Sentences with phrase «asked over dinner»

There are several ethical risks associated with casual legal questions, whether they're asked over dinner or at a party.
she would ask over dinner.

Not exact matches

asked my friend Ravi as we met for dinner over the weekend.
When I had our Irish pastor and his wife over for dinner, I asked them what he would like to drink.
I am always happy to help people cook beef better, in fact when I posted on my Instastory over the weekend that I was going to be cooking a sirloin tip roast for Sunday dinner, I got half a dozen messages on Instragam asking for tips.
I looked in the fridge a few weeks ago trying to decide what to make for dinner... Isn't it funny how we have such a struggle trying to decide what to make every day... My daughter and I would ask each other, what are we making for dinner, and we'd say «Oh ya, that meal that just keeps coming over and over again».
Yesterday we had some guests over for dinner and I asked Pierre what he would like for dinner... Being an Indian food lover, he immediately took out the Indian cook book that I got him 2 Christmas ago and picked out this:
Last night I was just starting to make soup for dinner when one of my daughters decided to ask a friend over to spend the night.
Having been asked over to a neighbors house for dinner I said I would bring a salad so I bought this dish.
Over the course of the 2 1/2 years of blogging, her now actually asks what we are having for dinner.
But Redzepi isn't slighted; the British food critic Jay Rayner is coming over for dinner tomorrow, and Redzepi asks Nadine to please make another one.
Ask anyone you trust to watch your little (s) and you can «repay» them with a coffee or have them over for dinner once you're feeling up to it.
Maybe you don't want to go out to the big, extended family Christmas at the in - laws this year, but maybe instead you invite your baby's grandparents over for a holiday dinner or ask them to have a special one - on - one bonding day with your baby while you go get your holiday shopping done.
Invite some friends and neighbors over for a group dinner and ask everyone to bring a dish to share.
Hiram Monserrate asked at a romantic dinner (attended by reporters) with Karla Giraldo after a judge modified the order of protection that has kept him away from her for over a year.
We show our smiling social face in the day, ask people we are utterly uninterested in about their children, and then we go home and complain about how boring they are to our partner over dinner.
6:00 p.m.: Call Silda, ask if you can come over for dinner.
As a cardiologist and a strong advocate of plant - based nutrition (it's the only diet ever shown to reverse existing heart artery blockages), I was more than a little excited when a friend called a few weeks ago and asked if I wanted to go to dinner with Brian Wendel, the executive producer of the smash hit Forks Over Knives.
by Virgil Aponte, the Stairs Exercises Guru Over dinner one day a friend of one my clients asked me a very interesting question:
Dustin asked me over my birthday dinner what made this year so different and it took me a minute before I realized why this birthday has been easier.
I could ask my gay friends to pick up artisanal popcorn on their way over for dinner, instead of having them just show up with a bag of ice that's already frozen into a brick.
When I was talking about New Years resolutions over dinner, E started to ask questions about why people make resolutions so I explained to her that people make them because they want to try to achieve something or change something about them.
So, you've had a few great chats over coffee and some all - night phone conversations, and now you're on your first dinner date when she asks you about your ex.
As you chat to him over dinner, you see that he's wearing an expensive watch, but before you've had a chance to compliment him on it, he's already asked if you've heard of the watch brand and boasted about how expensive it is.
«I should ask if he wants to come over for dinner Friday.»
Most guys look forward to Super Bowl Sunday and won't even make a dinner reservation or ask a date out until after the game is over.
I asked to discuss it over dinner.
I haven't tried online dating but I did join a local dinner club and asked 3 different men out over 4 separate dinners for coffee and all 3 said yes.
Tom prays with his penguins before dinner, thanking God for the meal and asking for protection over the ice caps.
- Do laundry - Clean the kitchen - Call my doctor to ask for records to send to a new health insurance company - Iron my work uniform - Cook dinner - Buy more wine - Dare to ask for equal rights under the law - Take over Hollywood
We meet Murph's mother (Jennifer Aniston) and father (Lee Tergesen) at a dinner on the base, after which she asks Bartle to watch over her son.
Over dinner, her clear - eyed idealism and critical faculties (and, realistically, her attractiveness) briefly pull Brad out of his head, until, asked for advice, his confessional nature regarding What to Expect From Life incurs a welcome reality - check earful from a young woman of color.
So later that day, over dinner following the press conference introducing the new A6 to the world's press, you ask a key engineer from Audi two questions.
5 Literary Agents Tell You Exactly How to Secure Representation for Your Book (Chad Allen): Over dinner on Monday night, Chad asked me what advice I'd give to aspiring authors who are on the hunt for an agent.
Occasionally, I may ask them to do something during breaks, like move over, fetch the paper, change the channel, vacuum the living room, or fix dinner.
Perhaps over the course of a day, ask for 10 minutes for breakfast, then 3 minutes close to lunch, then 20 minutes for dinner, 2 lots of 3 minutes between dinner and bedtime, then all overnight.
I waited patiently for months but heard nothing until about a week before the big day when an e-mail arrived in my inbox containing directions to the restaurant along with a cryptic final set of instructions: «If anyone asks who you are, just say you're friends of Laura's coming over for a dinner party.»
Finally - I've taken a fair bit of your time already, so thank you - I was reading an old Iwata Asks about Mario Kart 7, and it mentioned a rousing speech you gave to Retro Studios over dinner at the start of the project, about Mario Kart as a form of communication.
In the format of the traditional Roger Smith Poetry Dinner, each guest is asked to bring a poem to read or recite for the table over the meal.
It just kinda rolled out and kept rolling and then some broke Geek decided to do a dinner and pan-handled bloggers for some wine and stuff and the next thing y» know, it's like the in thing and well I guess a blogging marketing fine wine well suited clothing type guy named Hugh just picked up the thread and took it on and it like grew so wild and humungous man and then everyone wanted in on the wine stuff and that just like freaked out the vinyard down south into sending cases of the stuff all over the world just in case they would kinda infect the brand with a virus thing and then hope they'd sneeze and spread their spit and the viral cold or flu thingy to take hold and sortoflike get its own traction and move to wider audiences who were now into asking Victoria Wine outlet staff for the wine and confusing the dudes into placing an order to meet the demand like and it is still like viralling out there.
Ask them over for dinner on a Saturday night and expect an urgent call to interrupt their conversation.
You can ask other lawyers at networking events or over dinner, but those answers will be anecdotal at best, or completely inaccurate at their worst.
In France, money is never discussed over dinner but the Japanese are comfortable asking how much money you earn and how large your home is, and consider it rude if you don't respond.
If you ask M to plan a birthday dinner for your friend, the software might book the Uber and the restaurant, but a person might surprise your friend at the end of the night by sending over birthday cupcakes from her favorite bakery.
I know that something is big when my Dad asked me about the whole debacle over dinner this week — and he doesn't even use, or fully understand Facebook.Many years ago,...
Over Thanksgiving dinner, Aunt Jane asked you to tell her about what you do in the military.
If you'd like to have some suggestions on interviewing while eating out, email us at [email protected] and ask for the newsletter on Interviewing Over Dinner.
For the family, it saves you the embarrassing silence over Thanksgiving Dinner when Grandma asks what you do, and you don't have the «family - oriented» elevator speech prepared.
If you hit it off with another twosome and want to become friends, just casually ask if they'd like to get together — try out that new restaurant in town or invite them over for dinner — and take it from there, says Deal.
I can always ask my partner to hand over the salt shaker at the dinner table or honey would you please pay the salt.
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