Sentences with phrase «as wheat fields»

Am 53, 5» 7» sun kissed complexion, blonde as the wheat fields in Alberta, eyes of green, heart of gold, sunny disposition, sense of humour that will keep a smile on your face & laughter in your heart;)» I drive a Fat Boy HD, it would...
Imported muesli brands in China often emphasise the origins of the oats in their branding, using farm imagery such as wheat fields, windmills and tractors on the packaging.

Not exact matches

As wheat harvest continues, the question always comes up regarding the value of wheat straw sold out of the field.
The probability of a randomly selected mutation in a randomly selected gene having precisely that effect is quite low, so just as with the stones in the field, a positive finding is more likely than not to be spurious — unless the experiment is unbelievably successful at sorting the wheat from the chaff.
Just as the field of wheat with its intermingled weeds grows at its own pace, so birth can not be hurried.
I walked over to one of Van Gogh's paintings — Wheat Field with Cypresses, if I remember correctly — and as I looked at the painting, the unmitigated reality of it overwhelmed me.
While the definition of στάχυς stachus, ear (as in grain) in 6.1 does not specify whether the fields were of barley (harvested around Passover) or wheat (harvested around Shavuot), Louw & Nida and Myers state that stachus was always used in the New Testament to indicate wheat.
A: While the beans themselves are considered gluten free, we do not label this product as gluten free because suppliers sometimes harvest beans on fields previously used to grow wheat or next to a wheat field resulting in a slight chance of cross-contamination.
Gluten - free oats are such because either the fields are not rotated with wheat crops and won't accidentally have some wheat volunteers in the oat year or because, as with Cheerios, the oats that might be cross-contaminated have gone through a highly accurate sorting process that weeds out any accidental wheat.
The 2014 program schedule included: culinary demonstrations centered around adventurous flavors and new menu trends; presentations and panel discussions focused on sustainable agricultural practices, the role of wheat in our diet vs. seekers of gluten - free options, and water issues affecting food production; discussions on how American menus are often shaped by millennials, health and nutrition concerns, and global cuisines; a Friday field trip to the CIA Farm in St. Helena and through Marin and Sonoma Counties to visit Pozzi Ranch, Dutton Ranch (where Valley Ford Cheese Company joined), and Gourmet Mushrooms with tastings and presentations by the farmers as well as farm bureau and land trust experts; and the exciting and interactive Saturday Market Basket Exercise, where attendees were divided into six teams to develop menu concepts using sponsor products for the following categories:
By fresh oats I mean whole oat kernels from a farmer's field similar to other grains you might buy such as whole wheat berries, with only their inedible outer hull removed.
When historians write about this election — in so far as they can bothered — they won't talk about dementia tax, or fields of wheat, or a politician forgetting their sums.
Buried amid the corn and wheat fields of Fürstenfeldbruck, a sleepy monastery village 20 kilometers from Munich, Germany, is an inverted pyramid of concrete, steel pipes, and precision sensors, as deep as a three - story building.
Despite rainfall decreasing by about 7 inches annually in the grain belt located in Western Australia since the 1970s, wheat production has increased, and Eckard said that's because farmers have employed adaptations such as planting species with shorter growing seasons, dry sowing seeds and tilling fields less often.
The scientific team used field disease surveys from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre and weather data from the UK Met Office as key input for the modelling framework.
RICHLAND, Wash. — The Kansas prairie seems like the very picture of beauty and simplicity, with undulating fields of corn and wheat stretching as far as the eye can see.
The first year of the trial, labelled by journalists as «the whiffy wheat» trial, caused significant public attention when Take the Flour Back was formed to campaign against the field trial and held a protest at the site.
Using its carefully crafted lighting setup, the team was able to grow six generations of wheat, chickpea and barley plants and four of canola plants in a single year, as opposed to two or three in the glasshouse or a single generation in the field.
«I see clients who shun these foods but end up eating just as many calories by having a field day with whole - wheat products,» Taub - Dix says.
