Sentences with phrase «as traditional job»

As well as a traditional job interview, many employers also run assessment centres, also know as assessment days.
In fact, a Forrester study showed that the Simply Hired job search platform costs a third as much as traditional job boards.
For the unemployed and those worried about their job security, buying a business is just as viable an option as a traditional job search or starting a business from scratch.

Not exact matches

The traditional list of desirable vocations has expanded in recent years, as parents begin to recognize that it's possible to make good money doing jobs today that didn't exist when they were growing up.
With recruiters now favoring online applications and sites such as LinkedIn allowing professionals to develop networks and search jobs ads, it's easy to think the traditional career fair has become an...
«Maybe we could start thinking about freelancing not as where you're being pushed out of a traditional job, but something different,» Horowitz told an audience at a recent Economist - sponsored event.
It's a world without the traditional jobs as we know them.
As psychologists have pointed out, traditional interviews produce a subjective, acutely narrow view of a job candidate.
But Apple's does a good job masquerading as a slick, traditional timepiece.
That's because rising exports can increase jobs, as much as rising imports are killing them in traditional manufacturing sectors.
Plus, while it's relatively easy to clock out and forget when you have a more traditional job, it's nearly impossible as an entrepreneur.
It's an idea that has been around forever, but is making a big comeback as people who have lost their jobs in the recession increasingly look to start a small business as an alternative to traditional employment.
Whatever term you choose, the world of work is changing fast as people abandon, or supplement, traditional jobs and embrace self - employment, a more flexible working situation.
As an entrepreneur, you're viewed differently than you were when you were a manager or colleague in a traditional job.
Coffee shops and coworking spaces abound with freelancers plugging away on their laptops, and office spaces are increasingly empty as the best and brightest leave traditional work behind to claim more flexibility and autonomy in their jobs.
«It's easy to forget how traditional work practices like required office hours can often come off as a lack of trust for employees» ability to get the job done.
«Traditional jobs are not as sought - after or desirable as they once were, especially by younger workers who want more flexibility and quality of life.
Businesses have had to learn to be more flexible with schedules as millennials are steering away from traditional 9 to 5 jobs.
«I'm fairly confident that at some point in the future, as technology continues to eliminate traditional jobs and massive new wealth gets created, we're going to see some version of this at a national scale,» wrote Y Combinator president Sam Altman in January.
As many as 30 percent of them, according to the Institute for Veterans and Military Families, will leave the service with an enduring physical or mental injury, making it difficult to find and hold traditional jobAs many as 30 percent of them, according to the Institute for Veterans and Military Families, will leave the service with an enduring physical or mental injury, making it difficult to find and hold traditional jobas 30 percent of them, according to the Institute for Veterans and Military Families, will leave the service with an enduring physical or mental injury, making it difficult to find and hold traditional jobs.
A staggering 74 % indicated their ideal employment situation is freelancing or small business ownership as opposed to having a traditional full time job.
Some see the so - called sharing economy as being responsible for the advent of a «gig economy», in which people make ends meet by arranging freelance work over the Internet rather than working in traditional full - time jobs (either voluntarily, or because no other work is available).
The strike was called by the Communications Workers of America (CWA) and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers that jointly represent employees with such jobs as customer services representatives and network technicians in Verizon Communications Inc's (VZ.N) traditional wireline phone operations.
And how are companies redeploying and reeducating their workforces as traditional factory jobs become automated and the need for technically proficient talent increases?
«Whether it's a direct result of the current economy, or a person's independent drive, we are seeing more and more people across generations starting their own businesses as alternatives to traditional jobs or careers.
A Rollover IRA is a Traditional IRA that is often used by those who have changed jobs or retired and have assets accumulated in their employer - sponsored retirement plan, such as a 401 (k).
Having access to a retirement plan through your job is a great perk and it doesn't disqualify you from saving in a Traditional IRA as well.
Most traditional lenders will offer conventional loans to candidates with good credit and a steady job history (defined as two years with the same employer), as long as you can offer a down payment of at least ten percent.
