Sentences with phrase «as true professionals»

Finally, the piece suggests making fundamental changes to schools so teachers are treated as true professionals.
How free are our teachers to act as true professionals?
I hope these six job interview etiquette tips make you stand out as a true professional during your next interview.
Recruiters look for the potential in employees to work in an organization as a true professional.
In order to gauge your potential as a true professional, an employer may ask you about your professional development plans in a job interview.
These organizations both assure your training is accurate and teaches you what's required as a true professional.
Do you feel as if clients see your job as a real estate agent as a true professional position?
The movie shows what is possible when the best and brightest are hired to teach, treated as true professionals with freedom and autonomy to teach students who've chosen to attend and expected to take ownership of their education.
If we truly want to extend our reach and impact change, we must put humility aside and demand to be acknowledged and recognized as true professionals: we must advocate on our behalf and those of our students.
But no, making sure kids receive a good education and acknowledging teachers as true professionals are not priorities for Weingarten.
We imagine our players as true professionals to behave like finely tuned and well oiled machines undeterred and unaffected by anything.
The Washoe County School District searched for a solution that could serve as a true professional growth system for District employees, a common platform for conducting and tracking evaluations that aligned professional development to evaluation results and compliance needs.
State education leaders and policy makers will give students a tremendous opportunity to compete successfully in a global economy if they use their resources to empower teachers to work as true professionals to implement Common Core.
There was excitement in the air at nearly every turn of the minute hand as true professionals and admitted amateurs vied for the checkered flags.
Parham also acknowledges the criticism that inspector licensing allows new, inexperienced home inspectors to masquerade as true professionals by highlighting their state licensed status.
Once you become an RIA, then we have most of the financial spreadsheets needed to actually perform your primary functions as a true professional financial adviser and / or money manager.
Next, identify what made that person stand out in your mind as a true professional; think of personality, skills, and behaviors: perhaps s / he always had a smile, listened well, and had good critical thinking and time - management skills.
This is manifesting itself into upgrading the «Medical Assistant» as a true professional as well as upgrading her / his salary scale.
Completion of a good internship will help you grow and develop as a true professional who is ready for any future challenge.
I believe my idea to be the best script of all time, Whoever uses my scripting idea will always be regarded as a true professional, a person who can be trusted.
In order for Realtors to be considered as true professionals, the consumer must feel that they have the control and have full knowledge of all aspects of the transaction — with all parties to the transaction completely understanding the roles each play within that transaction.
perhaps the «common misconception» about Realtors is because we are not seen as true professionals.
After completing one of our multi-day courses, you will be ready to start your home inspection business as a true professional.
My wife and I highly recommend Kirk McDonald as a true professional realtor.»
If we are to be taken as a true professional we must brand ourselves as such.
More teachers today are treated as true professionals, instead of as interchangeable cogs in an educational assembly line.
To work hard and grow in an organization where I can utilize my unique skills more efficiently and effectively and to be recognized as a true professional...
`... Through the process of improving lessons and sharing with colleagues the knowledge they acquire, something remarkable happens to teachers: they begin viewing themselves as true professionals.
If we want teachers to feel respected and motivated, we should treat them as true professionals.
If you want to stand out as a true professional and put your book into a marketplace where you can dominate your niche, producing an audiobook is a must!
Don't be a job hopper, and learn to conduct yourself as a true professional in this challenging environment.
When you manage your emotions, you present yourself as a true professional, and you help to maintain a positive work environment for everyone around you.
It's important to present yourself as the true professional that you are.
As a true professional she always applies a win - win approach to dealings with customers and has a knack for being able to quickly pinpoint where a problem lies and then take decisive action to resolve it.
As a true professional she believes that continuous development is a necessity if you want to stay at the top of the teaching profession, and because of this she regularly goes on courses to further cultivate her own skill sets.
As a true professional she is determined to see customers walk away happy and works very hard to meet the needs of her customers and even harder to be successful.
As a true professional she will never leave a pharmacy unattended and possesses extensive knowledge of pharmacy laws, practice standards, medical terminology, pharmacy maths, drug preparation and dosage forms.
Furthermore, as a true professional I am very good at listening to, understanding, and clarifying concerns raised by employees and guests.
As a true professional she puts the customer at the heart of everything she does, and always aims to get it right first time every time.
As a true professional she is courteous, caring, respectful, and compassionate at all times.
As a true professional she will work hard to reduce the risk of inmates re-offending and to this effect is willing to wear a lot of different caps during the course of her work.
As a true professional she is always vigilant, alert and on the lookout for anything that may endanger the safety of staff, the public or inmates.
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