Sentences with phrase «as tiresome»

These steps communicate the essence of you and your business, so don't think of them as tiresome chores.
I'm sorry that you regard my questions as tiresome and I do appreciate your making to the effort to engage.
If you regard writing as a tiresome and annoying process, do not expend your energies.
Not really interested in any more James Patterson titles, and getting more YA supernatural titles will get just as tiresome.
We're introduced to a supporting cast who could normally knock your socks off at ten paces (John C Reilly, Ben Whishaw & Ashley Jensen) but they disappear from the story and the screen when Farrell escapes into nearby woods where he falls in love with Rachel Weisz who delivers the single most monotone & depressing voiceover throughout the film I've ever heard and struggles against Lea Seydoux as the tiresome «villain» of the piece.
Director Neil Burger (The Illusionist, The Lucky Ones, Limitless) is certainly talented, and it's a credit to him that he keeps things interesting and exciting for as long as he does before the story gets bogged down in seriousness as well as its tiresome length.
Gilford's Bernie Lefkowitz starts off as a tiresome Jewish stereotype, Woody Allen without the joie de vivre, but later comes vividly to life as the stalwart opposition to the central characters» embrace of their newfound vitality.
Mugatu eventually becomes important to the plot, but Ferrell proves to be as tiresome with his shenanigans as Stiller and Wilson are with theirs — in fact, all the actors try so hard to deliver anything of comedic value that the force of the combined flop sweat could crash through any levee anywhere.
Still, Toni quickly grows as tiresome for spectators as he does for the long - suffering daughter he continually undermines in the name of making a deeper connection.
And then let us add that movies which try to spoof the porn industry are as tiresome by now as parodies of bad «50s sci - fi.
Fresh giggles aren't just laughing from Puss In Boots, it's also any of the action, which feels just as tiresome as any of the «jokes.»
Nowadays, quirky films can be considered just as tiresome as the found footage genre.
Nothing is as tiresome as a comic mind on a mission.
But Park and his writing team then morph that into a dispute that must be settled on the soccer field, turning this into a prehistoric sports - underdog story, which proves every bit as tiresome as that sounds.
Every facet of the original has transitioned smoothly onto the newer hardware, and while the «warts and all» mentality of the combat may strike some as tiresome, the updated visuals and a wondrous retelling of various arcs of beloved characters both good and bad makes this throwback one of the more engaging titles available for Nintendo 3DS owners.
Oh, we still get a few more empty spaces than I'd like, but they don't become as tiresome as they did for the prior film.
In 1930, Robert Benchley wrote, «I am now definitely ready to announce that Sex, as a theatrical property, is as tiresome as the Old Mortgage, and that I don't want to hear it mentioned again.
He was finding the lawyers as tiresome as ever: «You may say this is a word - war or a word - insanity, a pleasure one owes to jurists... so many ambiguities, sophistries and chicaneries... their jargon is more confusing than all the tongues of Babylon.»
Rather than shrugging off an awareness of our sinfulness, and regarding our temptations as tiresome distractions, we should face up to both.

