Sentences with phrase «as unbelieving»

As unbelieving Gentiles, they were far off.

Not exact matches

He was dubbed by some as the «unbelieving bishop» after doubting that God would have arranged a virgin birth and the resurrection, however Very Rev Michael Sadgrove, the former Dean of Durham says that the name is unfair.
She constantly depicts herself as weak, fearful, idolatrous, unbelieving, dishonest and disobedient.
is simply too ingrained, too much a part of what sin is all about, for us not to feel vexed when reminders come of the opposite reality, which it is precisely the office of religion to provide: «Accordingly, it has always been the office of Religion to protest against the sophistry of Satan, and to preserve the memory of those truths which the unbelieving heart corrupts: both the freedom and the responsibility of man, the sovereignty of the Creator, the supremacy of the law of conscience as His representative within us, and the irrelevancy of external circumstances in the judgment which is ultimately to be made upon our conduct and character.»
I believe «The Rich Man» can give us some insight as to what we can expect as he pleads for Abraham to sent forth warning to his still living brothers not to come here... also, how he pleads for a bit of water to cool his tongue... several places in scripture speak of the torment that awaits the unbelieving... just sayin
They were as upset over the Christian guy's response as those of the unbelieving guy.
The spirit / soul leaves the body at death and goes to a place designated for believing, or other for unbelieving souls, as the Scriptures show.
It is a long way from the gospel of Jesus in Galilee to the Gospel of John in the Hellenistic setting of early second century Christianity, at war on all fronts with an unbelieving world and not least with «the Jews,» who are now viewed as implacable and inveterate foes.
Unbelieving reason, furthermore, constantly attacks this Christian Personalism as anthropomorphic and irrational.
Hence, it is as we approach the center of man's personal being that the conflict of Christian belief with unbelieving distortions becomes most critical.
I notice the comments here though, are as usual, from alot of the «unbelieving» left, heh.
What structures do you have in place to ensure, as humanly possible, that an evil, unbelieving heart does not lead you to fall away from the living God (Hebrews 3:12 - 13)?
The way that each family is dealing with this will be really unique, so involving the parents (and I would include the unbelieving parent in the discussion as much as possible) would be really beneficial.
The inequality of laws concerning punishment of suspicion of adultery, the pervasiveness of polygamy, the fact that women were viewed as property, the lesser value ascribed to baby girls, and the suggestion that women are more easily deceived than men are all striking problems for modern readers... and as Christians we should not underestimate the impact they may have on unbelieving seekers.
It seems to me that you among unbelieving others have a concepualization that dictates toward pastors and preachers and the likes to make such claims as you have so written and in so saying, you are True to your words!
see for example: Unbelieving preachers get help to «come out» as open atheists
Elisha, the man of God, tells this messenger what he is (what he actually will be) before God, just as he told the unbelieving officer of Israel what he was (what he would be) before God.
Our primary mission as Christians is to evangelise the unbelieving world.
The denial of eternal life which is so common among modern Christians is not, as its adherents often claim, a nonegoistic, mature, realistic willingness to face the brutal limitations of finitude; rather, it amounts to a tragically unbelieving denial of God's honor — and thus of God's very existence.
• You imagine yourself as the hero of the story, not the person or people who are unbelieving.
If you identify as a an «atheist» (and to many religious people, there's very little inclination to make fine nuanced distinction between «nones», «non-affiliated», «agnostic», «atheist» - they all get conceptually lumped together as «unbelieving atheist heathen» (tm) from the point of view of someone highly devout in a monotheistic Abrahamic tradition), there's plenty of strongly religious people who - according to polls - would refuse to vote for you.
The truth, as Paul Flynn explained to this unbelieving audience, is the public have a «very powerful impression of sleaze in this House which is very damaging».
The best thing is, my once unbelieving mom, is now extrememly interested as well.
As students squirm uncomfortably in their seats and turn to each other with unbelieving eyes, Kate and I debate what makes the most sense to do next.
LaHaye and Jenkins proceed to flesh out such prophecies as the rise of an Antichrist, but the question they really pose is: How will good but unbelieving people fare in the aftermath of the rapture?
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