Sentences with phrase «as useful factors»

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As a result, although important, we would not view the respective bank models as a particularly useful factor influencing our interest rate outlooAs a result, although important, we would not view the respective bank models as a particularly useful factor influencing our interest rate outlooas a particularly useful factor influencing our interest rate outlook.
We think quantitative cost - effectiveness estimates are often useful as factors in charity evaluations, but we are concerned that assigning specific figures can be misleading and appear to be more important in our evaluation than we intended.
As these examples suggest, world - order perspectives can be useful in understanding changes in religious establishments even when more proximate factors provide the most parsimonious accounts.
Factors in the struggle of a people to exist as a corporate body are set forth in the four - function paradigm of Talcott Parsons.10 Although the adequacy of his analysis is challenged by other theories, especially those focused upon social change, 11 Parsons's model provides a useful delineation of the actions implicated in a group's toil to perpetuate itself.
This factor could be particularly effective against fellow Europeans Italy who should struggle with the heat as much as England — the powerful, explosive Barkley could be useful in the final minutes of a tiring game.
Maybe it's less useful to consider them as akin to academic skills that can be taught and measured and incentivized in predictable ways and more useful to think of them as being like psychological conditions — the product of a complex matrix of personal and environmental factors.
Obviously there are myriad relevant factors such as lack of sleep, lack of time, feeling a bit stir - crazy but I think the central reason that SO many moms are expressing a common experience here is a mix of rampant (useful) hormones and evolution.
Both «sides» swear that immune system factors are either useful for as long as baby breastfeeds, or no longer useful after 6 months.
The method used in the study is known as the Hirsch Index and while the study authors acknowledge factors such as there being high public interest leading to more studies of a particular illness, they believe that because it is objective and evidence - based it will be a useful complement and guide to more traditional methods of risk assessment and can be used to produce a shortlist of pathogens for authorities to focus on.
Still, Samani notes that CRP can still be very useful for identifying people at high risk for heart disease, particularly those without other risk factors such as high cholesterol.
«These results demonstrate that «screen time» is not a useful umbrella phrase, as what children can obtain from different types of screen media will vary, and numerous factors can impact their learning outcomes,» says Tarasuik.
For example, these factors might be useful for early detection of the diseases through a simple blood analysis, or even serve as new targets for possible treatment,» concludes the researcher.
For cell reprogramming, there are about 2,000 known transcription factors that might be useful in changing a cell from one state to another, such as creating induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells from skin cells.
In fact, oxidative stress is so harmful to the body that many experts think of it as a key factor in the aging process itself.1 Caffeine and its catabolic products, theobromine and xanthine, are all capable antioxidants which are extremely useful to the body in fighting oxidative stress.2
Protein shakes become more useful when you factor in nutrient timing; however, there's some debate as to the length of time of these nutrient windows, or even if they exist at all.
When you decide that you are going to shop for jeans, the following can act as useful guidelines or factors to consider:
Pause to first understand factors such as your audience, the company's overall objectives, and useful metrics — then, map the training program out accordingly.
Levine does not simply mean that one should not tell the child, «You have disorder X.» His comment in A Mind at a Time, «I have seen no convincing scientific evidence that [Asperger's syndrome] exists as a discrete disorder of some kind like a strep throat» indicates a belief that a diagnostic category must have a clear boundary of symptoms and that the relationship between the cognitive, neural, behavioral, and genetic factors must be understood before the category is useful.
Flexible thinking is a useful skill as it aids in negotiating a positive way forward with a win / win outcome which provides a feel good factor for both parties.
These factors may assist in the creation of useful guidelines for teachers and instructional designers when considering the development of, and teaching within, online educational contexts, including newly emerging learning environments such as MOOCS.
In comparing expenditure data among states, it is useful to separate current expenditures, which represent regular operating expenses, from capital outlay, which factors in costs for capital assets such as facilities and school buses.
A number of activities emerge as being useful which schools should seek to factor into their post-training support:
However, there are several factors that might not work to the tablet's advantage and the most important is that the tablet is only useful as long as there is constant Internet connectivity.
The firm doesn't find it useful to think of pensions as a type of bond: rather, they are simply one of several factors in assessing each client's ability, willingness and need to take risk.
As you can see, factors are not only valuable building blocks for constructing portfolios, but also useful tools for gauging portfolio performance.
This emphasis on earnings from operations as reported and on perceptions of growth by analysts and money managers permitted these people to ignore rather completely other factors that tend to be extremely important in any balanced analysis for which GAAP is useful: e.g., strength of financial positions; understanding the underlying business; and appraising management not only as operators and stock promoters, but also as investors of corporate assets and financiers of businesses.
