Sentences with phrase «ask outright»

Anticipating questions before they are asked, and really listening to clients to determine what their questions and concerns may be (even if they don't ask outright), is essential to keeping clients well - informed and happy.
As a matter of fact, some employers will ask you outright, what do you know about our company?
The interviewer might even ask you outright to expand your answer with examples.
You can also ask outright.
I don't speak Spanish otherwise I would start engaging in a conversation and ask him outright where he lives, and maybe pretend to be interested in hiring him so I could get his info.
Some people even ask us outright.
I've faltered a bit, from time to time; Kathryn would love to know with whom, and when, but my uncle spoke so graphically to her, years ago, that he managed to instill even future shame — that's the way I think of the service he inadvertently did for me — so that she still can't bring herself to ask outright what the story is with some hulking street kid who has no girlfriend and no friends, who is aging companionably, in the lower Florida Keys, with her bizarre, neurotic brother.
What's more, his glorious, wild halo of hair is a flashpoint both for condescending white folk and for his fellow black students, some of whom ask him outright why he doesn't do something about it.
If you find yourself in this situation, either ask outright to meet up (if you have been waiting for them take the proactive lead in this) or move on completely.
I advised him to ask her outright if there was a problem.
Of course, that answer would have come far sooner had I mustered up the courage to ask her outright but who could do that in a packed carriage full of silent, snooping strangers?
If you don't feel confident enough to ask him outright, consider phrasing it as a suggestion, for example, «we should meet up soon» or «maybe we should try out that new ice - cream place one night next week».
If I ask him outright if he'd like a little bro / sis to play with, he says «No, thank you.»
I didn't ask outright if it contained gelatin (I usually do ask that for any dish which I suspect may contain gelatin).
KNIGHT: Ask outright if the firm has ever been sued and what the outcome of the case was.
That question, whether it's been asked outright, whispered quietly, or simply lingered in the back of someone's mind, has weighed heavily on me throughout my career in technology.
I've never asked you outright if you were Muslim or just sympathetic to Islamic tenants.
Romney should have been asked outright «Do you believe the lamanites we cursed with darkness of skin for their iniquities?»
They asked outright if the board would appoint a slaveholder as missionary, and they were told no!
He asked him outright who he really was and where he came from, but Jesus decided to remain silent.
Le Prof looked extremely unhappy after the Bayern massacre, and he was asked outright whether he had «had enough».
He was then asked outright if he could ever seeing himself returning to Arsenal at some point in the future, and he replied: «You never know,»
Wenger was asked outright if this was true, and Le Prof did not dispel the rumour, in fact he may have made it sound very likely.
Jose Mourinho has been asked outright by members of the Spanish media whether he will continue to be the manager of Real Madrid after the end of this season, but the Portuguese manager deftly deflected the questions, suggesting that they should ask the man who is responsible for making the decisions, Real's president Florentino Perez.
«You're not asking outright, «Are you a vengeful person?»
It was only about an hour in, when I actually asked outright, that he explained he was 33.
Though I have to admit, I hesitated because you asked outright with no prior explanation, and part of me was suspicious....
Most singles who have tried meeting people from online dating sites have come across this telltale internet dating scam sign: being asked to either cash someone's check or money order for them, or being asked outright for money.
Whereas just 30 percent of Democrats expressed opposition to vouchers when asked outright, 52 percent did so after hearing of Obama's opposition.
When asked outright, 40 percent of the public support school vouchers; 34 percent do not; and 27 percent are undecided.
She asked outright, «Why would the Board support this?»
Am I asking them outright: will you read my book?
You'll find many passengers peering over your shoulder at your boarding number to be sure you're in the right place, or asking you outright what your number is so they can confirm if they are in front of or behind you.
When asked outright, he simply replied: «We'll see.
Asked outright if he thinks the PSN is as reliable as Xbox Live, Ryan said, «I'd say we're constantly working to make it better, we're introducing new features, such as Share Play... do you see anything else like that elsewhere?»
Just because a person has asked outright for money, it doesn't mean they won't back down.
For example, instead of asking outright if they can find you a job, say «given your experience in X industry, can you offer any guidance for somebody looking to build an X career in that sector».
Your biggest weakness may not be asked outright.
I asked her outright if she was having an affair with my husband and she blantantly lied on the phone.

Not exact matches

How will you truly know what your customers are thinking if you aren't outright asking them.
Marotta brazenly cold - called DiMaggio's unlisted phone number and asked the retired baseball star outright if he'd be Mr. Coffee's spokesperson.
When Fortune asked Edwards how he'd rate the brand's performance during Rio, he demurred outright calling for a gold medal.
In 2009, as pressure mounted on Playboy Enterprises to sell itself or go private, Hefner initially explored acquiring it outright himself, asking his advisors to determine whether it was financially feasible, according to merger documents.
Not everyone you approach will ask you the question outright.
However, inflation that is too low or outright deflation can be just as destructive — just ask Japan.
Too often, entrepreneurs go on a feature death march only to bring the new feature back to the prospect and have them still say «no» and ask for another, different feature or outright say they won't buy it.
You also have to ask yourself if you're prepared to run the risk that a crash in real estate prices could leave you with a depreciated house that you own outright and can't sell for anything close to the price you paid.
So when the inevitable recapitalization occurs, it will likely involve the government asking foreign banks to buy a stake or buy banks outright.
I'm not asking for any explanation o this, just pointing out an outright contradiction: Athiest (per se) that believe in Satan.
Even ask them about fairly simple and prosaic things about gravitational acceleration, the apparent lack of gravity in free fall (when of course you wouldn't be falling if there were really no gravity) and you will see that most people will understand little and many will outright dispute a lot that we now know about gravity.
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