Sentences with phrase «as thinkers such»

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People with roles such as account planner, a strategic thinker who brings in consumer research, and account manager, who looks after the relationship with the client, will also be involved in a process that can take several weeks or even months before any ideas are shown to a client.
It's here that leading thinkers such as startups, established corporations and creative minds actively create the future of business together.
As noted by leading thinkers on this topic, such as David Armano and Jeffrey Dachis, social business is changing the very core of such functions as sales, marketing, IT, HR, and product design as it relates to customer engagemenAs noted by leading thinkers on this topic, such as David Armano and Jeffrey Dachis, social business is changing the very core of such functions as sales, marketing, IT, HR, and product design as it relates to customer engagemenas David Armano and Jeffrey Dachis, social business is changing the very core of such functions as sales, marketing, IT, HR, and product design as it relates to customer engagemenas sales, marketing, IT, HR, and product design as it relates to customer engagemenas it relates to customer engagement.
On the one hand, their field is flourishing: No longer intimidated by the logical positivists (who denied truth to moral assertions except as expressions of likes and dislikes), thinkers as diverse as Iris Murdoch, Martha Nussbaum, and Bernard Williams are leading the attack against such debilitating philosophical notions as Hume's notorious «Is / Ought» distinction and Kant's simplistic fusion of morality with mere duty.
I recall vividly, as a would - be intellectual, wondering how the major thinkers of the twenties through the forties had managed to believe in such improbable things.
Often concentrating on the early writings such as the Habilitationsschrift and the Lublin lectures (neither has been translated into English), the author indicates where the young thinker incorporated Scheler's phenomenological value ethics, Kant's formalistic ethics of duty, and Aquinas» understanding of the rational desire of the will into his own synthesis of human action and value.
There is, as I see it, a paradigm shift taking place in contemporary Roman Catholic theology away from the classical worldview of Thomas Aquinas and other scholastic thinkers in which the philosophy of Aristotle plays such an important role to a more interpersonal approach to the God - world relationship in which God is thought to be constantly interacting with creatures in the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth.
As with thinkers such as Teilhard, such efforts will have to, as they say, press the envelope, and they will sometimes be viewed as theologically suspecAs with thinkers such as Teilhard, such efforts will have to, as they say, press the envelope, and they will sometimes be viewed as theologically suspecas Teilhard, such efforts will have to, as they say, press the envelope, and they will sometimes be viewed as theologically suspecas they say, press the envelope, and they will sometimes be viewed as theologically suspecas theologically suspect.
There is a formidable Christian intellectual tradition addressing these questions; it includes, inter alia, figures so estimable as Origen, Irenaeus, Thomas Aquinas, Teilhard, and, in our own day, thinkers such as Wolfhart Pannenberg.
Wolin adds Gadamer's name to the list of such compromised thinkers as Martin Heidegger, Gadamer's teacher, and Paul de Man, for twice assuming posts vacated by dismissed Jewish colleagues.
Drawing on the wisdom of thinkers as diverse as St. Augustine and Leon Kass, and on the common sense of such figures as Charlie Brown and former NFL linebacker Bill Romanowski, Schall wittily argues that «unserious activities» help make human life worth living.
It is in understanding of this point that major Jewish thinkers such as Leo Baeck and Martin Buber came back to Germany after the war to engage in dialogue with the German people.
Indeed, even on this point Arendt's touchstone was not only the mission of the Congress for Cultural Freedom but also what she perceived as its bias against those thinkers of German liberal extraction, such as Paul Tillich and herself.
At the same time, a growing number of Jewish thinkers are arguing, not least of all in the pages of this journal, that the posture of groups such as the ACLU is misguided, dangerous, and just plain dumb.
Yes, Hindu thinkers such as the first Hindu missionary to America Swami Vivekananda have argued against caste, and the Indian Constitution outlawed caste - based discrimination, but the caste system, both ancient and religious, will not be swatted away so easily by either reformers or legislators.
Skeptical of such reports, a succession of authors critical of the Society of Jesus — from Jansenists such as Blaise Pascal to Enlightenment thinkers like Denis Diderot and Voltaire — accused the Jesuits of harshly exploiting the Indios.
The religious aspects of the Jesuit missions were inimical to Enlightenment philosophes, but the story of the reducciones nevertheless helped thinkers such as Montesquieu to articulate new ideals as, in Imbruglia's words, «the creation of a utopian society became the mission of European civilisation.»
This appropriation of Neoplatonism, culminating with the Pseudo-Dionysius and Maximus the Confessor, allowed Christian thinkers to incorporate into their thought such Neoplatonic features as the primacy of beauty and the metaphysics of descent and ascent, and thereby to lay the philosophical foundations of nearly all future Christian humanism.
Such thinkers are known in the history of Islamic jurisprudence as rationalists, or men of thought.
White pastors like me quote black thinkers such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in our sermons.
Seligman seems completely unaware of the work of thinkers such as Reinhold Niebuhr and John Courtney Murray.
It might be argued that the failure of thinkers to accept the data as they really are has been due to special factors such as their preoccupation with forms or essences and that common people have always viewed things as finite existents.
For a Whiteheadian and indeed for any process - thinker, any claim for the uniqueness of Jesus and any notion of his «finality» would require careful re-statement if they are to be accepted; they would need to be brought into congruity with the general line of thought appropriate to such a view of the world as the evolutionary and societal interpretation would provide.
An affirmative answer to this question takes issue with moral thinkers such as Gewirth, who fully agree that universal moral principles can not be exhausted by the formative rights I have identified but also hold that the supreme substantive principle is nonteleological.
These thinkers believed that the reductions were not possible in a strict sense, and they began to reformulate them in such a way as to preserve the integrity of the Lebenswelt and our perceptions within it.
