Sentences with phrase «as the maximum threshold»

Many climate scientists and policymakers have targeted a 2 C temperature increase as the maximum threshold beyond which the planet is likely to experience serious environmental damage.

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Vessels below 5,000 tonnes have an effective maximum liability of about $ 7 million; above that threshold, liability can reach as much as $ 136 million.
Housing markets of course don't look the same in every city or state, so for some places the maximum threshold is even higher, particularly if an area has been identified as a high - cost community.
The threshold, target, and maximum percentage business line goals shown for the named executives listed in the table above were derived using certain assumptions for 2008 with respect to the general economic, interest rate, credit, and regulatory environment in which we operate and certain assumptions as to the outlook for the businesses each of them managed.
Otherwise, the FY2015 - FY2017 LTI plan (including the three - year average annual EPS growth rate goals described above and the threshold, target and maximum payouts) for the named executive officers is consistent with the terms of the LTI program as described above.
The following table presents the aggregate EPS thresholds, targets and maximums under the FY2013 - FY2015 and FY2014 - FY2016 LTI plans and our progress toward these goals as of May 31, 2014 (actual results exclude the $ 0.07 benefit of the stock repurchase program on fiscal 2014 EPS):
This means that U.S. organic livestock and livestock products must meet the specific «density» rates identified in the Canadian standards; these rates identify acceptable maximum thresholds by species, as well as by indoor and outdoor locations.
Contrastingly, very harmful mutations are found at similar frequencies in all individuals of the world, as if there was a maximum threshold any individual can stand,» says Stephan Peischl, a SIB member from Bern, and one of the main authors of the study.
One would need to know the maximums and particular speed and stamina thresholds for each woman player, and this is delicate information that teams «scrupulously» conceal so as not to give their rivals any clues.
After fluorescence intensity normalization (where 0 is no expression and 1 is maximum), individual cells were scored in each channel (FluoroGold and GFP) as above or below a predetermined threshold.
PSMC (29) was performed as described previously (9), with slight modifications of the maximum coverage threshold per sample.
Otherwise, take a lab test to find your heart rate at the maximum rate of fat - burning (fatmax), as well as your VT1 (first ventilatory threshold).
Teachers and administrators can choose the Odysseyware default course settings or set custom settings such as lesson and quiz pass thresholds, maximum number of lesson attempts, individual lesson weighting, lesson and unit completion dates.
The implications of this are dependent on what your issuer is actually doing with the contents of the offline counter: Some issuers use this as a safety measure for contactless cards and allow only a limited number of contactless transactions, since those usually do not require any cardholder verification method below a certain threshold (e.g. 25 $ in many European countries), and the total risk in case of physical card theft can therefore be limited to < number of offline transactions > * < maximum contactless transaction amount >.
The maximum deduction amount is still limited by the age - based caps, but, because self - employed health insurance is an «above - the - line» deduction (as opposed to the «below - the - line» deduction for medical expenses), the 7.5 % income threshold won't apply.
An overview of how the compensation rules relate to brokers: Broker compensation can be paid as a percentage of the principal mortgage loan with minimum and maximum dollar thresholds.
On the other hand, dogs have been known to have a fairly higher maximum acoustic threshold, topping at 45 kilohertz or more than twice the maximum hearing acuity of children, although it is possible that certain breeds of dogs can have hearing acuities reaching as high as 60 kilohertz.
As described in our report «Carbon Supply Cost Curves: Evaluating Financial Risk to Oil Capital Expenditures», such break - even price can be considered the maximum threshold up to which oil projects become high - risk and high - cost.
Last year, James Hansen of GISS and Columbia University said that we may have already exceeded the maximum safe threshold for CO2 in atmosphere — we're presently at approximately 387 parts - per - million (ppm) and Hansen said that we needed to target 350 ppm as the stabilization threshold, not 450 - 500 as recommended in the last IPCC assessment report.
A per - claim limit is the maximum amount that an insurer will pay on an individual claim made under a policy, in some cases this limit may be the same as the aggregate limit (but in this case if the first claim is at or above the threshold — no further claims may be made against the insurer on the policy) or it may be set at a fraction of the value of the policy.
They also don't come with some of the same problems as older nickel batteries used to have, like losing track of the maximum charge threshold.
Housing markets of course don't look the same in every city or state, so for some places the maximum threshold is even higher, particularly if an area has been identified as a high - cost community.
Since the automated system only determines if a loan is risky or not, an overzealous consumer, or an aggressive loans officer who wants to encourage a customer to borrow as much as possible, can use the system to discover the maximum threshold for a loan to be considered acceptable.
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