It does however serve as a useful illustration of how combining multiple factors can lead to unique trading opportunities for option traders.
We don't recommend using this data as the deciding factor in whether or not your cat should be vaccinated (see our article on Vaccination for more info), but it could be useful in the discussions you have with your vet about vaccines.
It was also useful to talk to the locals such as the ferry operator and the place you are staying at, as there are various other factors such as the height of the tide and conditions of the road.
The informative chart gives you information about the process of gelato making, the distinguishing factors between the two, as well as some useful lingo when ordering gelato.
This data product will be useful in future studies, including as a benchmark for comparisons with climate - model simulations that attempt to account for both anthropogenic and natural factors in projections of future climate.
They do address the issue: «the extent to which El Nino serves as a useful analogue for the mechanisms behind the projected shear changes should be further examined» and they also note that Atlantic wind shear is infueneced by other factors besides the Walker circulation.
For forecasts of the timing and extent of the coming cooling based on the natural solar activity cycles — most importantly the millennial cycle — and using the neutron count and 10Be record as the most useful proxy for solar activity check my blogpost linked above, The most important factor in climate forecasting is where earth is in regard to the quasi - millennial natural solar activity cycle which has a period in the 960 — 1020 year range.For evidence of this cycle see Figs 5 - 9.
As a means of producing useful electrical power, wind and solar are very expensive generating technologies because of their low capacity factors and because of their non-dispatchability and intermittency.
I am sceptical as to how useful it is to consider just one element of how the atmosphere may work ignoring other factors which are known to exist and which in some circumstances are definitely more important factors (I have in mind convection, evaporation etc).
This allows the appropriate cost benefit analysis (maybe this is getting to far into politics) that should be significantly more useful for the main debate than these temperature predictions that we have and takes many unpredictable factors out of the equation and if we have a full chain of logic it should be easier to find — because time as opposed to amount of carbon related models leave you asking questions like «what will happen to technology»
It is also useful for machine - learning systems that can use past decisions as a source of data to provide tailored insights about how decision - makers have traded off various factors.
If inside counsel discovery sessions reveal that there is considerable variability by matter type or by practice area concerning what's important in a budget, it's useful to factor that into your process as well — or possibly even develop slightly different budgeting processes for different practice areas or matter types.
Not only do they provide useful guidance as to the factors to consider when assessing the level of disclosure required and the proper approach to confidentiality in the context of public consultation, but they also tend to confirm an increasingly rigorous attitude to consultation.
This information can be extremely useful and, as many factors taken into consideration, offers just as many benefits as it does setbacks.
There are a lot of hybrid smartwatches out there, and according to Armani, the Emporio Armani Connected is different because it has a second time zone — of course, for those who travel frequently, this feature might be useful, but I'm not sure if it qualifies as a differentiating factor or if it justifies the jaw - dropping price tag of up to $ 400.
Of course, it is hard to anticipate what each employer will be looking for as they make final decisions about candidates, but it is useful to consider some common factors.
A self - report measure that is able to identify patients who require this extra support will be clinically useful however this would also act as a potential confounding factor for measuring adherence (as it could act as a reminder and hence facilitate adherence).
And like working collaboratively with parents, utilising KidsMatter principles, that sort of aspect, I know from working with you know sometimes challenging behaviour, I've always found it very useful when we can offer references from KidsMatter files or readings or the Framework around risk factors, protective factors, just to give them a bit more help and support and confidence sometimes in their role as parent, so yeah there's been numeral times numerous times sorry where you've sat alongside your parents and tried to collaborate strategies towards helping their child and the KidsMatter program has helped in a lot of aspects for me, when I've dealt with situations like this.
I know from working with you know sometimes challenging behaviour, I've always found it very useful when we can offer references from KidsMatter files or readings and the framework around risk factors, protective factors just to give them a bit more help and support and confidence sometimes in their role as a parent so yeah there's been numeral times numerous times sorry where you've sit alongside your parents and try and collaborate strategies towards helping their child.
Traditionally, many researchers defined family stability in terms of factors related to family structure (for example, single parenthood).3 Specifically addressing the experiences of foster children, other scholars have defined stability as limited movement from home to home.4 However, exploring the various family processes that pertain to stability may be a more useful means of understanding the specific characteristics of family stability that support healthy child development.
The three - factor model is discussed as a framework that is useful in systematically relating critical aspects of resiliency in children and adolescents for the purpose of clinical intervention.
In particular, as a new method for the analysis of dyadic experience sampling data, we suggest that grid - sequence analysis will help identify new typologies of dyad - level microdynamics that indicate risk or protective factors that are useful for intervention efforts.
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