Sentences with phrase «as venn»

A philosophy teacher of mine explained happy couples as a venn diagram.
To tackle this challenge, it helps to frame your experience and goals as a Venn diagram (see image below).
Form is challenged throughout the exhibition — pieces such as Venn Diagrams (under the spotlight), where slightly overlapping theater lights with red and blue gels are projected onto the wall, or Eavesdropping, where a series of different colored vintage drinking glasses are inserted into the wall, as if suspended, are cheeky, playful, and adventurous — going against the expectation of conceptual art as an exclusively stark monochrome, while remaining sparse and poignant.
If viewed as a venn diagram, his art space could be defined as the one that is formed by overlapping Romanticism, the Realism, Impressionism and even Abstract Expressionism circles.
Picture documentary and artwork as a Venn diagram.
Here, you can enjoy the tranquil and spectacular panoramic sights of Tuck Inlet and Metlakatla Pass (which is also known as Venn Passage).
These lists work as venn diagrams.
Mishra and Koehler conceived of instruction as a Venn diagram made up of three overlapping circles or bodies of knowledge: pedagogical knowledge, content knowledge, and technology knowledge.
However, the model of the overall framework can be confusing to teachers, as Venn diagrams are generally used for categorization.
Researchers agree that teachers should model and support comprehension before, during, and after reading by teaching text structures; using graphic organizers such as Venn diagrams, cause and effect charts, and story maps; and creating study guides that students can complete (Carasquillo et al., 2004).
TPACK is represented as a Venn diagram that includes three core components: content (C), technology (T), and pedagogy (P).
For example, students can create a graphic organizer, such as a Venn Diagram, that shows the similarities and differences of similes and metaphors to deepen their understanding of the definition of these two terms.
Consider using a graphic organizer, such as a Venn diagram, flow chart, hierarchical diagram, or timeline, to help students learn that structure.
From that, if viewed as a venn diagram, are there any notable white nationalists that aren't white supremacists?

Not exact matches

After all, nothing makes a plan feel more real than Venn diagrams, charts and timelines as you set off to explore the daunting and unfamiliar territory of turning your idea into a scalable, repeatable business model.
To me, God would be better represented as the area around Pastor Dave, like in a Venn Diagram.
The folk explosion has moved on, but Gundersen will be writing songs like this as long as he's around — exploring the Venn Diagrams of family, God, time, women and his own slippery heart.
If you can picture with me a Venn diagram representing the church and the LGBT community, the essence of the bridging the gap materials would place those two circles as completely separated as your ministry attempts to build a bridge between the two.
As some of us contemplated buying pumpkin pie bubble bath and lavender perfume, she explained how the Venn diagram on the page, an overlapping gradient of light and dark browns, inspired her two - tone blondies.
Clinton, as mentioned above, and visible by her larger circle in the Venn diagram, uses more unique words than Trump.
Francis Maude has gone on record in the press saying that he wants to keep the Conservative Party as an alliance of interests — a sort of Venn diagram of politics, maybe.
Yet as the years passed, test scores made it clear that students deft at creating Venn diagrams had trouble with simple addition and multiplication, never mind long division.
(A) Venn diagram depicting the overlap between transcription factors bound by H3K4me3 ChIP - seq in the combination group, as compared to the chidamide (CHID)- treated group and the decitabine (DECI)- treated group in KMT2D V5486 - mutated Jurkat cells.
As with most Venn diagrams, there is a sweet spot where the two circles overlap, and it's here that visualization meditation lives.
Sometimes they exist separately, but just as likely to overlap on the Venn Diagram.
Phantom Thread, meanwhile, was a surprise Picture / Director movie and, while proving incredibly popular with critics and Paul Thomas Anderson partisans (a Venn diagram that is essentially a circle), this will likely only serve as further ammunition for when PTA finally does get his Oscar in some future year.
To access all the Venn Diagram activities in this collection, as well as teaching notes, please visit: Here is why I love Venn Diagram activities so much: 1) Students can always make a start.
On the classroom walls are visual aids such as charts, graphics, timelines, Venn diagrams, and photos to build comprehension.
If your students are unfamiliar with the Venn diagram as a graphic organizer, or if they might benefit from a quick refresher course before using it in the next part of this activity, draw a sample diagram on the board.
Even if you're giving directions for students on what their final product needs to have (such as one main idea with three supporting details, or a Venn Diagram that compares the theme in two stories), they'll have the agency to create their own graphic organizers that demonstrate their understanding.
Students use the completed graphic organizers (Venn diagrams, concept maps) as resources as they write an essay telling what they learned from this lesson.
If your students are unfamiliar with the Venn diagram as a graphic organizer, or if they could benefit from a quick refresher course before using it in this activity, draw a sample Venn diagram on the chalkboard.
As your student creates these 4 interactive foldables, he will learn about asteroids, including the following: • Neptune Basic Facts (Moons, Weather, Atmosphere, Discovery, Exploration) • Neptune Numbers (diameter, distance from sun, temperatures, etc) • Venn Diagram Comparing Neptune and Uranus • Interesting Facts About Neptune This product is a downloadable ebook in PDF format.
Webs, concept maps, mind maps and plots such as stack plots and Venn diagrams are some of the types of graphic organizers used in visual learning to enhance thinking skills and improve academic performance on written papers, tests and homework assignments.
Use the paragraph students write to assign a grade based on their comprehension of the use of the Venn diagram and ability to use it as a tool to write a logical paragraph.
This is accomplished when students evaluate visual representations and construct their own Venn diagram as evidence to support their arguments of understanding.
As with other graphic organizers, a Venn Diagram is a strategic way to represent complex relationships and abstract ideas visually.
Many elementary school teachers hand out traditional Venn diagram printable worksheets to their students as a post-reading activity.
As an «end of project activity,» it may be fun to have a pizza party after your students have completed their pizza Venn diagrams.
Effective teachers provide note - taking organizers such as cause - effect charts, time lines, T - lists, and Venn diagrams for students to fill in as or after they read.
I display my finished Venn diagram book report project at the front of my classroom so that students can refer to it as they are completing their own pizza projects.
As Bezos explains this, he stands up at a whiteboard, writes down a list and then draws a Venn diagram to further illustrate the point.
This technique is titled Venn diagram, which is also famous as circle diagram.
For those of you oddly occupying the centre of a venn diagram of «haven't seen it» and «want to read about it» then a short summary would go thusly: Winterfell, home to the mostly murdered Stark family, has been unceremoniously taken over by the Boltons, a family so evil they might as well have a sigil comprised of a man being tortured (Oh wait).
There is an overlap, as in the intersection of a Venn diagram.
Moreover, the exhibition does not trace one overarching premise — one school of thought, movement of art production, or generation of artists — but maps instead, as would a Venn diagram, two overlapping impulses commonly held apart.
At 8 pm, join us in the Main Hall for a conversation with Sierra Leonean born immigrant, writer, and installation artist Desiree Venn Frederic as a part of our monthly Torpedo Talks.
Because the data is displayed via a Java applet, and as a consequence no URL is created for your particular Venn as a routine matter, if you want to bookmark your diagram or fix it in some way, you need a way to create the missing URL.
As a former lawyer and current software developer, I take issue with that Venn diagram!
As Drew Conway (creator of the Venn Diagram above) points out, «It is from [that] part of the diagram that the phrase «lies, damned lies, and statistics» emanates.»
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z