REALITIES OF THE AMERICAN JOB MARKET — 41 % of employed Americans chose to work in a traditional job — 19 % of employed Americans are working in jobs they took out of necessity — 19 % of employed Americans want to find jobs that allow them to be more creative — 9 % of employed Americans have one job to pay the bills and another that allows them to be creative — 9 % of employed Americans identify as underemployed (i.e., their job does not require their level of degrJOB MARKET — 41 % of employed Americans chose to work in a traditional job — 19 % of employed Americans are working in jobs they took out of necessity — 19 % of employed Americans want to find jobs that allow them to be more creative — 9 % of employed Americans have one job to pay the bills and another that allows them to be creative — 9 % of employed Americans identify as underemployed (i.e., their job does not require their level of degrjob — 19 % of employed Americans are working in jobs they took out of necessity — 19 % of employed Americans want to find jobs that allow them to be more creative — 9 % of employed Americans have one job to pay the bills and another that allows them to be creative — 9 % of employed Americans identify as underemployed (i.e., their job does not require their level of degrjob to pay the bills and another that allows them to be creative — 9 % of employed Americans identify as underemployed (i.e., their job does not require their level of degrjob does not require their level of degree)
Yet their consumption of alcohol does not affect their families, jobs, finances, health and public behavior as it does in traditional diagnoses of alcoholics.
Job, Plato, and the Greater and lesser Commandments are my basic traditional assumptions, together with the new freedom in science to admit self - activity as the index of mentality or the psychical.
Since a belief in God — in some way, shape or form — theist / non - theist / traditional / process / yaddayaddayadda — is part of doing the job, is someone who, as you put it in the meme «Doesn't believe in God» really able to do the job?
Part of my job, as a minister in The United Church of Canada is to celebrate the sacraments of baptism (in the name of the Trinity, in fact, we still have to use the traditional trinitarian formula, even if we wish we could do otherwise) and communion.
Let's get one thing straight, I am aware that it's not the same thing as a pastry dough and it doesn't get as flaky as traditional croissants, but you know I have to tell you, it's pretty darn close and it gets the job done.
And, for the record, feminism did not strip those traditional - minded men from their jobs or fates — technology, job outsourcing, the decimation of unions, the Great Recession, etc., etc, did a lot more damage then the fact that women want to work (unless you want us to be «gold - diggers»), make as much as men do (which we still don't), be educated (you want a smart woman, right?)
Traditional job settings for athletic trainers include professional sport teams as well as colleges, universities, and secondary schools.
Even in a non «traditional» situation when the stay at home parent is the male, most things are still seen as the womans job around the house and the men get all the cudos for being the stay at home parent and carrying half the load of what the female parent does.
But traditional models also do the job just as well, plus they continue to be useful well after your baby is enjoying the same food as the rest of the family.
Boyajian will soon embark on a «Bluegrass and Politics» music tour and «Don on the Clock» jobs tour, as well as traditional campaign events, said a spokesman.
This ad is half a hit on Gibson, slamming him on some traditional Democratic themes — Medicare, Social Security and tax breaks for companies that outsource jobs — and half a pitch for Schreibman, described as someone who will «fight for the middle class.»
The traditional job and the well known occupation of Fulanis is the cattle rearing and they are popularly known as nomads worldwide.
Shouldn't he pay more attention to safeguarding our traditional institutions such as the Monarchy and the Duchy of Cornwall (his day job) before writing mini-manifestos all over the place no doubt telling others to do so?
The idea — as with every property in lieu of taxes agreement, or PILOT — was to encourage private development with short - term tax breaks in return for improved property, more jobs and increased traditional tax payments in the long term.
-- for their selfless contribution to the greater good as they continue to work the scientific trenches for peanuts, well after the promise of their traditional reward — a permanent job doing science — has dried up.
But, as several statisticians and analysts tell Science Careers, the range of statistics jobs is expanding, and many traditional jobs are changing.
Those traditional statistics jobs aren't going away anytime soon, as long as society continues to need workers who can advance statistics theory, assess drugs» risks and efficacy, or do any of the other things statisticians have done for years.
As industries that were once the traditional home of the chemist experience a seismic shift, you may well be wondering if you will ever find a job.
Economic and health system reforms in China in recent decades have dramatically reduced the number of traditional hospital nursing jobs, known as «bianzhi» or «iron rice bowl» positions, which are guaranteed for life.
There were speakers in traditional post-PhD research jobs in academia and industry, but others opened my eyes to professional avenues that previously would not even have crossed my mind, such as law or teaching.
Further, spirulina is easy to grow and reproduces itself with a rapid growth rate of about 30 percent a day.7 It offers benefits for workers, too, especially compared to other traditional jobs, such as working on rice paddies.
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