates, as measured by urines of arrested people, emergency room mentions, all kinds of things.
Borrelli focused on smokers with mobility impairment because in addition to being at risk for the same smoking - related health problems as the general population, this population is at risk for worsening their existing disability and underlying medical condition.
... the fact that smoking rates for individuals receiving mental health care have not experienced the same rates of decline as the general population suggests limited adoption of integrated treatments and ongoing barriers to cessation treatment in mental health care settings.»
Similarly, people with mental illness are more than twice as likely to smoke cigarettes as the general population, with estimated prevalence rates ranging between 45 to 88 per cent among people with schizophrenia, 58 to 90 per cent among those with bipolar disorder and 37 to 73 per cent among people with a major depressive disorder, compared to a rate of about 20 per cent in the general population.
Following flight, astronauts have four times the risk of herniated discs as the general population.
«We were also surprised to note that our patients who were presenting from the community were almost twice as likely to be obese as the general population in Massachusetts (34 percent compared to 23 percent).
People with diabetes are twice as likely to develop cataract as the general population and the relative risk is highest in those aged between 45 and 54, according to a new study published in the journal Eye.
, page 127), have 12 times the risk of getting melanoma as the general population.
As the general population ages, the proportion of the young who are members of minority groups — particularly blacks and Hispanics — will expand dramatically.
The survey said twice as many military members applied for credit cards as the general population and 58 % of military carried credit card debt over from month - to - month as compared to 34 % of the general population.
As the general population begins to use Bitcoin more often, potential legal clients may expect law firms to accept this type of digital currency.
This is a huge change from just sixteen years ago, when young, HIV positive men and women could expect to live less than half as long as the general population.
Evidence shows [20] that RA patients are twice as likely to suffer from depression as the general population.
Alcoholics marry as frequently as non-alcoholics, but they divorce or separate at a rate at least four times as frequent as the general population.
Adopted kids on the whole are about as likely to be raised by two married parents as the general population; however, 59 % of kids adopted through a private domestic adoption are being raised by a single parent.
People with high levels of debt stress are three times as likely as the general population to have ulcers or digestive tract issues, almost three times as likely to have migraines — and twice as likely to have heart attacks.
«As the general population becomes more diverse, we are seeing increasing diversity in the population with SCI,» said
Forgive my proselytizing here, but the author made the statement that divorce rates among evangelicals are the same as the general population.
As the general population has become more interested in health, fitness and super foods, cacao has started showing up in stores as nature intended: whole, raw, and loaded with health benefits.
You can still be reassured to know that 3 - 5 % annual divorce rate is the same as the general population.
To improve the health of vulnerable as well as the general population, he has conducted research and development to improve care both in the public hospital system of New York City and in the rural, aging population of central Pennsylvania's Geisinger Health System.
«My thinking — as well as the general population's views — on the issue has evolved, and so I believe there's no better time than the present to get this done.
In a study of three cities in the U.K., Afro - Caribbeans were nine times as likely as the general population to be treated for schizophrenia.
The spouses of people who suffered from common migraines were 1.5 times as likely as the general population to experience aura - free migraines.
When it came to migraine with aura, relatives of people who suffered from the condition were four times as likely as the general population to experience this kind of headache — and six times as likely as relatives of the people who had never had migraines.
Gastritis and Anxiety People with gastritis — a blanket term for stomach and intestinal discomfort, including heartburn, nausea and abdominal pain — are nearly twice as likely as the general population to suffer from anxiety and mood disorders, according to a study published in the January Journal of Psychiatric Research.
But that study also drew ire — from both abductees as well as the general population.
Physicians, as a whole, have a 10 % to 20 % higher divorce rate then the general population and are more than twice as likely as the general population to commit suicide.
There has been no consideration for students with disabilities or English language learners, some of whom can't possibly score as well as the general population, but are held to the same standards nonetheless.
This is a pipe dream, however, as the general population would scream about the government meddling in more of their private affairs.
Based on studies of numerous personality traits in lawyers as well as the general population, Dr. Richard has concluded that only 20 % of lawyers are natural rainmakers.
A possible (if unlikely to succeed) defence would be to demonstrate that the combination of your driving skill, your vehicle's performance and the road conditions were such that you were as or more capable of avoiding a collision at 80mph as the general population is at 70mph.
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