The agriculture department of the Canadian government permits the use of glyphosate type products to be used as a pre-harvest desiccant on barley, dry beans (chickpea, lupin, and faba), canola, field pea, flax, lentil, oat, soybean, and wheat.
my understanding of regular potatoes any color skin flesh etc. is this... potatoes are on the dirty dozen list... sweet potatoes are on the clean 15... i eat over 50 % of my diet in the form of a few different colors of sweet potatoes... i buy them bulk... peel»em very deeply... at least 1/2 inch all around... i sometimes get them as large as 6 pounds (football sized)... i used to wear out the regular potatoes but after speaking with the safety expert from a huge potato company to find out if the potatoes are grown on soil which had grain crops treated with round - up herbicide filled with atrazine and glyphosate (which most grain crops are... inluding many wheat crops... they get sprayed like 3 days before harvest... then the round - up is in the soil)... problem is... the round - up stays for 7 years... after stayin» off the soil for a couple years... it can have any kind of crop planted on it and get an organic rating... but... whatever was planted on that soil is then full of round - up... so... this crop rotation onto fields which had grain crops sprayed with round - up herbicide etc. is EXTREMELY COMMON IN THE GROWING PRACTICE FOR REGULAR POTATOES... very common practice... so even if you peel»em deeply... they are still soaked with round - up... the glyphosates get in the gut... the aluminum which is all over everything grown above ground and not covered (hot house etc)... gets eaten9ya can't wash it off... unless ya peel everything... but greens etc. ya can not get it out... it gets in the fiber)... then ya eat it... it goes in the gut... mixes with the glyphosate... becomes 10,000 timesmore toxic... inhibits the bodies ability to properly process sulfur into sulfide and sulfate... basically many very smart researchers are sayin'this is the cause of all this asperger's... autism... alzheimer's like symptoms in the elderly... you can only take so much nano... pico... and heavy metal poisoning... the brain starts to act very strangely... so... long story short... i eat lots of sweet pots grown on clean soil... they are non-gmo and basically grown organically... but... the grower doesn't pay for the certification... i make sure to get my omega 3 from fresh ground flax seed in the morning away from my sweet potato consumption... the omega 6 in the sweet pots inhibits the absorption of omega 3 and i only want so much fat daily... i'm on the heart attack proof diet by dr. caldwell b. esselstyn jr....
As explained on the side of a Bob's Red Mill bag of gluten - free oats — if I remember right — oats are gluten - free but can become tainted with gluten if planted next to fields of grains like wheat, or when processed on the same equipment.
On the contrary, those in warm shades such as this absolutely lovely 1940s Italian Josef purse, that call to mind fields of autumn wheat, are especially well suited to the harvest season, playing particularly well with all manner of oranges, reds, browns, creams, and mossy greens, to name but a few.
I searched everywhere for a wheat field, but it seems as if all that is planed is corn and soya beans this year.
What follows is an Old Testament story that ends the drifters heavenly days on the farm, as the wheat - fields are taken over by a plague of locusts, a fire rampages through the prairie and a fight until death between the suspicious farmer and the hot - tempered Bill occurs after the hustler was observed touching the farmer's wife in not such a brotherly way.
A wealthy, lonely, land - owning, raw - boned farmer (Shepard in his acting debut) of the Great Plains falls in love with the girlfriend (Adams) of a hot - headed wheat - field worker (Gere), who is masquerading as the field hand's sister.
The farm house, amidst immense fields of golden wheat, stands three stories tall in the distance as a lone fixture.
Based on two autobiographies by Le Ly Hayslip, the young Vietnamese girl (Hiep Thi Le) lives, what is depicted, as an idyllic childhood, working the wheat fields with her family.
Their appearance in Loving Vincent are a harbinger for the visual palette Kobiela and Welchman utilize to tell their story, which uses landmarks from Van Gogh's extensive repertoire, like the Café Terrace in Arles or the wheat fields of Auvers - sur - Oise, as backdrops for the film.
It's a simple story with moments of unabashed beauty and freedom, as when she runs through the wheat fields of her new home, a burst of innocence and joy from a woman who thinks she's found her dream come true.
Scenes are played for their dreamy qualities, such as the sight of a lush wheat field growing inside of the shell of a dormant volcano, as the clan works busily like the Amish do in Witness.
A cherubic tot walks gleefully through wheat fields toward his two adorable little buddies, carrying a frog nearly as big as he is.
As a director, he is almost as concerned with capturing the sunset streaking through a field of wheat or the mist of a cascading waterfall as he is with plot and character arcAs a director, he is almost as concerned with capturing the sunset streaking through a field of wheat or the mist of a cascading waterfall as he is with plot and character arcas concerned with capturing the sunset streaking through a field of wheat or the mist of a cascading waterfall as he is with plot and character arcas he is with plot and character arcs.
