Sentences with phrase «as virtue rather»

Clearly, in the context of our cultural moment and the song itself, recklessness is being used as virtue rather than character flaw.

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The philosophy of stoicism, founded in Athens by Zeno of Citium in the early 3rd century BC, asserts that virtues (such as wisdom) should be based on behavior, rather than words.
They may need a gentle reminder that their success is not an unambiguous reward for virtue; rather, each new achievement stands as a challenge to learn to do good on that level of accomplishment or proficiency.1
Some how it's felt that values, morals, virtues are not there in a secular world only faceless solid lifeless laws of men rather than what has been relayed by Holy books that calls for good deeds and reject bad deeds and to build a faithful societies, communities, nations since communications among nations or even among the nations of mixed cultures and beliefs... Laws or God and universe are to be prepared by some thing that is equivalent to UN but built on nations beliefs to achieve the code of understanding among nations but as can see now it is build on groundless bases if not of words of God to faiths... in addition to those non spiritual secular beliefs to make decisions of faith but at the moment the secular world make and take the decisions while the beliefs and faiths has to pay for it when it becomes a war between all faiths or religions outside your world, it would become back into your inside among the mixed culture and beliefs of the nation or nations under one country flag...!
For a republic, and especially for its democratic rather than aristocratic form, the principle of social life is virtue, which James Sellers has recently paraphrased in more modern language as «willed initiative.»
According to Theodore, salvation of the human being is not to be described as divinization but rather as the fulfillment of the community of human being and God, which belongs to the human being by virtue of his or her creation.
Rather, as Whitehead says: «In all philosophical theory there is an ultimate which is actual in virtue of it accidents....
It is never possessed as a secure possession or as a quieting insight, hut rather constantly has to make its way against all the temptations that continually emerge Out of existence and give man the illusion he can still dispose of himself and has his life in his own hands — even if it be by virtue of just such an insight....
Furthermore, we may not tone down the reality of intensity of this hate by speaking of it as «anthropopathic»... The case is rather, as in all virtue, that this holy hate in us is patterned after holy hate in God (Murray, Romans, 2:22).
In this regard Hartshorne's attachment to the virtue tradition is closer to that of G. H. Von Wright, who was insistent that the path to virtue is never laid out in advance, and to that of Lester Hunt, who claims that thought and emotions are fused in virtues rather than thought controlling emotion as an alien, recalcitrant subject matter.6 In the terms of Hartshorne's process philosophy, and of his Peirceian pragmatism7, a person's principles are seen in his actions just as in Hartshorne's metaphysics universals are embedded in the world of becoming, as Aristotle and Plato (correctly read, according to Hartshorne) have also indicated.
Is it not rather the case, as Teilhard pointed out, that «what we call evolution develops only in virtue of a certain internal preference for survival?»
Even Christian thinkers who did continue to use the language of friendship turned more often to the language of brotherhood, «preferring to represent themselves as brothers united in Christ by virtue of their faith rather than claim the name of friend on the basis of their own excellence.»
Thus, lacking body mass, women made a virtue out of delicacy (often a rather steely delicacy); stuck with not just bearing but also raising the children, women promoted the sanctity of motherhood; deprived of upper - body strength, women made men carry things; afflicted by capricious hormonal fluctuations, women used crying as a form of interpersonal leverage; restricted from the public sphere, women commandeered domestic life; shut out of decent employment, gals adopted a «pay - to - play» strategy - men had to pay for sex, with dinners, rings, and homes.
They can bring home an income and be wonderful caregivers for their kids, but the message I was trying convey to you is that since we learn gender roles early on, it is to no surprise why as young boys, one would learn values that are geared more towards homeward stability and success, rather than other virtues, i.e. dependent behavior.
This institution would exploit not the letter of the law — which is multinationals» plaything — but rather its spirit, exploiting corporations» self - image as citizens exhibiting republican virtue.
Labor republicans, in other words, began from the concrete fact of actual injustice — of social domination and exploitation — and looked to self - education, rather than the corrupt state, as a way of inculcating virtues.
Far from planning a «Stalinist attack on property rights» (as the Institute of Directors has rather hysterically claimed), Miliband will devolve power to councils, communities and neighbourhoods, and he will promote new institutions that nurture a sense of vocation, value and virtue.
That is not to be taken as an endorsement, but rather an acknowledgement of the fact that — by virtue of experience, energy, inclination and native intelligence — Andrew Cuomo is indisputably well qualified to seek New York's highest office.
«I'm afraid that Kevin Trenberth is rather reinforcing the prejudices against him by characterising the ever increasing body of informed — and curious — laypeople either as deniers, or as people not worthy of his time or attention by virtue of their lack of qualifications or expertise.»
However, I'm afraid that Kevin Trenberth is rather reinforcing the prejudices against him by characterising the ever increasing body of informed — and curious — laypeople either as deniers, or as people not worthy of his time or attention by virtue of their lack of qualifications or expertise.
As always you can flick between front and rear cameras mid-call, while the single mono speaker — although not exactly high - fidelity — is reasonably loud and, by virtue of its positioning slightly further up the back of the tablet rather than on the bottom edge, isn't so prone to being blocked or covered as on the first - gen iPaAs always you can flick between front and rear cameras mid-call, while the single mono speaker — although not exactly high - fidelity — is reasonably loud and, by virtue of its positioning slightly further up the back of the tablet rather than on the bottom edge, isn't so prone to being blocked or covered as on the first - gen iPaas on the first - gen iPad.
Otto Rank (at one time a protege of Freud), broke with his master and posited that we are, rather, motivated by the undeniable conflict between our sense of ourselves as «immortal souls,» and our realization that we exist by virtue of our all - too - mortal bodies, that we are desperate to believe that we will, somehow, live beyond our bodies, and that, in order to do so, we pursue «immortality projects,» that we invest in our activities the promise of eternal life.
I use «ideology» rather broadly here, not simply economic or political or social ideologies, but scientific ideologies: The love of the theoretical virtues, such as simplicity and elegance for instance.
One would expect that more people would die as a result cold weather rather than hot weather in Britain by virtue of the fact that Britain rarely gets hot.
So we can see that the «democratised» model is really an opportunistic use of language — democracy is adopted as a universal virtue and associated with a value - laden cause, rather than representing a coherent argument.
Mediators like accountants plainly fall outside the protection of legal professional privilege, which attaches to communications between lawyers and their clients by virtue of the status of the lawyer as such, rather than merely because a person is giving legal advice.
However, that is demonstrably true not in relation to my possession of particular moral virtues, but is rather true in relation to my personality — whether, eg, I am an introvert or an extrovert — and in relation to my development of good moral judgment (as a matter of reason and intuition).
That said, while there may be very real difficulties in establishing a legal basis (and even less an enforceable right) for continuing and / or future enjoyment of any right to reside (and / or work) in the UK (or at least to reside in the UK as a matter of right rather than discretion), international law and / or the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)(at the very least on the international plane and, in relation to the ECHR, at least as long as it remains part of English law) are almost certain to protect certain rights established in the past by virtue of the individual's presence in the UK.
I just believe there are more virtues for the average user in the Note 4 rather than the S6 Active, and while I enjoy sitting on the back porch to enjoy nature as much as the next person, it would be with a Note 4 in one hand and a gin and tonic in other.
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