Sentences with phrase «as the organisms at»

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«Rome is burning at the moment,» Christopher Page, a biologist who oversees production and growth of new coral seeds at Mote, told me as he pointed to a tank full of polyps, the name for individual coral organisms.
The fossil record which shows millions of years of stable species, then an explosion of necessarily mutations, all occurring at the precise necessary time required for complex organisms to develop, and ALL escaping fossilization «the sudden appearance of most species in the geologic record and the lack of evidence of substantial gradual change in most species — from their initial appearance until their extinction — has long been noted, including by Charles Darwin who appealed to the imperfection of the record as the favored explanation» — Wikipedia
At any stage of development, man as a person in community and also the community of persons who are moving towards «civilization», may be deflected from following the main «aim», and hence may become either a backwater in the ongoing movement or be victims of maladjustment so serious that damage is done not only to the whole dynamic process but also to the smaller organisms or societies, including man himself as such an organic entity.
Hence in opposition to Whitehead, at least as he understands him, Leclerc advocates a modified Aristotelianism, according to which the subordinate entities within a physical organism «act on each other reciprocally, and are thus each modified, in some respect, by the relationship, that is, by their acting» (NPE 309).
I want to say that the human organism is like the agency in that there is both the unified togetherness of experience enjoyed by the director and fragmentary bits and pieces of structure which may be at odds with, out of tune with, the agency as a whole.
The Whiteheadian universe is not a block universe; there is free play at those joints in the universe where higher level organisms make choices as between or among alternatives.
First, the aim at intensity or richness of experience on the part of individual moments of the soul's life leads the soul to actualize itself in ways that are immediately rewarding to it, independently of their consequences for the organism as a whole.
At this point the question is specifically, do all organisms individually have something akin to purpose as is the case in Process and Reality?
Aristotle described human being as a layered hierarchy of informed matter, the elements fusing together under the impress of a higher - level form to compose tissues, tissues serving as the proximate matter for a yet more complex organizing form at the level of organs, and organs bound into the active, dynamic organism by the yet higher form of soul.
«15 The result is a «conception of organism, of societies of entities feeling each other, compounded of each other's feelings, -LRB-(which)-RRB- is Whitehead's primary achievement... «1 6So «God is the compound individual who at all times has embraced or will embrace the fullness of all other individuals as existing at those times.
Along with the importance of these relationships are several other key features: the nested hierarchies of organisation at hundreds - if not thousands - of different levels on this planet... the same laws of physics and chemistry function throughout the universe, and everything is related to everything else... as any system or organism is always a part of some larger system, organism or ecology, it in turn fulfils a certain function, or set of functions - which is often interpreted as having a certain «purpose» within that larger system.
Our educational task, if we accept Whitehead's view of metaphysics, is to assist the student to look on the world or the universe as a process or organism in which God is at work; to understand how God can be in our midst and yet stand behind the process as eternal and changeless.
Birch and Cobb maintain that the ecological model is more adequate than the mechanical model for explaining DNA, the cell, other biological subject matter (as well as subatomic physics), because it holds that living things behave as they do only in interaction with other things which constitute their environment (LL 83) and because «the constituent elements of the structure at each level (of an organism) operate in patterns of interconnectedness which are not mechanical» (LL 83).
In both cases, however, the dominance of similar means of understanding is unmistakable, as both are based on biocentricity; in this perspective it appears then completely valid to look at Whitehead's philosophy of organism as a purified and newly founded resumption of that which appeared previously as animism, before being overlaid by thing - ification.
In the organic responses of the adverbial level, selective processes operate according to what is relevant to the fulfilment of the organism as a whole.12 At the same time, although some selectivity may occur, adverbial responses tend to take the character of «total assertions» of the whole organism about the whole object it confronts.13 At the accusative level, or level of conscious symbolization, whole masses of irrelevant detail are excluded according to some principle of relevance operating in consciousness at the timAt the same time, although some selectivity may occur, adverbial responses tend to take the character of «total assertions» of the whole organism about the whole object it confronts.13 At the accusative level, or level of conscious symbolization, whole masses of irrelevant detail are excluded according to some principle of relevance operating in consciousness at the timAt the accusative level, or level of conscious symbolization, whole masses of irrelevant detail are excluded according to some principle of relevance operating in consciousness at the timat the time.
The adverbial mode of perception must be understood as a response, a response that has some identity or correspondence with the patterned processes playing upon the organism but that, at the same time, is not unambiguously reproductive of these energetic activities.5 Even though some originative activity may occur at this primitive level of physiological responsiveness, it is holistic in nature.
But now we look on a physical object, not as a continuous corporeal reality only relatively at rest, but as a violent activity of infinitesimal organisms.
Evolutionary processes give rise to diversity at every level of biological organisation, including species, individual organisms and molecules such as DNA and proteins.
It seems to me less arbitrary and more logical to go along with Jennings (quoted by Agar 1943, p. 153), who wrote after years of study on the behavior of amoebae: «I am thoroughly convinced, after long study of the behavior of this organism, that if Amoeba were a large animal, so as to come within the every day experience of human beings, its behavior would at once call forth the attribution to it of states of pleasure and pain, of hunger, desire, and the like, on precisely the same basis as we attribute these things to the dog.»
Evolution occurs at the microscopic level by changes in genes as a result of the survival of the most adapted organisms for the environment in which they live.
All biologists agree that the behavior of organisms as a whole is directive, in the sense that in the course of evolution some at least of it has been modified by selection so as to lead with greater or less certainty towards states which favour the survival and reproduction of the individual.
