Sentences with phrase «as white fibers»

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«Healthy carbs» (as opposed to «unhealthy carbs,» which include sugar and refined, heavily processed carbs like white bread) are typically from whole grains, meaning they include a hefty portion of fiber, which helps keep your digestive system running smoothly.
Brown bread contains more dietary fiber than white, but inulin enables you to produce white bread that is just as high in fiber, without compromising on taste or texture.
The joke is that while the taro might be dismissed as the white potato's unfriendly, ugly - duckling relative at first glance, taro is actually far more vitamin - rich, higher in fiber and lower in calories than the potato.
12 oz box of high fiber macaroni pasta (such as Ronzoni Smart Taste or Barilla White Fiber) or wheat macfiber macaroni pasta (such as Ronzoni Smart Taste or Barilla White Fiber) or wheat macFiber) or wheat macaroni
Whenever I can, I use farro or spelt flour in my baking as it is much higher in nutritional value, rich in fiber, and actually lower in calories than regular white flour.
These chickpea cookies are loaded with folic acid, fiber, iron, zinc, copper, manganese and protein... you can't say that for your standard chocolate chip cookie that uses butter, white sugar and white flour as the base!
Traditional white flour and sugar has been processed to remove the fiber and virtually all of the nutrition right along with it, leaving not much other than sugar and starch (which to the body might as well be sugar).
It's available as brown rice (higher in fiber), sweet rice (short grain with a higher starch content) and white rice.
Not only does the sweet potato have a lower glycemic index than the traditional white potato (meaning it will be deployed as energy to your body at a more steady state), it is also packed with other nutrition that benefits athletes including vitamins A and C, manganese, calcium, potassium, iron, vitamin B6 and fiber.
It's full of nutrient - rich germ and fiber - rich bran but because it's not as heavy as traditional whole wheat flour, it can pretty much replace white flour in all recipes.
As far as the carb / protein ratio, many people do not realize that oat flour has a higher ratio than white wheat flour... plus it has mare fiber, lower GL and lower inflammatory ratinAs far as the carb / protein ratio, many people do not realize that oat flour has a higher ratio than white wheat flour... plus it has mare fiber, lower GL and lower inflammatory ratinas the carb / protein ratio, many people do not realize that oat flour has a higher ratio than white wheat flour... plus it has mare fiber, lower GL and lower inflammatory rating.
Though one cup of cooked quinoa has the same eight grams of protein as a cup of white pasta, quinoa has double the amount of fiber.
The newest flavor of Chia Bar, Dark Chocolate, boasts sustainably sourced white chia seeds as the # 1 ingredient, contains 1,000 mg of omega - 3s and 16 % of your daily recommended value of fiber, and offers 100 calories of clean energy and whole food nutrition.
Tip: You may wash your natural fiber diapering products with your other white laundry for the prep cycles, as long as you use a cloth diaper safe detergent.
Furthermore, brain imaging data for these very elderly animals shows a slight loss of grey matter (neuronal cell bodies), an effect that the researchers have not yet explained, as well as significantly slowed atrophy of white matter (the neuronal fibers connecting different areas of the brain).
Using an optical fiber and laser light, physicists have simulated a «white hole» — essentially a black hole working in reverse — as they report on page 1367 of this week's issue of Science.
Since then, Leonhardt has continued to study other novel optical phenomena, such as making an analog of a white hole — sort of the opposite of a black hole — in an optical fiber (Science, 7 March 2008, p. 1321).
However, DTI has some important limitations: it can't show the complex course of white matter fiber tracts as they cross each other, and it can't accurately show the starting point and ending points of white matter tracts.
For example, whole oats offer a more fiber - rich base than plain old white flour and pecans and coconut oil serves as healthier source of fat than classics like butter (sorry).
When choosing among grains and starches, always choose Resistant Starch or high - fiber carbs over highly refined starches such as regular pasta (made from refined flour), white rice, white bread, and low - fiber breakfast cereals.
As a member of the super-nutritious pulse family, lentils — along with other seeds that grow within pods like chickpeas, white beans, and dried peas — are packed with protein and fiber, which increase satiety.
Whole wheat pasta is far healthier than white pasta as it contains 3 times more fiber, less simple sugars, and more nutrients, making it the perfect pasta choice for diabetics or people that want to keep their blood glucose levels low.
Brown rice has vital nutrients such as niacin, thiamine, potassium, phosphorus, riboflavin, iron, and 5 times the fiber of white rice.
Brown rice is superior to white rice when it comes to fiber content, minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals, as the polishing of brown rice removes almost all vitamins and minerals, and also strips away the majority of its fiber, which will help prevent diabetes by generating less of an increase in blood sugar levels after a meal.
The ultimate recipe for success is pairing light proteins such as vegetable proteins, turkey, and white cheeses with a high fiber friend such as a fruit, vegetable, or a whole grain choice.