Encouragement is as important to a thriving human being as good weather conditions are to a thriving field of wheat.
French - Canadian soldier, Napoleon, proposes to Lea during WWI, promising golden fields of wheat as far as the eye can see.
Garlock writes with an authenticity and warmth as real as the sunlight on the wheat fields surrounding Fertile, Missouri.
Surely all the colors had been present all along, but for her it was suddenly as if some gears had clicked or aligned, allowing her to notice them now, some subtle rearrangement or recombination blossoming now into her mind's palette: the gold of the wheat stubble and the elk's hide, the dark chocolate of the antlers, the dripping crimson blood midway up both of Ralph's arms, the blue sky, the yellow aspen leaves, the black earth of the field, the purple liver, the maroon heart, Bruce's black and red plaid work shirt, Ralph's faded old denim.
The area is surrounded by vast, lush fields of wheat, potatoes, and nut and olive trees as it has been for millennia.
What is perhaps the most infamous battle of World War I plays out here among wheat fields and abandoned factories; the narrow layout of this map in particular will create some seriously cinematic moments as your entire team pushes from objective to objective.
In three new ground maps, players can claw across the devastated countryside of Belgium in Passchendaele, fight in the mountain trenches near the Isonzo River as the Austro - Hungarians face off with the Italian army in Caporetto or spawn into the barrage filled wheat fields in River Somme.
Bess identified strongly with van Gogh, and the exhibit includes an homage to the troubled Impressionist - an interpretation of one of his wheat - field paintings as if filtered through the eyes of an aboriginal artist.
Titled The Beginning of Everything, the current Locks exhibition re ects on the artist's primary sources of inspiration such as Van Gogh's Wheat Field in Rain (1889), which has remained a major touchstone throughout Grassi's 30 + year painting career.
[5] From 1966 to 1968, Oppenheim's ephemeral earthworks included shapes cut in ice / snow, such as «Annual Rings» (1968), a series of rings carved in the snow on the U.S.A. / Canada border, [6] and «Gallery Transplant» (1969), in which he cut the outline of a gallery in the snow, [4] patterns cut in wheat fields with combine harvesters, [6] and giant overlapping fingerprints representing the artist and his son Eric sprawled across several acres of a spoils field in Lewiston, New York.
Phillips acquired a number of exceptional masterpieces including: Luncheon of the Boating Party (1880 — 81) by Renoir; The Repentant St. Peter (c. 1600 — 5) by El Greco (the first passionate expressionist); St. Peter Repentant (1823) by Goya (the bridge between the Old Masters and moderns such as Cezanne); Portrait of Paganini (1832) by Eugene Delacroix; The Uprising (1848) by Honore Daumier; Mont Sainte - Victoire with Large Pine (1886 - 7) by Cezanne; Wheat Field at Auvers with House (1890) by Van Gogh; Portrait of Elena Pavlowski (1917) by Modigliani; and the large - scale still - life called The Round Table (1929) by Georges Braque.
This exhibition, organized in close collaboration with the artist himself, explores his five - decade career, from his earliest works — the perplexing «dithyrambs» and provocative manipulations of German motifs, such as helmets and fields of wheat — to the more recent paintings that are redolent with mythological subject matter and art historical allusions.
The users of climate data at the time were farmers trying to understand if grapes, corn, wheat or barley was the proper planting choice for a given field, as well as city folks dimensioning their storm drains, etc. 30 years was found to be a statistically justifiable shortest period of time.
Meanwhile, we are witnessing an extraordinary increase in disastrous climatic changes as well as shortages of wheat due, in part to weather conditions and also to conversion of wheat fields to produce corn for ethanol.
While others don't go so far as to disrupt field research (in this case testing a wheat strain modified to lower the grain's glycemic index and increase fiber), the sentiments expressed by the raiders down under are popular among foodies and others who envision some kind of no - impact utopia feeding some 9 billion people.
Same applies to wind turbines: there are a lot of places they can be built, such as those midwest corn and wheat fields, without harming the environment much more than it already has been.
U.S. Department of Agriculture data tables provide evidence for the importance of the eight Midwest states for U.S. agricultural production.3 Evidence for the effect of future elevated carbon dioxide concentrations on crop yields is based on scores of greenhouse and field experiments that show a strong fertilization response for C3 plants such as soybeans and wheat and a positive but not as strong a response for C4 plants such as corn.
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