Her own sympathies, at least with respect to causation, focus upon Whitehead's early philosophy of nature: «I now find myself distanced from his later writings, but increasingly sympathetic to the middle ones [e.g. SMW], especially as he was working towards a generalized notion of «organism,» and when his «passage of nature» could be seen not as one datum after another, but as a pattern - forming and pattern - sustaining process which could support a dynamic view of a causation underlying more restricted kinds» (CE vii).
At this size it is small enough to be ingested by every single organism in the world's oceans — animals as small as krill and salps (plankton feeders) right up to the great Blue Whale.
The existing vaccine will not protect at all against the new organism, therefore vaccination will be totally ineffective as a means of prevention.
A symbiotic shift between such distantly related species as the worms and the crab is rare because organisms in a mutualistic relationship tend to be specialized and completely dependent on one other, says study coauthor Momoko Igawa, an ecologist at Kyoto University in Japan.
And then there is what I regard as Cassini's most profound discovery of all: at the south pole of the moon Enceladus, more than 100 geysers spouting from an underground ocean that could be home to extraterrestrial organisms.
«Additionally, we found that marine organisms responsible for bioerosion broke down the skeletal reef framework very quickly when exposed to high amounts of SGD,» said lead author Katie Lubarsky, who completed this research as part of her graduate degree in Marine Biology at UH M?noa.
But he hit a brick wall at the National Institutes of Health and elsewhere as he tried to fund research proving the cloned gene worked in other organisms.
Unfortunately for birds and many other organisms, it's crowded at the top: Shifting habitats higher up may increase extinction risks as competition between species increases and viable environments get narrower and eventually run out, said Forero - Medina.
I expected to be viewed asat best — a little backward for my lack of knowledge about both my chosen field and experimental organism.
«I've spent a lot of time over the years looking at other isotopes from a diversity of fauna on the island and have answered all sorts of questions about animal interactions and ecological change, but big questions remain unanswered about differences in mobility among organisms as well as changes in their mobility over time.»
I think there are a number of reasons that looking at human beings as biological organisms can be unsettling.
As Germán Orizaola, co-author of the study published in the journal Ecology and a researcher at the Swedish university states «Among the many challenges climate change poses to natural ecosystems, the effect it can have on the dietary preferences of living organisms is a field of study that has been attracting researchers» attention in recent years.»
Jim Lake, a molecular biologist at the University of California at Los Angeles interprets Gupta's finding as support for a more traditional endosymbiosis between the two organisms.
She did her master's degree research project at the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IBB), also in Warsaw, looking at the effect of genetic mutations on the function of an enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of heme, using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model organism.
Scientists knew that fruit flies, cockroaches, and other simple organisms have sensory processors that resemble a cortex, but these were «always interpreted as a striking example of convergent evolution of unrelated structures,» says molecular biologist Raju Tomer, who led the study at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Germany.
However, it is still largely unknown just how the cooperation between organism and bacteria works at the molecular level and how the microbiome and body exactly act as a functional unit.
As part of the study, Nair and his team took a closer look at what exactly accounted for the improved survival of the xylose - eating yeast organism.
He presented his idea one day to a roomful of about 30 colleagues at Yale's «Worm Meeting,» the weekly gathering for researchers studying C. elegans, the lowly nematode widely used as a model organism in developmental biology.
As a result, oxidative stress proceeds at a slower pace and the organism lives longer, just as a car will last longer in a dry climate that doesn't promote rusAs a result, oxidative stress proceeds at a slower pace and the organism lives longer, just as a car will last longer in a dry climate that doesn't promote rusas a car will last longer in a dry climate that doesn't promote rust.
The report, which drew heavily on two Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) workshops held in 1995, also recommends more research on such topics as DNA biomarkers that can gauge an organism's exposure to endocrine disruptors; models for predicting how endocrine disruptors are metabolized; mechanisms of how endocrine disruptors act at a cellular level; and the effects of mixtures.
«This method has important implications for the way future systematic studies are conducted as it provides researchers with a way to strategically target regions of interest in their study organism, such as single - copy regions of the nuclear genome or portions of organellar genomes, to produce large data sets at low costs,» says Uribe - Convers.
EYES Natural antibiotics in tears kill most organisms, but the eyes are home to a few hardy forms — mostly harmless strains of Staphylococcus, such as S. epidermis, and Streptococcus — that keep more virulent strains, such as pinkeye - causing Moraxella or Chlamydia trachomatis, at bay.
You only have to look at mainstream conservation journals to see the macrobial bias: only 2 per cent of papers relate to microbes, and even then mostly as threats to larger organisms rather than being concerned with their preservation.
For years, researchers have regarded the ability to watch an organism's neurons fire — at high resolution, as the animal behaves naturally — as the pinnacle of brain observation.
Furthermore, at least one nonmarine organism has already been implicated: aspergillus, a soil fungus that afflicts soft corals known as sea fans.
As climate change and biological invasions continue to impact global biodiversity, scientists at Colorado State University and the University of Colorado - Boulder have recently published work that suggests that the way organisms move to new areas, or range expansion, can be impacted directly by evolutionary changes.
Wyrick and WSU colleagues Peng Mao, Michael Smerdon and Steven Roberts irradiated yeast cells and looked for patterns of damage at the level of individual base pairs, the DNA building blocks whose order serves as an organism's blueprint.
Engineers can design machines and buildings based on nonliving materials very well but are not as good at harnessing living organisms, due to their variability and complexity.
This past June scientists at NASA's Stennis Space Center in Mississippi reported that the eyewall's extreme conditions can stir up ocean currents 300 feet below the surface, disrupting sediment and organisms on the seafloor for as long as a week after the storm subsides.
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