Complex carbs have more vitamins, minerals, and fiber than refined carbohydrates such as sugar, white pasta, and white bread.
During the process of turning whole wheat into white flour, the B - vitamins as well as vitamin E, calcium, zinc, copper, manganese, potassium and fiber are removed.
These chickpea cookies are loaded with folic acid, fiber, iron, zinc, copper, manganese and protein... you can't say that for your standard chocolate chip cookie that uses butter, white sugar and white flour as the base!
Acceptable high - carbohydrate snacks on a low - residue, low - fiber diet include bread rolls or muffins prepared with refined white flour, crackers made from refined grains and low - fiber, ready - to - eat cereals such as corn flakes or puffed white rice.
During the process of turning whole wheat into white flour, the B vitamins as well as vitamin E, calcium, zinc, copper, manganese, potassium and fiber are removed.
• It is best to choose carbohydrates that are high in fiber such as, whole grain breads and cereals, and to avoid or eat small portions of food that contain refined carbohydrates (white breads, bagels, and pasta, candies, cookies, and cakes).
The detrimental carbohydrates are concentrated sugars — such as soft drinks, some fruits, and commercial fruit juices — and over-processed low - fiber starches, such as enriched white flour and white rice.
The take home message with all of this, is that if you have diabetes... especially type II, it is sincerely in your best interest to get off all the «white» refined foods and stick with the healthier choices of carbohydrates found in fruits and vegetables and whole grains as they are high in fiber as well as packed full of vitamins and minerals which will not only protect your system from long term damages associated with diabetes, but will also keep you younger and feeling more fabulous as part of an anti-aging program.
Compared to foods like corn, cucumbers, mushrooms, lettuce, grapes, bananas, white rice and nuts such as peanuts or almonds, all winter squashes provide a much higher concentration of soluble fiber.
This can be accomplished by eating whole foods that are high in fiber such as, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and whole grains, and avoiding foods that contain bad fats (trans fatty acids), white sugar, high - fructose corn syrup, and refined carbohydrates.
Poached Swai fillet (meaty white fish cooked in a pan with just water to boil it), with yam or brown rice for my carbs, and a heavy dose of green vegetables (for both the fiber and nutrients, and also to make it seem like I'm eating more, as I count these as a free - food, meaning I don't count the calories from the veg, so add it as a sort of clean, bulk food).
It also has twice as much fiber as white rice.
Fiber in whole grains was thought to slow down the release of insulin in the bloodstream but it turns out that whole wheat bread for example, causes your insulin to spike just as much as white.
In our quest to improve our health and fitness, one amazing addition to a healthy meal plan of a combination of organic meats, fruits, vegetables, essential fatty acids, probiotics, is a super food powder blend with a whole food multivitamin - mineral combination built in.Super food blends with a natural vitamin - mineral blend added, are generally made from spinach, broccoli, spirulina, oat grass, barley greens, chlorella, grape seed extract, white tea extract, ginseng, tomato powder, beet powder, acai berry extract, milk thistle, dandelion root, apple fiber as well as many other high ORAC super foods.
Whether you're steaming, roasting, or sautéing, these bright green (and sometimes white or purple) stalks are loaded with vitamins A, C, E, K, and B6, and minerals such as folate, iron, copper, calcium, protein, and fiber.
Choosing quality tubers such as sweet potatoes over white potatoes, keeps inflammation at bay and gives you your daily requirement of fiber.
Fast Twitch: These are known as Type 2 or white muscle fibers (divided further into A and B).
Foods such as crackers / cruskits, cereals, sweets, white bread, etc do not contain much fiber, so I would avoid these.
Replace white pasta with whole - wheat versions as another simple way to boost your child's intake of fiber.
Brown rice has four times as much dietary fiber as white, including prebiotic types that foster the growth of our good bacteria, which may help account for the anti-obesity effects of brown rice.
The average human being eats way too much processed foods such as white bread, cakes, cookies, etc. and and don't get enough fiber in their diet.
Besides the prebiotic fiber, there's all sorts of vitamins and minerals that are lost when brown rice is milled into white, along with phytonutrients, such as gamma oryzanol, which may theoretically help shift one's preferences to healthier foods.
While grains were ground, by mortar and pestle, as early as 3.4 million years ago, 98 percent of the wheat eaten in the U.S. is in the form of white flour — with the bran and germ, where all the fiber and micronutrients are, are removed.
As a home remedy, white rice is ideal as the fiber has been removed leaving mostly starcAs a home remedy, white rice is ideal as the fiber has been removed leaving mostly starcas the fiber has been removed leaving mostly starch.
«The pith of the orange — the white part between the skin and fruit — can be sour or bitter but actually contains just as much vitamin C as the fruit itself, with a good deal of fiber,» Flores said.
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