Sentences with phrase «ask my doctors whether»

Long before you're in the delivery room, you should ask your doctor whether he or she has experience delivering babies with forceps or a vacuum.
If your baby seems uncomfortable, ask the doctor whether you can give her a pain reliever, such as children's acetaminophen.
If you still don't think your toddler is eating well, ask your doctor whether it makes sense to give him a daily multivitamin.
Be more concern and don't hesitate to ask the doctor whether the drug poses no harm to the baby.
If you really don't think your preschooler is eating well, ask your doctor whether it makes sense to give him a daily multivitamin.
Your baby's doctor is familiar with your child's growth and ability, so ask the doctor whether they feel your baby is ready for a blanket.
If youre at high risk of getting breast cancer, ask your doctor whether youre a good candidate for chemoprevention.
Ask your doctor whether you need a blood - lead test, which usually isnt necessary unless youve gotten acute exposure, say, during a home renovation.
If you're lacking in a particular nutrient, ask your doctor whether you need to look beyond your diet to make up for what you're missing — but don't take more than the recommended daily intake for that nutrient unless your health care provider advises it.
Ask your doctor whether you might benefit from a beta - blocker medication; this type of drug helps keep your blood pressure low and your pulse slow, which often makes your body — and in turn your mind — feel calm.
Ask your doctor whether a modified diet could improve your symptoms.
Dunham wrote that she tried pelvic - floor therapy, massage, acupuncture, yoga, and several other traditional and alternative treatments before she finally asked her doctor whether her uterus «needs to come out.»
Ask your doctor whether it is OK to cover the area of your body on which you are applying the medication.

Not exact matches

Businesses of all kinds are asking customers to do jobs that employees once performed, whether it's using self - service checkout at the supermarket, skipping the box office to print movie tickets from home, or scheduling everything from salon visits to doctor's appointment via an app.
After listening to the recording, each person was asked whether they would move the boy up a prioritized treatment list constructed and managed by medical doctors.
Khosla referenced a study that asked a group of doctors to review patient data in order to determine whether the individual was in need of cardiac surgery.
But while the doctor and the pastor and your friend know of no change to speak of, yet the talk asks you whether under the pressure of the unchanged monotony an infinite change is taking place.
If you're not sure whether to give OTC cough and cold medicine to your child, ask her doctor what he suggests.
But for the best chance of keeping your baby healthy, always consult a doctor to treat illnesses and ask whether the traditional practices you're considering are safe and advisable.
If your doctor says that the drug is not safe to take while breastfeeding, then ask for an alternative, whether it is an antibiotic or antidepressant.
However, it would be better to ask your doctor in case your babies sleep with eyes open for a long time (usually from 4 - 5 hours) or whether their eyes too irritated and dry.
To further guarantee your child's safety, it's best to ask your doctor's opinion whether you should already introduce pillow use for your little one.
But I can't remember a time that the doctor asked me about diet and lifestyle, other than whether or not I smoked.
Ask your child's doctor if you're not sure whether to use bubble bath.
Parents were asked whether their infant had had a serious cold, ear or throat infection, pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, or gastrointestinal tract infection («no,» «yes, not visited a doctor,» or «yes, visited a doctor»).
The doctor asks this question to determine whether your baby is getting enough breast milk or formula to thrive, and to find out if you have any concerns about feeding.
Ask your child's doctor whether it's okay to give your child acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
Keep track of how long the night terror lasts and whether anything was different about that night compared to others — these details may come in handy if your doctor asks for more information.
The doctor might also ask about other pregnancy experiences if applicable or whether there have been any previous abortions or pregnancy losses in the past.
If the fluoride content is less than.3 parts per million, ask your child's doctor or dentist whether you should give your child a fluoride supplement.
The doctor will give your baby a physical exam and ask you a number of questions to help determine whether there's a problem, and, if so, what the underlying cause might be.
In addition to the usual questions, ask whether the doctor cares for many premature infants.
When I became pregnant, I asked for advice from several doctors about whether or not to breast - feed my baby.
The 6 - month well - baby checkup is a good time to ask your child's doctor whether your baby needs a fluoride supplement.
If you're not sure whether your baby is ready for sleep training, ask his doctor.
If you're not sure whether you have the blues ask your doctor or midwife, and don't feel embarrassed: This is a question that health care providers hear often and with good reason.
Keating, however, returned to health issues by asking Spence whether she knew Singh's brother was a doctor.
«They should ask their doctor before getting pregnant whether they may benefit from taking a fever - reducer such as acetaminophen in the event they develop a fever.»
Now that I'm a real doctor, the kind my father so wanted me to be, I am practicing the art of medicine, although I still occasionally ask whether patients know the square root of two during mental - status exams; once I even found a patient who knew Ohm's law.
«We suggest asking one's doctor or pharmacist whether they should avoid alcohol while taking the medications they are prescribed,» she said.
Participants were asked about their insomnia symptoms, and their responses were correlated with whether they had doctor - diagnosed hypertension, were taking anti-hypertension drugs, or had measured high blood pressure.
«Doctors and nurses should never hesitate to ask patients whether they are experiencing sexual problems, no matter how old they might be.»
Whether you see your doctor once a year during your annual check - up or more often to manage a chronic conidtion, it's a question you might want to ask yourself.
To assess whether the patient's condition is objectively improving, the doctor could ask him or her to take home a heart rate monitor and wear it continuously for 24 hours.
«Because alcohol problems may not appear for several years, it is important that doctors routinely ask patients with a history of bariatric surgery about their alcohol consumption and whether they are experiencing symptoms of alcohol use disorder, and are prepared to refer them to treatment,» King said in a journal news release.
Ask your doctor about how much time you should spend in the sun or whether it's a good idea to eat more vitamin D - fortified foods or add a supplement to your diet.
Get a second opinion As always, ask your doctor, dietitian, or another nutrition professional whether the information you found seems legitimate.
And if a patient isnt sure whether a prospective doctor treats many others with the disease, Dewke, who runs a website called Flake HQ, suggests simply calling the office staff to ask.
If you have dense breasts (your doctor can tell whether you do), ask about ways to lower your cancer risk and make sure your annual mammogram and clinical breast exams are thorough and regular.
The first question your doctor will probably ask you is whether or not you have skin psoriasis.
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