Not exact matches

However, it becomes more tiresome for a startup as it takes them a lot of time hiring and hunting for the right people.
The phrase «daily grind» — meaning a repetitive, tiresome work routine — may have originated in the mid-1800s, but it's just as relevant today.
In the newspaper industry, we'd have to put quotes around normal, as in the already tiresome phrase, «the new normal.»
I tell people I'm a house husband so as to avoid telling them I'm retired (amazing how quickly alpha males lose interest lol — but best thing I ever did to stifle the oh - so - tiresome questions about how it was possible)
Such deterministic reductionism (dressed up as realism) has long since become intellectually tiresome.
An article so named today would likely be one more tiresome exposé of Bill Clinton's struggle for girth control, but Mueller intended «election» to ring predestinarian bells as he reviewed the latest book by a then youthful Presbyterian minister, Charlie W. Shedd: Pray Your Weight Away (1957).
An article so named today would likely be one more tiresome exposé of Bill Clinton's struggle for girth control, but Mueller intended «election» to ring predestinarian bells as he reviewed the latest book by...
It does not stand at the beginning of the path; rather; the individual can win it only as the fruit of a long, difficult, and tiresome labor, throughout which he believes and hopes as the theology teaches and lives and works as the ethic commands.
Perhaps because I had just seen Stillman's film, the main story struck me as tedious, while Rufus's interpolations felt like a one - note joke, not very funny to begin with, extended to tiresome length.
When it seems to me as if the future would be awfully tiresome with all these moments coming back again and again, then I put it in small letters, and think of it existentially, to show my anguish (Angst).
In her article» Don't Talk About Race» (December 1999), Sarah E. Hinlicky shows herself to be all too vulnerable to the tiresome phenomenon known as «white guilt.»
My prayer is that «Atheism is not healthy for children and other living things» goes away to heaven AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, so the rest of us can be rid of their stupidity and tiresome postings on CNN.
This obsession so many Christians have with portraying themselves as victims is just so tiresome.
It's too bad all this is lost to Coontz as she furthers her tiresome agenda.
To the erstwhile tiresome friar, Gabriel Zwilling, he wrote in January 1526, «My Gabriel, I am sending the measurements for the length and width of the mattress as I would like to have it made.»
As the French Jewish mystic Simone Weil says so well: «Imaginary evil is romantic and varied, full of charm, while imaginary good is tiresome and flat.
«33 But, whether tiresome or not, Scougal was not disposed to suggest that catechizing was a task which could safely be neglected, and Baxter had expressed the hope that the time was at hand «when it shall be as great a shame to a minister to neglect the private instructing and oversight of the flock as it hath been to be a seldom preacher.»
But eating them daily can begin to get a little tiresome, as with any food.
As much as I really do enjoy a sweeter squash or pumpkin soup, I feel like it sometimes gets tiresome halfway through the bowl and I need something savorAs much as I really do enjoy a sweeter squash or pumpkin soup, I feel like it sometimes gets tiresome halfway through the bowl and I need something savoras I really do enjoy a sweeter squash or pumpkin soup, I feel like it sometimes gets tiresome halfway through the bowl and I need something savory.
As questions go unanswered, and writers and fans on both side hunker down even further behind their personal defenses, it just gets uglier — and more tiresome — each year.
It can be tiresome and hectic for you as your newborns are in continuous need of being fed with milk while you are getting much busier with other daily stuff and routine.
It can be tiresome and hectic for you as your newborns are in continuous need of being fed with milk while you are getting much busier -LSB-...]
Opening a Pandora's box of feigned offence at every holiday is as childish and counterproductive as it is tiresome
As a former Parliamentary candidate for a Scottish constituency, I find the endless arguments on ConservativeHome about the state of the union and the Barnett Formula tiresome.
There was more room for them in new, expanding sciences such as x-ray crystallography, particularly with the tiresome work required before the advent of the electronic computer and automatic methods.
Architects could realise their most extravagant designs, unfettered by city regulations or tiresome considerations such as cost or even gravity.
Although many consider it as the mother of all cardio exercises, some people find jogging tiresome.
I suspected as much, though getting 30g of inulin from onions or garlic might require eating, um, «antisocial» quantities of them even if one likes them, while very frequent artichokes and asparagus would get expensive and tiresome, so the convenience of RS and especially potato starch in order to ensure sufficient prebiotic is a big selling point to me.
As the stripes comes in many variations such as colors, sizes and pattern movement, they never really get tiresomAs the stripes comes in many variations such as colors, sizes and pattern movement, they never really get tiresomas colors, sizes and pattern movement, they never really get tiresome.
As per usual, my hunt was long and tiresome.
Lovely as a classic date of a three course meal can be, it has a tendency to become tiresome and feel a little forced.
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