Sentences with phrase «as wolf spiders»

In a later study comparing almost 3400 active genes in 70 spider species, Bond's team found that mostly webless, ground - dwelling arachnids such as wolf spiders and jumping spiders diversified much more quickly than web weavers, perhaps because they were able to exploit a plethora of new opportunities once they no longer had to build and tend webs.

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Giant 8 - Eyed Wolf Spiders Are Ready To Invade Your Home As Weather Cools - Chicago - September 15, 2016 «It's a simple pest control principle: Seal all cracks and entryways into your house,» said Allen Lawrance, the invertebrate specialist at Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum.
Group leader Brett Kennedy describes RoboSimian as a cross between an orang - utan and a wolf spider — far less humanoid than Atlas.
Both are predators and thus eat herbivores, such as elk (in the case of wolves) and grasshoppers (in the case of spiders).
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