As such they would be instances of, rather than exceptions to, the very kind of experiential activity that occurs in all living things and, so process thinkers speculate, in all existents, even subatomic events.
Much less can be claimed by way of consensus in this area, since not all contemporary theologians are convinced that it is necessary to reconceive the idea of God along process lines (i.e., as suggested by the philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead as well as by thinkers such as Teilhard de Chardin).
Changing political circumstances altered political ideals over the next seventy years, such that pro-Catholic thinkers such as Félicité de Lamennais gradually began to endorse liberalism's doctrine of religious liberty as a way of providing safe harbor for the Church's social influence within a French state that was no longer officially Catholic.
And those more recent thinkers who are most like Leibniz in comprehensive knowledge (Peirce and Whitehead being almost unique in this respect) reject any such jumble of notions as automatic yet spiritual realities.
In the face of both thinkers» categorical denial that there is any such thing as a substantial self which endures throughout the constant process of transition, our task at hand will be to present their developmental insights in a language and style which truly captures the dynamic thrust of their views.
He was thorough in his acceptance of the mistakes of religious groups who are dismissive of the brilliant contributions of free thinkers such as Hitchens and their intelligent questioning of the subservience of religious groups to their leaders.
After Our Likeness becomes more enigmatic when one recalls how carefully Volf has considered the historical studies of scholars such as Yves Congar, the theological insights of Reinhold Niebuhr and the ecclesial analyses of feminist and liberation thinkers.
Perhaps a book such as this could not have been written before now, before a critical mass of articulate black thinkers began to express their spirited dissent from the racial orthodoxies of the last thirty years.
Some modern Christian thinkers, such as John Hick or Raimundo Panikkar, in their interpretation of the Trinity as a metaphor come close to Muslim thinking, but as the distinguished Muslim scholar Professor S. A. Ali observes, Muslims will always be uneasy with the language of «Father, Son and Holy Spirit.»
The most influential thinkers might be philosopher - psychologists such as William James or social - historians such as Shirley Jackson Case.
We, who love them and are forgotten, may have by analogy some deeper apprehension of the life of the loving but unremembered God who, if religious thinkers such as Abraham Heschel or the «process» theologians are correct, calls out to each one of us, «Forget me not.»
The German - American thinker Paul Tillich, who died only a few years ago, believed that the Christian faith could only be rightly understood when it was recognized as providing the «answer» — not of course in words or propositions but in the reality which is behind such statements — to the «problems» which are posed by human existence as such.
So he set out to provide this, discussing the basic ideas of Islam in the light of such Western thinkers as Kant, Whitehead, Bergson, Einstein and Carl Jung.
This is a high compliment, because that list includes such thinkers as Charles Hartshorne, Lionel Thornton, Daniel Day Williams, Norman Pittenger, William Ernest Hocking, Henry Nelson Wieman, Schubert Ogden, John...
And those of us who are Christians (and I believe the same is true of Jewish natural - law thinkers, such as Rabbi David Novak) acknowledge that the faith we affirm has itself been enriched» and in certain dimensions even partly shaped» by taking onboard their insights and integrating them into theological reflection.
The work of these Christian process thinkers focuses variously on such topics as the question of God,...
The recognition of the central and constitutive role and the necessity of the varied institutions that exist between the state and the individual has been a staple observation of thinkers from Tocqueville to contemporary thinkers on both the nominal right and nominal left, such as Bertrand de Jouvenel, Robert Nisbet, Russell Kirk, Christopher Lasch, Alasdair MacIntyre, Wilson Carey McWilliams, and Jean Bethke Elshtain.
As a result, certain intangibles — such as values based on our more noble human impulses — are gradually entering the scope of leading thinkers, including historians, social scientists, businessmen and bankers — and even economistAs a result, certain intangibles — such as values based on our more noble human impulses — are gradually entering the scope of leading thinkers, including historians, social scientists, businessmen and bankers — and even economistas values based on our more noble human impulses — are gradually entering the scope of leading thinkers, including historians, social scientists, businessmen and bankers — and even economists.
Instead, I favored an unlikely combination of, on the one hand, medieval thinkers and their contemporary interpreters such as Maritain and Gilson, and, on the other, the Reformers and their neo-Orthodox successors (who were fashionable) and confessional Lutherans (who were not).
The Olympic Games help awaken in us the desire for this city, what Christian thinkers such as Augustine called «the city of God.»
As a development of the Transcendental philosophical movement, it has been part of American society since the 1830's and included such great thinkers as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, John Muir, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, and Susan B. AnthonAs a development of the Transcendental philosophical movement, it has been part of American society since the 1830's and included such great thinkers as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, John Muir, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, and Susan B. Anthonas Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, John Muir, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, and Susan B. Anthony.
Although there are great Christian thinkers on politics and powers such as Augustine and Reinhold Niebuhr, they have developed their political thinking in the context of the «pro-Christian» political situation where the political power was not hostile to the Christian church as such.
But, for the contemporary world, it was heresy of the first order, such, in fact, as to set the Hebrews off as a peculiar people in a sense quite different from what their own thinkers boasted.
So I plead guilty to being unduly influenced by French Catholic thought and by Americans who has been particularly open to French Catholic influence, such as Percy but also the American Catholic agent for today's French Catholic political thinkers in America, Dan Mahoney, and the American Mormon Thomist dissident Straussian Francophile Ralph Hancock.
Since the degree to which God's aims are incarnated depends upon the quality of creaturely response, it is not surprising that some process thinkers such as Norman Pittenger, Peter Hamilton, and Ronald Williams have taken Jesus» total obedience to God as the clue to the specialness of the Christ - event.27 This criterion, however, is entirely too general to describe the specific characteristics which ought to pertain to the Christ.
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