Sentences with phrase «as typhoid»

A BBC documentary showed that a third of Fiji islanders don't have access to clean drinking water, and still fall ill and die from related dirty water diseases such as typhoid.
With artist collaborators, she created such Marvel characters as Typhoid Mary, Blackheart, Longshot, Mojo, and Spiral.
An EA spokesperson explained that other consequences such as typhoid, malaria and amputations due to trench foot were «practically unavoidable».
Things at your physician's office are busy, so you are bustled into room # 3 just as the typhoid patient leaves.
With a gimlet eye, Bartoletti relates the story of Mary Mallon, better known as Typhoid Mary, examining her treatment and infamy while offering sharp analysis of public - health practices.
Beginning in the 1890s, Emil von Behring, a Prussian military physician, and Shibasaburo Kitasato, a Japanese physician and bacteriologist, collaborated on research in which they injected animals with weakened bacterial pathogens such as typhoid, tetanus and diphtheria.
Salmonella can even cause life - threatening illnesses such as typhoid fever.
This type of salmonella, paratyphi C, can cause enteric fever, a serious bacterial infection also known as typhoid or paratyphoid fever.
Another conceivable option is to use the use the comb as health care device in developing countries, where head lice transmit dangerous bacteria such as typhoid or five - day fever pathogens.
Six months after the bombing ended, with the Red Cross and other aid bodies trying to repair water installations, Nembrini says that the number of cases of waterborne diseases such as typhoid, hepatitis and diarrhoea had tripled, while infant mortality had at least doubled.

Not exact matches

«Automobile accidents now result in about five times as many deaths in this country as does typhoid fever, once a widely prevalent scourge.»
The man responsible for the contagion — the Typhoid Mary of the epidemic, as it were — is 54 - year - old Art McKee, the director of the Museum of Sunken Treasure in the Florida Keys.
Uncommonly shy, he avoids photographers and reporters as though they were typhoid carriers.
The medical outreach is meant for the treatment of various ailments such as Malaria, Typhoid, Dental and Eye Diseases as well as Polio Eradication for all ages of persons suffering from the ailments.
The UN said it was evaluating humanitarian needs in the country and that «contingency plans are being put in place to mitigate any potential outbreak of waterborne diseases such as cholera, typhoid and diarrhoea», according to spokesman Stephane Dujarric.
«He had experience as an epidemic fighter on malaria, typhoid and dengue fever, and on yellow fever in the South.
«Salamanders being moved around as bait are functioning like Typhoid Mary,» Collins says.
Typhoid vaccine, cardiac catheterization, even electrodes implanted in the nervous system came about because scientists recruited themselves as their own guinea pigs.
At home and abroad, animal and human waste can contaminate both recreational and source waters, carrying with diseases such as polio, typhoid and cholera.
William Castell, chair of the Wellcome Trust, praised Farrar in a statement as «one of the foremost scientists of his generation, whose work — much of it funded by the Trust — has contributed to better understanding, surveillance, prevention and treatment of diseases including emerging infections, influenza, tuberculosis, typhoid and dengue.»
This disorder has occurred following trauma, such as during advanced stages of typhoid and multiple sclerosis, and has been linked with brain regions such as the parietal cortex and the prefrontal cortex — «the parietal cortex is typically involved in attentional processes, and the prefrontal cortex is involved in delusions observed in psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia,» Mobbs explains.
Listing typhoid fever, hepatitis A, meningitis, scabies, and lice as also affecting the vulnerable population in the region, the authors say the international community has fallen short in its response to the crisis so far and call for a coordinated and exhaustive global response.
We therefore classified this strain of typhoid as extensively drug - resistant.
-- Kills viruses causing flu, infectious disease, typhoid, HIV... — Inhibits parasite growth such as tapeworm, liver flukes, giardia... — Eases acid reflux, relieves gallbladder disease.
As a result, they can contain hepatitis A, hepatitis E, typhoid and dysentery.
Known as a carrier of the deadly typhoid fever, Mary Mallon was also a victim of civil rights violations and overly harsh treatment.
A bold, mesmerizing novel about the woman known as «Typhoid Mary,» the first known healthy carrier of typhoid fever in the burgeoning metropolis of early twentieth century NeTyphoid Mary,» the first known healthy carrier of typhoid fever in the burgeoning metropolis of early twentieth century Netyphoid fever in the burgeoning metropolis of early twentieth century New York.
Beginning in 1906, Soper, an engineer and chemist known as a «germ detective,» tied several typhoid outbreaks to Mallon, an Irish cook who was a typhoid carrier.
1908 saw the chlorination of drinking water in the US, and in 1942 antibiotics were introduced as a standard clinical treatment for typhoid.
Public sanitation programs and best hygiene practices were utilized around the same time — early 20th century — and these greatly contributed to the reduction of typhoid fever as well.
This does not discount the value of life - saving vaccines such as polio, tetanus and typhoid, or basic «puppy shots» and childhood inoculations.
Feline distemper (Also known as Panleukopenia, cat typhoid, infectious enteritis, cat fever).
Most recently, she served as an Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, leading international responses for infectious disease outbreaks such as Ebola, cholera, typhoid fever and botulism.
Zeroing in on two islands in the East River — the quietly residential Roosevelt Island squeezed between Queens and Manhattan and the unpopulated North Brother Island, former home to Riverside Hospital and the infamous Typhoid Mary — the two videos in this program hover between historical biographies of places enmeshed within the fabric of a vast megalopolis and cloistered narrative fictions woven as islands of their own.
And that's not even talking about much more serious conditions such as cholera and typhoid.
Q fever is an issue in The Netherlands as well as measles in the United Kingdom and throughout Western Europe, and Typhoid Fever in Eastern Europe.
I was horrified to read that more than 2 million kids die each year from fecal - related diseases such as dysentery, cholera, typhus fever, and typhoid.
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